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was the british empire more powerful than the roman empire

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British Empire 33.7million sq miles, thats 22% of the land and 20% of the people. Muhammad was succeeded by the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs (“successors”) who were selected by consensus and acclimation (though not undisputed) until 661 C.E. And how is it even possible to select five empires from among the hundreds that have flourished over the past five thousand years? We wouldn't have a Britain anymore. How were the Mongols able to accomplish these feats? The short answer is that it was indeed more powerful, or was at least an equal, for most of its history. It should not be forgotten that, notwithstanding exaggeration and misinterpretation, the Persians believed that they achieved their goals in Greece and that more Greeks lived in the empire than not. What factors made the Roman empire so powerful? Will America fall, too? Here she is pictured on a Canadian postage stamp during her reign. Do you think the British shared the wealth with the places they colonized? even after the empire britain lasted as … In an era before refrigeration, it was logistically difficult for a Chinese rules to field a comparable army. The Persian Empire was the first empire to connect multiple world regions, including the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, India, Europe, and the Mediterranean world. Some of you may say that I am biased, but I’m actually a Russian living in Canada. Well see the word "powerful" can mean different things. The British Empire comprised of Britain, the 'mother country', and the colonies, countries ruled to some degree by and from Britain. One of the biggest differences was that the Roman Empire was more multicultural. The Persian Empire existed at a unique time in history, when most of the oikumene, or civilized, settled, populated world was concentrated in or near the Middle East. Like the Romans, it has an attractive culture. One doesn't need to be a full time historian of simultaneusly both empires to make a comparison. But in my opinion, empires are entities that happen occasionally in the human history, changing the course of events (mostly for good) in a region of the world, and are necessarily integrative. I saw some posts joking about Italy restoring the Roman Empire , but what about the United Kingdom restoring its empire. Roman Empire: A single State that unified Western Civilization into a … During their heyday, they suffered few setbacks except for their failed invasion of Japan and the 1260 C.E. Britain controlled the world at several times, rome controlled europe. Founded by the Mongol warlord Temujin, who assumed the title of Genghis Khan in 1206 C.E., the Mongol Empire first grew by picking off parts of China, as many previous steppe tribes had done. But its importance is not the product of Western bias: the Roman Empire was truly one of history’s greatest empires. britain wilfully dismantelled there empire when romes was taken from them. Profitability was key to British expansion, and the age of exploration brought wonderous and addictive delights to the British Empire. Though the Carthaginian general Hannibal almost destroyed the Romans after the Battle of Cannae in 216 B.C.E., the Romans were able to land an army at Carthage to defeat it a mere fourteen years later. That’s all I have to say, the British were more powerful than the Romans . Indeed, in 480 B.C.E., the empire had a population of approximately 49.4 million people, which was 44 percent of the global population at that time. britain was far richer and with many more people. The British Empire vs The Roman Empire - Historical Comparison. As a result, the Persian Empire, which dominated most of the Middle East, ruled over a greater percentage of the world’s population than any other empire in history. With land, with trade, with goods, and with literal human resources, the British Empire could grab more and more power. Info. The Mongol Empire was another empire that originated on the periphery, and against all odds, defeated enemies much more powerful and populous than it. It's not exactly a revelation that an existing more than a millenia after the priors fall had better tech. Rome was able to conquer most of Europe, while the British had colonies in nearly every continent, and the entire continent of Australia. The British Empire vs The Roman Empire - Historical Comparison - YouTube. Napoleon, the south sea bubble, that's honestly the only two I can think of. Because of its location, the Arab Empire, like the Persian Empire before it, connected the other centers of world civilization in Africa, Europe, Central Asia, India and China. The left’s view of Empire is that it was just pure exploitation and suppression. The 18th century saw the newly united Great Britain rise to be the world's dominant colonial power, with France becoming its main rival on the imperial stage. If you just use the argument that American nukes could destroy the world, in that sense it’s more powerful than British + Mongol empires which didn’t have nuclear technology at the time. Get an easy, free answer to your question in Top Homework Answers. If you're counting WW1 and WW2 then that would be one of the biggest challenges the Empire had to face, but they lost all their colonies shortly after that so they failed that challenge essentially. I'm in a debate in school and I'm going against the Roman Empire next and I need to know why the British Empire was great (1750-1900) and why the Roman Empire sucked Although the Persian Empire came to an inglorious end at the hands of Alexander the Great in 330 B.C.E., it had a lasting legacy on the subsequent development of world civilizations and future empires. At it’s greatest extent, the British empire was known as the largest empire in history, as it covered more than 13,000,000 square miles, which is approximately a quarter of the Earth’s total land area, and controlled more than 500 million people – again a quarter of the world’s population. Even at its height, Rome's military had its limits. This was perceived as a grievous affront to the Great Khan and the subsequent Mongol revenge completely wrecked Central Asia and ended its Golden Age. These Adverts help to pay for this site ai6. But the romans, they blew everyone out of the water by that time and they conquered the higher developed nations while Britain fought "savages" while having guns. Governments that hold true power seem to be reflected on the most. The king was elected to his position. I say that that British Empire changed the world the most because their economic system and schooling system means they had technology and money to build army and navies in Rome could only dream of. The Ottoman Empire, governed from modern-day Turkey, outlasted the British Empire because it ruled for at least 600 years. The Arab Empire, also known as the Caliphate, was a political entity founded by the Muslim Prophet Muhammad that encompassed most of Arabia by the time of his death in 632 C.E. At it’s greatest extent, the British empire was known as the largest empire in history, as it covered more than 13,000,000 square miles, which is approximately a quarter of the Earth’s total land area, and controlled more than 500 million people – again a quarter of the world’s population. Nonetheless, in its own time the Arab Empire was extraordinary, both because of its military successes, and because of its legacy. There are several factors that made this empire more successful. britain took 1/4 of all land on earth much more than the romans. Contained within these three cities is more than 80% of the world's wealth. I’m not trying to diminish what Rome accomplished, Rome helped tribal nations turn into the stable kingdoms that would become France , Spain, and England. These places that were colonized were doing just fine until the British Empire rolled in to enslave all of them. Despite Greece’s reputation as the “birthplace of democracy,” the American Founding Fathers were primarily influenced by British and Roman practices. I'm in a debate in school and I'm going against the Roman Empire next and I need to know why the British Empire was great (1750-1900) and why the Roman Empire sucked Home Mail Of all the empires that arose and thrived on the face of this earth, which were the five most powerful? It began with the overseas possessions and trading posts established by England between the late 16th and early 18th centuries. As a result, goods and knowledge from all these regions were able to mix for the first time, giving rise to new concepts like algebra. The king relied on his nobles for defense . Then as they got more established in the area they would betray the local populace and take over their lands. Empire size in this list is defined as the dry land area it controlled at the time, which may differ considerably from the area it … The industrial revolution started in Britain. I too believe the British Empire was one of the greatest, but the topic is why ancient rome is a great empire than ancient greece. Profitability was key to British expansion, and the age of exploration brought wonderous and addictive delights to the British Empire. Press J to jump to the feed. Truth be told, any formulation of the “five most powerful empires” will always be subjective, because all empires were glorious and influential in their own ways. Britain was peak bordergore. The Mongol Empire. At its height, it was the largest empire in history, and the world’s most powerful superpower for more than a century. British Empire. I even dare to say that the Romans had thought opposition to face in Europe than the British had in Africa or America. And they were both dicks honestly. The hereditary Umayyad Caliphate then ruled until 750 C.E., followed by the Abbasid Caliphate, though conquests had ended by this point. In a hundred years, the Arab Empire grew to be several times larger than the Roman Empire at its height. © Copyright 2021 Center for the National Interest All Rights Reserved. The Empire asserts its control over its colonies (such as the U.S., Canada, Australia, the European Union) through complicated means. The Empire was divided into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman/Byzantine Empire in 395 AD, although the latter is usually considered to have become a sort of distinct civilization. The Arab Empire effectively ended around 900 C.E., although the Abbasids maintained their religious role as figurehead Caliphs in Baghdad until the destruction of that city by the Mongols in 1258 C.E. The Persians were always a thorn in the Roman’s side, to name one example. Got a burning unpopular opinion you want to share? However, at its peak, the Romans formed one of the empires that controlled the largest part of Europe and the Mediterranean. 10% of Rome's entire population wiped out. Although there were only about two million Mongols in the whole world, they subsequently conquered most of the Middle East, Russia, and China under Genghis Khan’s descendants. Can you imagine if Hitler or Napoleon was able to successfully invade London? However the British got their political and law system from the Romans and Rome in the day had great economic power. These powerful empires all fell. The Romans on the other hand had numerous ups and downs, but they were always able to come out ahead in the end due to their awesomeness. Once the Roman Republic transitioned into the Roman Empire, the idea and majesty of Caesar served as an inspiration for future rulers. Combined with the subsequent establishment of European sea routes that bypassed the Silk Road, the Mongol Invasions spelled the doom of Central Asia as an important region. However, the French were still a fair ways behind the British, mostly because they had friendly-ish relations post Napoleon and thus didn’t feel the need to challenge each other. By 1922, more than 458 million people lived in the British Empire, which was more than one fifth of the world’s population at that time. Romans make Britain's 'keep calm and carry on' mantra look childish. The Roman Empire has long been the empire par excellence for the Western world. Anyway, I spent way too long writing this but both empires have had an incredible impact on human history. It's arbitrary whichever date you choose, but length of ascendancy need not be directly related to imortance of legacy. We came to lands were warfare had been the way of life for millennia, India and Africa. The Mongol Empire was another empire that originated on the periphery, and against all odds, defeated enemies much more powerful and populous than it. When the empire did collapse, it was due more to continued crisis and civil war rather than its invasion by Germanic tribes. More importantly, Carausius’s powerful fleet was back in Roman hands. It combines the British ingenuity for trade with a more deeply held liberalism and continent-sized resources. They just fucking peaced out while everything was on fire. The British acquired their power through more smarmy means. Share. But there are some empires that were simply so powerful, large, and influential over the grand sweep of history that they deserve to be called the greatest, no matter the criteria. The Romans acquired their empire through true grit, they were brutal and destructive just like any empire, but they at least made their ultimatums clear. As for durability, when does one choose to date the British Empire from? But the romans, they blew everyone out of the water by that time and they conquered the higher developed nations while Britain fought "savages" while having guns. A third of people in the UK believe Britain’s colonies were better off for being part of an empire, a higher proportion than in any of the other major colonial powers, a global survey has revealed. The ultimate legacy of the Arab Empire, of course, is the religion of Islam, followed by more than a billion people today. The Spanish Empire was truly an empire because he integrated a lot of cultures inside their administration and laws. We would all be speaking Turkish, and every family must give their first born son as 'child tax'. The French however, were to some degree worthy challengers to the British. They would often hide their true intentions as much as possible, approaching their colonization as a business arrangement with the locals. Despite their small population, the Mongols were able to field large and mobile armies against their enemies because they carried their herds with them and could sustain themselves off of horse blood. In the 16th century … It's just more evocative to me. British stoicism ain't nothing compared to the Roman spirit. The empire was one of the most successful with an effective Roman Army and beautiful Roman architectures. The Roman empire collapse due to many contributing reasons, and the British empire rose to power due to many contributing reasons, The Fall of Rome, which was sacked by many different groups, including the Angles, Saxons and Franks, was a important event, without it, the Angles and Saxons couldn't have settled and grown in the British isles, and the Franks couldn't have settled and grown in France, … Is for that reason that I don't consider as truly empires most of the empires formed after the popularization of scientific racism (like the British Empire or the Third Reich), because they were not integrative, and made the natives their slaves. Did they 'civilize' these places, and build up their infrastructure and industry? Because the British invaded their lands, raped their populace, stole their resources, and then drew arbitrary dividing lines through these lands to create puppet states that they could continue to control after they shut down the colonies. Great Britain, Portugal, the Netherlands, and the Holy Roman Empire continued the War of the Spanish Succession, which lasted until 1714 and was concluded by the Treaty of Utrecht. But if you compare them to their strength in their own respective times though, the British Empire was significantly more powerful than the USA is today. The Roman legacy is strongest in Western Europe, where the Romans conquered societies that were significantly more primitive than them. Pathetic. The … The Spanish and the French weren't laggin behind much. And if you think there's no such thing as American empire go read a book please. Imagine if the Ottoman empire was the one to discover and use science. Spain was absolutely lagging behind. The British Empire did more to advance civilisation than any other force in history. Roman Empire 0.65 million sq miles, thats 4.36% of the land. The British expanded their empire so much that english is the most common spoken language today , and some of the world’s largest cities use to be part of the empire , like New York , Hong Kong, and Singapore. My point here is that the British had a massive empire , some of today’s largest countries , Canada and India , were part of Britain . By the time they left everything was in shambles and they make no effort to put anything back together. This one should be obvious. No in terms of weapons due to technology,but in term of its expansions and influence around the world. And the Eastern Empire lasted until 1453 C.E., giving the political history of the Roman state a whopping two millennia span. The British Empire was the largest Empire to have ever existed in our history. The American political system— with its separate branches of government— approximate this Roman institutional division. However, given that this half of the Empire fell only in 1453 AD, this extends the whole year count to 2206 years. the roman empire lasted longer. It says, The sun … The British didn't outshine their competition like the Romans did. Learn more about the British Empire in this article. "It was so massive that we almost struggle to comprehend it … Britain was the First Nation to industrialize , making it more powerful than empires like Russia, allowing the British to defeat Russia during the Crimean war. People seem to forget the power of the Third French Empire, it really was formidable. Well, I'm not going to say you are not right, because all you said is true, must I think that some punctuations can be made. It is more reasonable to call this the Arab Empire rather than the Muslim Empire because while Islam originated and spread because of this empire, there were many subsequent empires that were legally Muslim or ruled by Muslims but were not Arab. Today we’ll look at two mighty historical empires, in this episode of the Infographics show, The British Empire vs. This is a complete lie. The British Empire was larger and more powerful than ever… As Queen of Great Britain, Queen Victoria was also Queen of all the countries in the British Empire. The Achaemenid Persian Empire was founded by Cyrus the Great around 550 B.C.E., who went by the title of King of Kings (Shahanshah). The king was able to share his authority. The Mongol Empire was another empire that originated on the periphery, and against all odds, defeated enemies much more powerful and populous than it. Pax Brittanica. Part of what makes an empire great is not just what it's accomplished, but what its survived. By the time the period of Pax Brittanica was setting in after Napoleon’s defeat at Waterloo, the Spanish were in ruins; they had been occupied by France during the Peninsula war, and the fact they lost all of their South American colonies only 15 or so years later is evidence of this. The Persian religion, Zoroastrianism, influenced the development of key concepts like free will and heaven and hell in Abrahamic religions through Judaism. Professor who said British Empire was worse than Nazis hits out at white 'psychosis' on Good Morning Britain. It was the world’s largest contiguous land empire, one that struck terror into all its enemies. Copy link. Well, to be fair, Persia (both the Parthian and Sasanian Empires) fought them to a standstill at worst as did the German tribes from the Teutoburg Forest onward.. The natives' lives and cultures were protected through laws as soon as they converted to Catholicism, and the lands were filled with cities and universities, that were used by every man that could pay them, without exception of race. Although ancient greece contributed philosophy, great art, democracy to the world, ancient rome, i believe, had a more significant effect on the world, just because it was so vast and dominated Europe for such a long time. The world is so lucky that it was the British Empire that basically took over the world (and their offshoot america which has the same values). The Romans were a tenacious people. Later, the Roman embrace of Christianity helped elevate that religion from a minor cult to one of the world’s great religions. What about the sack of Rome? But it was not held together by brute force alone; once conquered, people aspired to become Roman, which meant participating in a sophisticated, urbane, classical culture. Yea, that's right the capital of the empire got invaded and the motherfuckers still stuck around for hundreds of more years. The king created a centralized government. Largest empires by land area. read more 'In the 21st century, 60% of British people believe that empire was a force for good. After 900 C.E., the empire began to crumble politically with the rise of rival dynasties, many of them Turkic and Persian in origin, as well as rival Caliphates in Spain and Egypt. But it wasn't that much more powerful than the western empire. British Empire versus Roman Empire.. The Persian Empire’s legacy to the world in terms of imperial ideas include the use of a network of roads, a postal system, a single language for administration (Imperial Aramaic), autonomy for various ethnicities, and a bureaucracy. Of course, there was a lot of death, but they didn't become through the conquest, but the epidemics that came with the conquistadors, thing that they weren't able to control. Do you know why places like Africa and the Middle East are struggling for peace? Why was the king of France more powerful than the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire? Britain was the First Nation to industrialize, making it more powerful than empires like Russia, allowing the British to defeat Russia during the Crimean war. Empires are all about gaining access to the most limited resource: Power. The Persian Empire ushered in a period of harmony and peace in the Middle East for two hundred years, a feat that has seldom been replicated. It's really interesting you mentioned restoring the British Empire. They broke these places and kept them broken so they were easier to control. Watch later. The question of which empire is 'better' is probably too vague to say for sure, but I'd say that the Roman Empire has a way better story. Roman Law also influenced all subsequent legal systems in the West. Several important features of the modern world are the result of the Roman Empire. It jumpstarted the concept of empires in places like Greece and India. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. For context, the land area of the Earth, excluding the continent of Antarctica, is 134,740,000 km 2 (52,023,000 sq mi).. Empires at their greatest extent. The artefacts were found at a … This may not be unpopular unless your a Roman lover , but if that’s the case , you must know that your wrong. Rome had prettier borders. The British empire is the largest ever ruling empire in the World. East was always more populous and wealthier than the west. No, it is plain British chauvinism to even compare their own little colonial dominions with the Roman Empire. At the time Rome was the most powerful empire in the world, and could basically push around anybody anytime ( Despite what most people believe Hadrian did not build the wall simply because "they couldn't take on the Pykes", he built it because he had realized that Rome was becoming too large too fast and that they had more land then … In fact, many of them frequently spoke of their distaste for the Athenian experiment in democracy and their admiration for the Roman form of mixed government, where monarchical, aristocratic, and democratic elements shared power. This may be obvious , but technology wise , the British were far more superior than the Romans , even when compared to France and Spain. The Arab conquests are a good example of how ideological zeal can sometimes make up for technological and organizational deficiencies, and Arab generals from this period deserve to be ranked among the world’s greatest military geniuses, especially the third Caliph Omar, who conquered the region from Egypt to Persia in ten years. The Roman legions were militarily dominant for centuries, enabling Rome to rule over nearly all other civilized peoples in the Mediterranean and Near East except the Persians for hundreds of years and facing only minor raids by disorganized tribes. Backward and British Empire vs I spent way too long writing this but both empires to a... To face in Europe world are the ones that can hold together when things go badly multicultural... Biggest differences was that the Roman Empire unpopular opinion you want to share greatest... Ad, this extends the whole year count to 2206 years a minor cult to one of ’! 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