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Hank Hall aka Hawk is a superhero. Hawk Unfortunately, Hank learned of a love affair Dawn was having with Dick behind his back. Because of the systematic abuse he suffered at the hands of his coach as a child, the early losses of his mother and brother and the punishment his body had to withstand over the years as a football player and vigilante, he started relying on pills to get by, which evolved into generalized substance abuse. They discussed plans to take down Dr. Light with Dick, before he let them know that they had a guest, Rose Wilson, also the daughter of their former rival, Slade Wilson. Locating Dr. Light, they made their way to a stadium, where they surrounded him. Main Categories. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Eventually, Hank learned that Don had informed the athletic director of his medical condition, thus suspending him from participating in upcoming competitions. Even swearing after becoming frustrated, Coach Vincent took it as the opportunity to threaten to blackmail them and to have their scholarships taken away. Add new page. Recently Changed Pages. That night, Hank and Dawn headed out on their mission. On December 14, Hank and Don brought a newspaper at a newsstand, where they made the front page of The Washington Post as Hawk and Dove; being credited for taking down a child pornography ring. Disgusted by the fact that there were so many unpunished offenders in his neighborhood, Hank accepted. Family He was also seen using his own experience with drug abuse to help Ellis maintain sobriety as well, all while being a loving and devoted partner to Dawn, staying at her bedside during the whole month she stayed in a coma. Category:Hank Hall (New Earth)/Appearances | Comic Book Network Wiki | Fandom. In the parallel-universe of Earth-One, teenager Hank had grown to be fiercely proud of America’s role in world events, and firmly believed in the policy of dealing with Communist regimes from a position of strength. Sasha Martens used the alias while partnered with Wiley Wolverman. To celebrate three and a half years together, Hank gave her a key belonging to the cage holding his pet doves. [4] Deathstroke proved to be a formidable enemy for the Titans that they disbanded and shuttered Titans Tower.[5]. Add new page. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. However, Dawn made the staunch decision to stay with Hank and punish Vincent alongside him. Hank who didn't feel comfortable with the situation, did everything he could to get himself and his younger brother away from Vincent, but to no avail. His biological father was never involved in his life. JLU Customs Wiki. Missing data. He is played by Alan Ritchson. Hank Hall | Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki | Fandom. Register Start a Wiki. Afterward, they returned to Hank's apartment and shared an intimate moment. [1], At some point, before 2014, Dawn took on the mantle as Dove and they both started to operate as vigilantes in Gotham City. They forced him to admit his crimes, all while beating him up and recording it with a camera. HawkFrank He had numerous hit singles. In that exact moment, before a car could nearly run into he and Dawn, another swerved in and took the hit and fatally ran into Don and Marie.[1]. Hank Hall (born c. 1989)[1] is the vigilante Hawk. 1 History 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Powers 2.2 Abilities 2.3 Strength level 2.4 Weaknesses 3 Paraphernalia 4 Notes 5 Trivia 6 See Also 7 Recommended Reading 8 Links and References History of character is unknown. 5,147 Pages. Hank Williams Jr. is a legend in country, and is the son of country legend Hank Williams. They returned home, where Hank took a bath, which Dawn helped him out of. Hank Williams was a legend in country. He Investigated and found Dawn missing along with his laptop left open, with information on his childhood coach's location. Hank Hall aka Hawk is one half of the crime-fighting, vigilante duo and romantic couple of Hawk and Dove. Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; Discuss. Before he could be further tortured, he was rescued by Dove. However, Hank lied, promising that nothing happened. He eventually graduated and made it to college. They stripped in front of one another just before making love. Hank | The eWrestling Encyclopedia | Fandom. Volumes two and three also went platinum. Hank is led into the weight room by Coach Vincent as the door is closed behind them. The Nuclear family and coming face to face with Trigon, Attempting to settle down and the resurgence of Dr. Light. Wikis. Add new page. [4] The Titans were successful in apprehending Light, and he was sent to San Quentin State Prison. Yet, Dawn found explicit pictures of underage children on his laptop. Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki . The original Hawk was Hank Hall, partner to Don Hall. Add new page. Alan Ritchson Add new page. 13,999 Pages. [8], They made their way to Titans Tower in San Francisco with Donna. With Gar seemingly dead, Rachel was distraught and also gave into her darkness, being possessed by her father. Hank was assisted back to the by Dawn, where he proceeded to attack Dick for not doing anything to stop Light, but Dawn talked him down. Games Movies TV Video. That same night, Hank was startled awake by the slamming of his apartment door. Hank Hall | DC's Earth-44 Wiki | Fandom. Hank followed her and arrived at Vincent's house just as he was seconds away from attempting to murder Dawn. Brothers Hank and Don Hall gained their powers of heightened strength and agility from two Lords of Chaos and Order fallen in love.and fought crime together as Hawk and Dove, despite their diametrically opposed opinions about the use of force. https://titans.fandom.com/wiki/Hank_Hall?oldid=20613, This section is a stub. In the middle of the night, Hank woke up to find Dawn gone. Status Register Start a Wiki. He is the son of a late unnamed woman, the older half-brother of the late Don Hall, the ex-boyfriend and crime-fighting partner of Dawn Granger/Dove and a founding member of the Titans. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Recent blog posts Explore. No trivia. Hank and Dawn imagined they were back in their apartment, and Hank managed to convince Dawn to shoot up, giving in to their mutual darkness. The eWrestling Encyclopedia . He began to radiate with light from within, causing Hank and Dawn to run for their lives, closely escaping the explosion that ensued. Register Start a Wiki. Recently Changed Pages . Games Movies TV Video. He shot blasts of light energy at them, fleeing from the stadium. No special notes. Community. Wikis. He has a Grammy. They were suddenly joined by a family, who instigated a severe battle, ultimately leading to Dawn being thrown flying over the edge of the roof and kidnapping Rachel.[2]. This kindness carried over to his adult life, as evidenced by the fact that he helped Rachel in a heartbeat, despite not knowing her and disliking her association with Dick (against whom he held a grudge). Exclude Fandoms Titans (TV 2018) (161) Batman - All Media Types (43) DCU (26) Teen Titans - All Media Types (20) Titans (Comics) (16) DCU (Comics) (16) Hawk and Dove (Comics) (15) Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons) (14) Teen Titans (Comics) (8) Batman (Comics) (7) Exclude Characters Hank Hall (201) Dick Grayson (156) Dawn Granger (154) Garfield Logan (122) Donna Troy … He had numerous certified compilations. Hawk and Dove receive their powers from the Lords of Chaos and Order, respectively, and their powers are mystic in origin. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Wikis. Hawk (Hank Hall) | Hawk And Dove Wiki | Fandom. Donna managed to subdue Dr. Light, but he ultimately got away. Main Page. Hawk represents "chaos", while Dove represented "order". Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Hawk is a legacy name used by several superheroes acting as the avatar of war, partnered with Dove as Hawk and Dove. country father of Hank Williams Jr. numerous country hits helped pioneer rockabilly numerous awards and accolades Hank Hallis a vigilante known as Hawk, and the boyfriend ofDawn Granger, also known as Dove. Incompatible Temporal Sequencing VOX Box: Dream a Little Dream 2 Kilowog; Ch'p; Fastball; Mera ; Rampage; Ghost Rider; Captain Marvel / Ms Marvel / Binary … Don was replaced by Dawn Granger. Hank called Dick, explaining the situation and assuming it to be their old enemy Dr. Light, suggesting they meet up. Alive Register Start a Wiki. The following day, Hank returned home to find Dawn on the roof with Dick Grayson. They were suddenly interrupted by Ellis, who knocked on their door. Hank, however, was unopposed to his brother's speech even after initially wanting to still play games.[1]. Transportation: None known. His brother, Don Hall, the original Dove, died during the "worst crisis the world has ever seen". Alan RitchsonTait Blum (young). When they returned home, they found Rachel on the roof with an envelope of money used to compensate Dawn and Hank for keeping Rachel for the time being. He was inThe BeatlesfilmSgt. His mantle of Dove was later passed down to Dawn Granger, after he died at a result of an accidental car crash. Much like Grey Man, he has a round head with black eyes and a black mouth. Using football as an outlet to release his anger, Don began to feel guilty for the time he had to sacrifice himself in the locker room. Alive Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki. Register Start a Wiki. They all expressed anger at him harboring a probable enemy, but he asked that they focus on the problem at hand, Dr. Light. 1 Biografía 1.1 Vida Temprana 1.2 El Nacimiento de Halcón y… They graciously helped pick up their items and became slight preoccupied with one another. Portrayed by While attending a frat party to celebrate his team's victory, he was approached by Don, who was concerned, and although he insisted that he was fine, he suddenly collapsed and was taken to see a doctor. Hank was born around 1989 in Washington, D.C. and raised, alongside his half-brother Don Hall, by a single mother. Occupation(s) The next morning, Dawn told him that it was better to keep their relationship strictly professional and to keep it a secret. Comic Book Network Wiki . After a few sessions, Hank offered to get Dawn a drink with the intention of getting to know more about each other's loved one. 1 Name 2 DOB 3 Origin 4 Family 5 Occupation Henry "Hank" Hall 1989 Washington DC, USA Irwin Hall (Father) Rae Hall (Mother, Deceased) Don Hall (Half-brother, … Oddly persistent, Coach Vincent offered Don a chance to be "shown" the weight room. In the meanwhile, Hank began helping to rehabilitate Ellis, a drug addict, teaching him to ride a horse. You can help expand this section by. Compilation America (The Way I See It) went gold. While he may look like a brute with a penchant for destruction, Hank Hall is a very decent man who has endured a lot of pain in his life, physically and mentally. He also doesn't tolerate lies or betrayal, as he became furious with Dawn over her continued vigilantism, especially after almost dying; this argument ultimately led him to threaten to end their relationship if she could not stop fighting as Dove, as he could not endure the thought of losing her again. Edit. As Dawn remarked, the two became vigilantes to deal with their pain, and once that became not enough for Hank, his drug and alcohol use spiraled out of control, though it was often shrugged off as being necessary to deal with the pain of his injuries. Regardless, he seemingly realized the extent of his problem after watching Dawn endure a coma for a month, along with another shock right afterward, when his mind was manipulated by Trigon; in this illusion, Hank's inner darkness overwhelmed him after convincing Dawn to try intravenous heroin to deal with her own pain. Games Movies TV Video. Games Movies TV Video. Neither father took parental responsibility nor were they ever present in … He appears during the epilogue of Cars, sipping oil at the newly re-popularized Flo's V8 Café. They all entered the house, but in doing so all entered a dream state. When Dick arrived, Hank angrily questioned him before Dick promised to find the people responsible for her injury. Most Visited Articles. Wiki Content. Hank was taken to Marie's favorite restaurant and tried scones, whereas he took Dawn to Don's favorite pizza parlor. He tried to make them realize that justice requir… Hank was the abusive boyfriend of Sarah Owens who tried too hard to keep her from changing from the small-town girl he started dating. [6] Hank began to spend every day at Dawn side in the hospital. Wiki Content. Recently Changed Pages. Because of this, in the real world, they all fell under the demon Trigon's control. Earth-27 Wiki. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? They followed him outside, using cars as cover, but Hank managed to be grazed on the leg by a blast. While searching for blankets, she happened to find the original Hawk and Dove suits, causing Hank to show her footage of the times he and Don fought together. Register Start a Wiki. Register Start a Wiki. Hank and Hal met at the Arlen Mega Lo Mart in the Season 4 episode "Not in My Back Hoe." Hawk (Hank Hall) | JLU Customs Wiki | Fandom. They would often visit their father Judge Irwin Hall at work to debate world views. On Oracle's request, Steph teams up with Birds of Prey members Dove and Hawk to keep Vicki Vale alive and go after the Seven Men of Death. Hank revealed that he and his brother never punished Coach Vincent, seeing that it would make things "too real". Chronology Pre-Reboot. Wikis. Equipment: None known. Games Movies TV Video. Species He was a recurring character in the first season of Titans and became part of the Main Cast in the second season. He is coined the avatar of war. Hawk Hank Hall Fighting) Gd10 Agility) Ty6 Strength) Gd10 Endurance) Gd10 Reason) Gd10 Intuition) Gd10 Psyche) Gd10 Health: 36 Karma: 30 Resources: Gd10 Pop: 0 Known Powers: -Alter Ego: By saying the name "Hawk", Hank Hall can transform back into the avatar of war knon as Hawk... Hank Hall | New Origins Superhero Wiki | Fandom. Summoned to the Dean's office, Hank was asked to write a formal apology, seeing that there was evidence that he engaged the fight, but more so because he was one of the school's best players. Hank Hall Hank Hall. Their Judge Hall often lectured his sons on seeing both sides of an issue, not just making judgments from their respective conservative (Hank) and liberal (Don) views. Weapons: None known. Wiki Content. Cornering Gar and Rachel, they all beat the former up. Wikis. Enraged, Hank confronted his brother the school library, eventually starting a fight with another student. Wikis. Hank Hall Dove (Dawn Granger) Hawk (Holly Granger) Dove (Don Hall) Hawk (Hank Hall) Hawk and Dove … As the possessed Titans watched as Trigon's enacted his plan to destroy the world, Rachel managed to defeat him, snappng them all out of their state. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Add new page. Popular pages. Hank is a recurring character in Season 2 of Melrose Place, portrayed by Thom Bierdz. Hank Hall is the superhero Hawk, of Hawk and Dove. Civilian However, Hank lied, promising that nothing happened. Wiki Content. Hank Hallsum1 is a blue pickup truck. Eventually the Tee… The pair accepted the invitation and became a founding member of the Titans along with Robin, Aqualad, Wonder Girl, Kid Flash, Caveboy, Herald, Lilith and Speedy. Unnamed (father)Unnamed (mother; deceased)Don Hall (half-brother; deceased) Before they could be killed, Robin showed up and rescued them, exposing his merciless capabilities. The conservative Hawk (Hank) was hot-headed and reactiona… Recently Changed Pages. El fue miembro fundador de los Titanes. 37,866 Pages. "Nightwing" Human Register Start a Wiki. [2], At some point, Hank joined the Titans, a group formed by four superheroes, Robin, Wonder Girl, Dove and himself. None known. Therefore, on April 24, 2009, Hank and Don patrolled their street as Hawk and Dove for the first time, assaulting an alleged pedophile, Dwayne Wainwright. Wikis. He was a recurring character in the first season of Titans and became part of the Main Cast in the second season. Don, outraged that Hank's injuries are so simply overlooked, sternly suggested to have the both of them expelled. Unknown. Wiki Content. Before he could get angry, Dawn pointed out that Rachel Roth was Dick's reason for being there. During their careers as vigilantes, the trio would then reveal their true identities to each other, even being introduced to Donna Troy. None known. blues rock Southern rock country rock Son of country legend Hank Williams dominated the country charts for decades in both albums and singles, with numerous albums going at least gold Hank Williams Jr's Greatest Hits went five times platinum. Add new page. Games Movies TV Video. Both of them were admonishing store clerks for not knowing about proper tool use. Waiting around for leads, Hank expressed how much he missed being a part of the Titans, hoping it may be different if they started doing it again, but Dawn reminded him of his addiction. Hawk And Dove Wiki. She gave birth to two boys, Hank and Don Hall, each with different fathers. Species He wears a yellow whistle attatched to a black string around his neck. Add new page. Hank Hallsum is a minor character in Cars. 422 Pages. DC Universe Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. [7], Hank and Dawn planted roots in Wyoming, living there for three months. He is a retired football coach. They attempted to have sex, but Hank was unable to due to his wounded hip. When questioned on his motives for being Hawk, Hank opened up for the first time and confessed about his molestation as a child. Appearances of Hank Hall … Using football as an outlet to release his anger, Don began to feel guilty for the time he had to sacrifice himself in the locker room. While at college, Hank played for the Kesel Lions and suffered numerous head injuries, including a recent one during a football game against the Dayton Hogs. Human Wikis. The doctor advised him to take time to recover with the addition of painkillers, but he refused and claimed that he was determined to finish the season. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Sometime later, Hank and Dawn crossed paths again at a support group. They eventually socialized more often and bonded to a point where they became close friends. One night, Hawk was taken captive by some thugs, chaining him up. https://dc-universe.fandom.com/wiki/Hank_Hall?oldid=984, Hank Hall was created by Steve Ditko and Steve Skeates and debuted in. Universe. Dawn and Hank eventually entered a relationship and moved away from Gotham to resume their vigilante careers in their hometown Washington, D.C. Despite being predominantly a … Characters. 49 Pages. Games Movies TV Video. Category:Hank Hall/Appearances | Headhunter's Holosuite Wiki | Fandom. Suggesting a different method for taking out his anger, Don proposed the idea to penalize the sexual offenders in their neighborhood. At first, things seemed to be going well but were overwhelmed. "Hawk and Dove" Sometime after that, their mother developed cancer and died, not being able to afford proper medical attention. Hank and Don were eventually invited to join the Teen Titans, a superhero team made up of primarily of teenagers aged 13-19. Before proceeding to beat Vincent to death, Hank demanded Dawn to return home. He has four Emmys. El inicio su carrera contra el crimen con su fallecido hermano menor Don Hall, mas tarde con Dawn Granger como su nueva compañera. He waited up for her, discovering that she had been operating as Dove for a month, despite them agreeing to put that life behind them. Recorded, Hank declares himself a hero on his very first night as Hawk. Despite living in a poor district, the Hall brothers were pushed academically to gain a scholarship that offered them the chance to attend a prestigious private school where, in 1999, Hank became a top star for the school football team, The Hawks. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He has since then had a strong resentment toward Dick. Missing data. Despite all that goodness, Hank can be a very angry, violent person, as shown when he killed his abuser, carrying bad blood with Dick over his betrayal from years ago, and, from the start, wanting to get in a fight with Jason Todd, despite being older and more experienced as a hero. Sipping oil at the newly re-popularized Flo 's V8 Cafe at the Arlen Mega Lo Mart in first! 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