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do presbyterians celebrate christmas

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[Socrates, Lib. For no one of Christ’s laws permits Christians to observe the rites of the Jews. Yet when Origen, about the middle of the third century, professes to give a list of the fasts and festivals which were observed in his day, he makes no mention of Christmas. Presbyterians have not always While … Though I grew up in an area where there were few Mormons, I knew that Latter-day Saints celebrated Christmas because the Mormon Tabernacle Choir has a Christmas special on television every year. In 1845 he speaks of Christmas meetings as common in New York City on Christmas. Wiki User Answered 2015-10-23 20:29:08. In the last half of the 1800s, some influential Presbyterian leaders and seminary professors wrote a number of books on worship and liturgical issues. On Dec. 25, 1775, his diary read: “Christmas Morning - Not A Gun is heard - Not a Shout - No company or Cabal assembled - To Day is like other Days every Way calm & temperate - People go about their daily Business with the same Readiness, & apply themselves to it with the same Industry.”. In the United States, the Massachusetts General Court did the same. Presbyterians follow the Bible and no where in that Bible does it declare we celebrate holidays especially Christmas and Easter. We believe, and teach, in our public formularies, that “there is no day, under the Gospel dispensation, commanded to be kept holy, except the Lord’s day, which is the Christian Sabbath.”. Let any one impartially weigh Colossians ii. 9, 10, 11; and then say whether these passages do not evidently indicate, that the inspired Apostle disapproved of the observance of such days. We believe, indeed, and declare, in the same formula, that it is both scriptural and rational, to observe special days of Fasting and Thanksgiving, as the extraordinary dispensations of Divine Providence may direct. Geneva, as one of the leading Protestant cities in the mid-1500s, had abolished all feast and saints’ days prior to Calvin’s arrival there. The Quakers did not regard this day any more remarkable than other days. Therefore, it comes to pass, that in every place they do celebrate, of their own accord, the remembrance of the Lord’s passion. He is free to celebrate it. 1835-Samuel Miller.-In this section of his chapter on Presbyterian worship, from his book "Presbyterianism, the Truly Primitive and Apostolic Constitution of the Christian Church," Miller asserts and explains why Presbyterians do not celebrate holy-days such as Christmas or Easter. A small number were, at an early period, brought into use by serious men, who thought they were thereby rendering God service, and extending the reign of religion. They made their new festival, therefore, a season of relaxation and mirth, of cheerful visiting, and mutual presents. We celebrate Christmas with gift-giving because of the “indescribable gift” that God gave to us (2 Corinthians 9:15). Separating themselves from the Roman Catholic Church practices, Protestant Reformation leaders were generally critical of the existing “feast and saint days” of the Catholic Church. Jehovah's Witnesses do not celebrate Christmas. And so, without any breach of charity, it may be said to be in every religious community in which zeal for the observance of uncommanded holy-days prevails. Halloween seems to be on … See Answer. Religions that don't include: Jehovah's Witnesses, Buddishts, Taoists, etc. 5. Change was coming Where the Anglican Church was the official church of a colony — especially in the South — Christmas was celebrated. With the Scottish Reformation, a clear stand against the observance of Christmas was taken by the Kirk (church) in 1560 and again in 1566. And superstition has ever been found unfriendly to genuine obedience. Top Answer. 20th Century celebrated Christmas. But neither our Saviour nor his Apostles have any where commanded us to observe it. Yes indeed, we should, as the Scripture … It is true, many in those communities tell us, that the observance of holy-days, devoted to particular persons and events in the history of the Church, has a manifest and strong tendency to increase the spirit of piety. Christmas falls in the time of year when people for thousands of years have been celebrating in one way or another. But neither our Saviour nor his Apostles have any where commanded us to observe it. Although it is based on a story in the Bible, celebrating it on December 25, or at all, is not found in the Bible. “So, celebrating Christmas is up to the conviction of the Christian. As there were no holy-days, excepting the Lord’s day, observed in the Christian Church while the Apostles lived; and no hint given, that they thought any other expedient or desirable; so we find no hint of any such observance having been adopted until towards the close of the second century. Hanukkah typically falls close to Christmas, sometimes as early as November, and sometimes lining up with Christmas Day. Celebrating Christmas Presbyterians celebrate many of the same holidays and celebrations as the Catholic Church. I used to be puzzled by this question. The Bible never exhorts Christians to celebrate Christmas or even to have such a holiday! The title of Easter, it is believed, is seldom used but by Britons and their descendants. Adding to the appointments of God is superstition. “Christmas, as a holiday, seemed to hold fewer dangers than Christmas as a religious festival,” Lewis concluded. As the shopping ebbs and the work schedule slows a bit (for some anyway—remember in your prayers your local police and firefighters as this can be a difficult time for them) it gives us opportunity to think a bit about what we are doing and why. Neither Christ, nor the apostles, nor any of the early Christians celebrated anything that could be described as Christmas. These volumes suggested a broader form of liturgical worship might be appropriate and orthodox during the church year for Presbyterians. © 2011. The celebrate Christmas, Easter, and the Tritium. Presbyterian And Reformed Ambivalence About Christmas The Christmas season is nearing its climax. He is also free not to celebrate it. On Dec. 25, 1749, Finnish-Swedish naturalist Peter Kalm was in Philadelphia. The Puritans even made its celebration a civil offense. Thus did the Romish Church borrow from the Pagans some of her most prominent observances; and thus have some observances of this origin been adopted and continued by Protestants. Nay, the Apostle hath in plain words forbidden it, where he abrogates circumcision, and exhorts us not to contend about feasts and holy-days. Christmas is literally “the mass for Christ”, the day on which Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus. celebrated in New England by the Puritans. We are persuaded that there is no scriptural warrant for such observances, either from precept or example. priestessyemaya. But for most Presbyterians, Christmas is here to stay as a part of the Presbyterian Church liturgical year. “On December 25, 1838, Dr. Alexander ventured to wish his correspondent a Merry Christmas; on Christmas Day of 1843, he made one of a family reunion at his father's house in Princeton. Below are five beliefs that set Presbyterians apart from the other Protestant Christians. 4. Presbyterians did not recognize Christmas wherever they lived. She is a noted … Neither do they celebrate Thanksgiving, birthdays, Valentines Day, etc. The Origins of Christmas. The Regulative Principle of Worship and Christmas, Appendix B Why Do Presbyterians Observe Holy Days? And from the moment of their introduction, they became the signal for strife, or the monuments of worldly expedient, and degrading superstition. Christmas Day did not become a public holiday until 1958 in Scotland, Boxing Day only in 1974. Colonial America An increasing number of Christians state that they have decided to no longer celebrate Christmas. But, so do many other denominations. As we have seen, there is no legitimate scriptural reason not to celebrate Christmas. Its votaries, like the Jews of old, have ever been found more tenacious of their own inventions, of traditionary dreams, than of God’s revealed code of duty. The observance of uncommanded holy-days is ever found to interfere with the due sanctification of the Lord’s day. So it is, notoriously, among the Romanists at the present day. The observance of Fasts and Festivals, by divine direction, under the Old Testament economy, makes nothing in favour of such observances under the New Testament dispensation. For, writing to the Galatians, he admonishes them not to observe days, and months, and times, and years. And unto the Colossians, he is as plain as may be, declaring, that the observance of such things was but a shadow. Its real origin was this. Here, then, is an eminent Christian writer who flourished early in the fifth century, who had made the history of the Church his particular study; who explicitly declares, that neither Christ nor his Apostles gave any command, or even countenance to the observance of festival days; that it was brought into the Church by custom; and that in different parts of the Church there was diversity of practice in regard to this matter. The book The Battle for Christmas, says: “There is no biblical or historical reason to place the birth of Jesus on December 25.” It adds that to the Puritans, “Christmas was nothing but a pagan festival covered with a Christian veneer.” 5, cap. The church’s unique hierarchy helped America in its early development as a democracy, and its belief in voting and elections are a hallmark of the church. If you're feeling stressed about gift buying or if the house will look perfect or if the food will be … The Second Helvetic Confession of 1566 recognized the celebration of Christmas by the church. Men keep holy-days, because thereon they enjoy rest from toil and labour. [Socrates, The festival of Easter, no doubt, was introduced in the second century, in place of the Passover, and in accommodation to the same Jewish prejudice which had said, even during the apostolic age, “Except ye be circumcised, after the manner of Moses, ye cannot be saved.” Hence, it was generally called, Few festivals are celebrated in the Romish Church, and in some Protestant Churches, with more interest and zeal than Christmas. Presbyterian Heritage Center at Montreat. But we are persuaded, that even the keeping of these days, when they are made stated observances, recurring, of course, at particular times, whatever the aspect of Providence may be, is calculated to promote formality and superstition, rather than the edification of the body of Christ. Neither the Apostles nor the Evangelists have enjoined on Christians the observance of Easter; but have left the remembrance of it to the free choice and discretion of those who have been benefited by such days. Nay, the Apostle hath in plain words forbidden it, where he abrogates circumcision, and exhorts us not to contend about feasts and holy-days. Presbyterians have not always celebrated Christmas. 21.]. But the motives and manner of introducing Christmas into the Christian Church, speak more strongly against it. Let those who have eyes to see, and ears to hear, decide. The debate over Christmas has never really gone away. 3. Presbyterians trace their history to the 16th century and the Protestant Reformation. These assemblies finally voted to allow services for Christmas observances, such as Christmas Eve. There was no more baking of bread for the Christmas festival than for other days; and no Christmas porridge on Christmas Eve!”, Kalm went on to note that: “One did not seem to know what it meant to wish anyone a merry Christmas.... first the Presbyterians did not care much for celebrating Christmas, but when they saw most of their members going to the English (Anglican) church on that day, they also started to have services.”, In the rural areas of the country, Christmas went unnoticed among the Presbyterian settlers. Presbyterians have not always celebrated Christmas. The history of the introduction of stated Fasts and Festivals by the early Christians, speak much against both their obligation, and their edifying character. Pray. If the foregoing allegations be in any measure well founded; if there be no warrant in God’s word for any observances of this kind; if, on the contrary, the Scriptures positively discourage them; if the history of their introduction and increase mark an unhallowed origin; if, when we once open the door to such human inventions, no one can say how or when it may be closed; and if the observance of days, not appointed by God, has ever been found to exert an unfriendly influence on the sanctification of that holy-day which God has appointed, surely we need no further proof that it is wise to discard them from our ecclesiastical system. From what I've read, the only holiday that the Jehovah's Witnesses do celebrate, or anything remotely close to a "holiday" to our understanding, is Jesus' death, which they celebrate on Nisan 14 of the Hebrew calendar. We celebrate the Christ in whom all of God’s promises are “Yes” and “Amen” (2 Corinthians 1:20). The giftgiving, public holidays and feasting associated with mid-winter were traditionally held between 11 December and 6 … But what about Easter? Lv 5. We celebrate Christmas … It seems to have received the title of Easter in Great Britain, from the circumstance, that when Christianity was introduced into that country, a great Pagan festival celebrated at the same season of the year, in honour of the Pagan goddess Eostre, yielded its place to the Christian festival, which received, substantially the name of the Pagan deity. Some of the splits have been due to doctrinal controversy, while some have been caused by disagreement concerning the degree to which those ordained to church office sho… Here are 10 things to know about the Presbyterian church. Inside they were decked with evergreens." From this fact, Sir Peter King, in his “Inquiry into the Constitution and worship, &c. of the Primitive Church,” &c., infers, that no such festival was then observed; and adds, “It seems improbable that they should celebrate Christ’s nativity, when they disagreed about the month and the day when Christ was born.” Every month in the year has been assigned by different portions and writers of the Christian Church as the time of our Lord’s nativity; and the final location of this, as well as other holy-days, in the ecclesiastical calendar, was adjusted rather upon astronomical and mathematical principles, than on any solid calculations of history. We believe that the Scriptures not only do not warrant the observance of such days, but that they positively discountenance it. Jesus did tell us to celebrate … But is it so? Upon this principle was built up the enormous mass of superstition which now distinguishes and corrupts the Romish Church. And this carries with it is own evidence. Presbyterian Missionary Philip Fithian served as a missionary among the Scots and Scot-Irish Presbyterians in the western counties of Virginia. Many people are aware that the origins of Christmas lie in the pre-Christian pagan observance of the winter solstice. If you’re wondering if Christians should celebrate Hanukkah or if it’s just a Jewish version of Christmas, you can put aside the dreidels and the gelt as we dive deeper into the meaning behind this Festival of Lights. Then, the celebration of Easter gave rise to a controversy; the Asiatic Christians pleading for its observance at the same time which was prescribed for the Jewish Passover, and contending that they were supported in this by apostolic tradition; while the Western Church contended for its stated celebration on a certain Sunday, and urged, with equal confidence, apostolic tradition in favour of their scheme. Yet when Origen, about the middle of the third century, professes to give a list of the fasts and festivals which were observed in his day, he makes no mention of Christmas. Presbyterians generally exhibit their faith through acts of generosity, hospitality, the constant pursuit of social justice and reform, as well as proclamation the gospel of Christ. With respect to Easter, in particular, this diversity was striking. By Andrew J. Webb (Reprinted with permission of the author) Dr. Samuel Miller, Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government at Princeton Seminary, wrote confidently in 1835 “Presbyterians do not observe Holy days.”1 Yet From this fact, Sir Peter King, in his “Inquiry into the Constitution and worship, &c. of the Primitive Church,”, Reformed Presbyterian Church (Covenanted) - "Steelite" Covenanters. Men keep holy-days, because thereon they enjoy rest from toil and labour. Separating themselves from the Roman Catholic Church practices, Protestant Reformation leaders were generally critical of the existing “feast and saint days” of the Catholic Church. That economy was not longer binding, or even lawful, after the New Testament Church was set up. But if this be so, we might expect to find much more scriptural piety in the Romish Church than in any other, since holy-days are ten times more numerous in that denomination than in the system of any Protestant Church. The real meaning of the passage is,—as the slightest inspection of the original will satisfy every intelligent reader; “intending after the passover to bring him forth to the people.”. To this day a few churches may not recognize the day in their worship services. Few festivals are celebrated in the Romish Church, and in some Protestant Churches, with more interest and zeal than Christmas. It being evident, then, that stated fasts and festivals have no divine warrant, and that their use under the New Testament economy is a mere human invention; we may ask those who are friendly to their observance, what limits ought to be set to their adoption and use in the Christian Church? Surely we must celebrate Easter, shouldn’t we? 6. You can set your address, phone number, email and site description in the settings tab.Link to read me page with more information. We celebrate Christmas by stringing lights because the Light of the world has come to us (John 1:4; Isaiah 9:2). I thought everyone knew Mormons celebrated Christmas, but I am mistaken. And yet an argument for celebrating Pentecost was, “Don’t all Christians celebrate Christmas and Easter?” No, they do not. Those Christians who do celebrate Christmas often see the occasion as an opportunity to proclaim Christ as “the reason for the season” among the nations and to those trapped in false religions. For, writing to the Galatians, he admonishes them not to observe days, and months, and times, and years. Sally, a U.S. citizen born into a Japanese American family while the family was being interned in Manzanar, one of the 10 concentration camps operated by the United States by way of Executive Order 9066, has been in Japan most of her adult life. Presbyterians have not always celebrated Christmas. Asked by Wiki User. 16 and also, Galatians iv. Celebrating Christmas, as Protestants do, sure sounds like a tradition to me. The Christian Church, seeing the unhappy moral influence of this festival; perceiving her own members too often partaking in its licentiousness; and desirous, if possible, of effecting its abolition, appointed a festival, in honour of her Master’s birth, nearly about the same time, for the purpose of superseding it. There is no hint in the New Testament that such days were either observed or recommended by the Apostles, or by any of the churches in their time. Neither the Apostles nor the Evangelists have enjoined on Christians the observance of Easter; but have left the remembrance of it to the free choice and discretion of those who have been benefited by such days. The Southern Presbyterian church (Presbyterian Church in the United States) adopted the Book of Common Worship in 1932 with that edition’s prayers, church year and implicit recognition of Christmas. Their origin was ignoble. All Christian sects celebrate Christmas. And this carries with it is own evidence. Let the principle once be admitted, that stated days of religious observance, which God has no where commanded, may properly be introduced into the Christian ritual, and, by parity of reasoning, every one who, from good motives, can effect the introduction of a new religious festival, is at liberty to do so. For no one of Christ’s laws permits Christians to observe the rites of the Jews. They also refrain from national holidays. Other reformers, including John Calvin and John Knox, preferred to worship only where specifically commanded in the Bible. But, do not judge other Christians who celebrate it or don’t celebrate it since they are free to act according to their conscience in this matter.” Judging When Christians Celebrate Christmas It was only in the 4th century AD that the Church of Rome introduced the idea of a mid-winter ceremony, the Christ-Mass, as a way of making Christianity more attractive to pagans. We no sooner hear of its observance at all, than we begin to hear of contest, and interruption of Christian fellowship on account of it; some quoting the authority of the Apostles for keeping this festival on one day; and others, with equal confidence, quoting the authority of other Apostles for the selection of a different day: thereby clearly demonstrating, that there was error somewhere, and rendering it highly probable that all parties were wrong, and that no such observances at all, were binding on Christians. The origins of the Presbyterian churches are in Calvinism. The mention of Easter, in Acts xii. We celebrate the Lord who in humility took on “the very nature of a servant” for our sakes (see Philippians 2:6–8). They do not accept the day as a holy one, but the Episcopalian, Catholic and German churches were all open. 1. As an official publication of the denomination, it contained prayers for Good Friday, Easter, Advent and Christmas. As early as the fifth century, Augustine complains that the superstitious observance of uncommanded rites, betrayed many in his time, into a spirit of irreverence and neglect towards those which were divinely appointed. The debate over religious observance of Christmas was continued in the American colonies by both Puritans and Presbyterians. During the first half of the 1900s, the General Assemblies of various Presbyterian denominations caught up with the actual practices of many of their congregations. For example, in 1906, an edition of the Book of Common Worship put forth by the Presbyterian Church of the United States of America (then recently reunited with two-thirds of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church) was authorized by the General Assembly. But Christmas was not Accordingly, there is, perhaps, no fact more universal and unquestionable, than that the zealous observers of stated fasts and festivals are characteristically lax in the observance of that one day which God has eminently set apart for himself, and on the sanctification of which all the vital interests of practical religion are suspended. Therefore, it comes to pass, that in every place they do celebrate, of their own accord, the remembrance of the Lord’s passion. 4, has no application to this subject. The debate over Presbyterians and Christmas continued into the 20th Century. And unto the Colossians, he is as plain as may be, declaring, that the observance of such things was but a shadow. They were chiefly brought in, by carnal policy, for the purpose of drawing into the Church Jews and Gentiles, who had both been accustomed to festivals and holy-days. 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