[accessed 22 January 2018]. Early English Books Online ebook. Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of book, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), pages used. Place of publication for reprint: Publisher of reprint, Year of reprint), When a page range falls within the same hundred, you should write the page range as follows: pp. The general rules for an in-text citation using MHRA Footnote Style are: 3 Katherine Shonfield, Walls Have Feelings – Architecture, Film and the City (London: Routledge, 2000), p. 3. Louise Maude and Aylmer Maude, intro. In a long quotation, which is indented in a separate paragraph and not enclosed in quotation marks, the lines of a verse should be reproduced with exact lineage of the original, e.g. Referencing with the MHRA style; How to cite sources in your text; How to reference sources in your footnotes. 32 Dianne Harris and David L. Hays, ‘On the Use and Misuse of Historical Landscape Views’, in Representing Landscape Architecture, ed. Chapter author Surname, Forename, ‘Chapter Title’, in Name of book, ed. 11-12. The problem with this view is that the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the role of preparation seems to play.2, Below is an unacceptable summary of the above quote because it follows the original too closely, Success seems to depend on a combination of talent and preparation. For full guidance, please consult the MHRA Style Book – shelved in the Library at Z253 (Level 1 West). 54 The University of Sheffield, ‘Our campus, seen from St. George's Terrace. iPlayer, Netflix). Try not to over-rely on quotations, as this may show your lack of understanding of the information. Page | 2 Quick Guide to Referencing: MHRA Reference type How to reference (footnotes) Reference notes How to cite Edited book Globalisation and Europeanisation in Education, ed. If this is the case, you would place the editor’s name(s) at the start of the reference before the title when citing in your bibliography. by. For more information about footnotes, referencing multiple authors, and creating a bibliography, see Citing in the text, footnotes and bibliography and click on the relevant section. For online articles, do not infer page, line or paragraph numbers unless they are marked on the article, as these may differ depending on browser or device used. If a journal article does not have a DOI (See Journal Article with a DOI for a description), you should use this guidance. Author Surname, Forename, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, Volume.Issue (Year), page range, Emmerich, Steven J. and Andrew K Persily, ‘Analysis of U.S. Commercial Building Envelope Air Leakage Database to Support Sustainable Building Design’, International Journal of Ventilation, 12 (2014), 331-43, Scragg, Andrew, ‘Rudyard Kipling's "The Records of Badalia Herodsfoot": Reassessing Its Significance’, English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 61 (2018), 172-88. %%EOF Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, Volume.Issue (Year), page range (pages used). 69 Poetry Archive, The Poetry Archive, 2016 [accessed 22 January 2018]. Editor Surname, Forename, ed., Title of book, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), Nixon, Taryn, ed., Preserving Archaeological Remains in Situ? Chapter author Surname, Forename, ‘Chapter Title’, in Name of book, ed. Required Information. The Guide. 1-38. Title of Exhibition, date of exhibition, holding institution, place of holding institution [Date accessed], Beatles to Bowie: The 60s Exposed, 15 October 2009 - 24 January 2010, National Portrait Gallery, London [accessed 31 January 2018]. 62 La La Land, dir. Author Surname, Forename, Title of book, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication) Supplier/Platform/file ebook, McCarthy, Patrick, Albert Camus: The Stranger, 2nd edn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004) Ebook Central ebook, Weilacher, Udo, Syntax of Landscape: The Landscape Architecture of Peter Latz and Partners, English edn (Basel: Birkhäueser, 2008) VLeBooks ebook. Note number. The page numbers of the reference must follow this. The edition should be included if it any edition other than the first, e.g. when quoting the URL in a reference. 23 Nick Ripatrazone, ‘W.H. These note reference numbers should always be placed after any punctuation (including a parenthesis), and at the end of a direct quotation. 1 Wayne C. Booth and others, The Craft of Research, 4th edn (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016) pp. When a page range falls within the thousands and the last three numbers are within the same hundred, you should write the page range as follows: pp. Quotations should always be the same as the piece of information you are referring to. 1225-1301, When a page range falls within the thousands, and the last three numbers are within the same hundred you should write the page range as follows: pp. Ambrosi, Christian and Ariette Ambrosi, La France de 1870 à Nos Jours 7th edition (Paris: Colin, 1997). by translator Forename Surname, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (if applicable) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), Euripides, Hippolytus, trans. h��T[hU����:�L���&��&mćIw'��!�ɒUYظ�n�Mݭ��5�TR�0�:֥��P�(y���PzA��t�Xh��l/�Ђ�C}�}k�?g��P|w����������p @��[� �߀“����o���DU)��BUfp�V������l��i9 � ������ܺ���RV0�G#/N�qG�t^��[�������KM/;�~�=�dZ�YC>����{��ྟ��6J�]�!����e�;u�)�y��ŷS��ʁ��"[�Z��Sտ?p����#��iԼ�h by Editor Forename Surname, Series/Edition/Volume statement (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of publication). 63 A Hard Day's Night, dir. The MHRA referencing style is mainly used in arts and humanities publications. for a chapter of a book, journal article etc. Name of Series (Distributor, Year) [Date accessed], Stranger Things 2 (Netflix, 2017) [accessed 27 October 2017], The IT Crowd (Channel 4 Television Corporation, 2006) [accessed 12 January 2018]. (Note the full stop at the end). (London: Printed for C. Bathurst, W. and A. Strathan, J.F. Footnote Number Author or designer Forename Surname, Name of app (Year), Platform app is available from. The names of up to three authors should be given in full; for works with more than three authors, only the first name should be given, followed by ’and others‘. 80 James Stevens Curl, ‘Viaduct’, in Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, 2nd edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), p. 819. The bibliography is given at the end of the assignment. for a page range or a selection of pages, e.g. If any detail of publication cannot be found then the following abbreviations should be used: If the date is an approximate date, circa should be used. 91 Ana M. Lucia-Casademunt, Deybbi Cuéllar-Molina, and Antonia M.. Garcia-Cabrera, ‘The Role of Human Resource Practices and Managers in the Development of Well-being: Cultural Differences in the Changing Workplace’, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, Advance online publication (2018) . by Roger Dale and Susan L. Robertson (Oxford: Symposium Books, 2009), p. 264. by Taryn Nixon, (London: Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2004). 58 Hamlet, dir. This refers readers to the corresponding footnote at the bottom of the page, or endnote at the end of your assignment. 60-79. If you do need to refer to an issue of a journal, it would be given as, for example, 3.3. With a website, the first footnote should include the following: n. Author Name, Page Title (Year Published/Last Updated) [Accessed Date]. 22-41. If the electronic version is a stable document, i.e. In the bibliography, it would be cited as: Will K Kellogg ‘Eating Disorders in Literature’, Journal of Cereal Sciences, 5 (1980), p.2-10, cited in Will K Kellogg, Cereal in Literature (Battle Creek: Toasted Cornflake Company, 1987). You will need the written consent of anyone who was involved in the communications that have taken place even if you were the recipient of the message, and you may not name the individuals in your work. pp. If you refer to more than one episode of a series, each will need a separate entry in the bibliography detailing the episode details and title (if necessary) in quotation marks. 2 of 15 would refer to the second paragraph of 15. When quoting a piece of text over 40 words it is advisable to use a long dash, known as an em dash (—), to introduce the quote in, for example, French or Russian. Footnote Number Author/editor Forename Surname OR Corporate Author, Title of report, Report number (if available) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), pages used (if available) [Date accessed] (Location of cited materials). Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of work, trans. Supplier/Platform/file ebook. 2 vols. For a full list of items see Alphabetical list of items. (Note the full stop at the end). This refers to Volume 3 Part 3 of a journal, The volume number should be given in Arabic numerals even if the journal which you are citing prefers the use of Roman numerals, e.g. & J. Robinson, T. Davies, T. Bowles, R. Baldwin, H.L. The title of the chapter should be given as it appears on the contents page, If a particular page within a chapter or article is to be indicated, a full page span should still be given in the first full citation and a reference to the particular page should be added in rounded brackets, e.g. The name of the composer(s) should be given as it appears on the title page or section. 10 Andrew Scragg, ‘Rudyard Kipling's "The Records of Badalia Herodsfoot": Reassessing Its Significance’, English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 61 (2018), 172-88 (p. 173). Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of work, the date of work (if known), medium of composition, dimensions (in cm), Holding institution, town of holding institution. ACM Digital Library ebook. : Proceedings of the 2nd Conference 12-14 September 2001, ed. 198-201. The page range in a journal article is not preceded with pp. Written by William Shakspeare, with the additions set to muſic by Mr. Locke and Dr. Arne. Author Surname, Forename ‘Title of Article’ Title of Journal, Volume.Issue (Year), page range , Aaslestad, Katherine B., ‘Serious Work for a New Europe: The Congress of Vienna After Two Hundred Years’, Central European History, 48 (2015), 225-37 , Miller, Rebecca S. ‘Hucklebucking at the Tea Dances: Irish Showbands in Britain 1959-1969’, Popular Music History, 9 (2014), 225-47 . 68 Michael Rosen, ‘Michael Rosen Biography’, Michael Rosen, [n.d.] [accessed 22 January 2018]. No official guidance available for referencing social media in footnotes and the bibliography. by Translator Forename Surname (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), pages used. %PDF-1.6 %���� This refers to Volume 3 Part 3 of a journal. 1, 10, 13. You do not put a full stop at the end of the reference in the bibliography. After that, references can be provided in an abbreviated form. Kennedy, Michael, and Joyce Bourne Kennedy, ‘Grunge’, in The Oxford Dictionary of Music, ed. For scenes, cantos, and chapters use Arabic numerals. 15 Michael Rosen, ‘Michael Rosen Biography’, Michael Rosen, [n.d.] [accessed 22 January 2018]. The journal title, or title of a book (if it is an edited book), and publisher's name all need to be given in roman script, but do not need to be translated. on CD, on Vinyl]. Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of item, trans. 33 Robynn J. Stilwell, ‘The Sound is "Out There": Score, Sound Design and Exoticism in The X Files’, in Analyzing Popular Music, ed. The examples given in this tutorial are based on the University Library's interpretation of the MHRA Style Guide: Third edition 2013. Name of TV programme (Distribution Company, Year) [Date accessed], Anjelica Huston on James Joyce: A Shout in the Street (BBC; Arte; RTE, 2017) [accessed 22 January 2018]. by translator Forename Surname, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (if applicable) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page range used. UOS MHRA. Quotations in languages which are not English should be quoted in the same way as a quote in English, this means using standard quotation marks for MHRA footnote style, e.g. Many people use these terms interchangeably so, if you are unsure about whether you need to include a bibliography as well as a reference list, ask your tutor. You will usually give these numbers at the end of a sentence: We put footnotes after final punctuation, like this.1 You will then need to provide full publication information for the source in … by Editor Forename Surname, series statement/Edition statement/Volume statement (Place of publication: publisher, Year). 86 Preserving Archaeological Remains in Situ? If you are citing materials produced in a language other than English, but in roman script, you may need to place a translated title in square brackets after the original title, depending on who the intended audience for your work will be and the language the work is to be written in. Footnote Number Title of book, ed. Footnote number Title of film, Director Forename Surname (Distributor, Year) [on DVD or on Blu-Ray]. : Proceedings of the 2nd Conference 12-14 September 2001, (London: Museum of London Archaeological Service, 2004). 119-32. [London]. Author Surname, Forename, Title of book ed. Books; Articles; Online sources; Images/visual mediums; Other source types; Key things to remember. If the item is a translated item, you would place the name of the translator after the title and use the abbreviation trans. This should be presented on a separate paragraph, which is indented from the body of the text, and is not enclosed in quotation marks. If two consecutive footnotes refer to the same work, instead of writing the same details again you can use ‘Ibid.’ which means ‘in the same place’. The same set of rules should be followed every time you reference, including the layout and punctuation. 57 Star Wars: The Last Jedi, dir. If the quotation is preceded by punctuation and forms a full sentence the full stop should be included before the quotation mark. Box of Broadcasts). In the bibliography, list the first author by Surname, Forename. by translator Forename Surname, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (if applicable) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page range used. For details that are not certain, include a question mark in the square brackets, e.g. 2nd edn, rev. Thanks to the amazing divers at @esa who keep us safe.’ (tweet, @astro_timpeake, 5 December 2017). E. V. Rieu (London: GuildPublishers, 1987). Footnote Number Chapter author Forename Surname, ‘Chapter Title’, in Name of book, ed. 79 William Shakespeare, Macbeth: A Tragedy. 11 Steven J. Emmerich and Andrew K Persily, ‘Analysis of U.S. Commercial Building Envelope Air Leakage Database to Support Sustainable Building Design’, International Journal of Ventilation, 12 (2014), 331-43 (pp. Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Author Forename Surname and Author Forename Surname, Title of book, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), pages used. Footnote number Title of film, Director Forename Surname (Distributor, Year) [Date accessed]. 85 Frank Loesser, ‘I've Never Been In Love Before’, in The Black Book: 50 Showstoppers, comp. by Translator Forename Surname (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), Tolstoy, Leo, Anna Karenina, trans. pp. Referencing correctly will help to distinguish your work from others, give credit to the original author and allow anyone to identify the source. (Basel: Birkhäuser; Munich: Edition Detail). Footnote Number Title of Exhibition, date of exhibition, holding institution, place of holding institution [Date accessed]. A series statement needs to be included if the item is part of a numbered series. In footnotes, indicate the exact page or pages from which you quote (these will not appear in the bibliography at the end of the essay). Mexican Cooking Kit, Cute Names For Little Cats, Form 1139 Cares Act, Pokemon Trainer Outfits, Oilers Trade Deadline 2021, Nothing Even Matters, Stock Car Racing Apk, Did you find apk for android? You can find new Free Android Games and apps." /> [accessed 22 January 2018]. Early English Books Online ebook. Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of book, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), pages used. Place of publication for reprint: Publisher of reprint, Year of reprint), When a page range falls within the same hundred, you should write the page range as follows: pp. The general rules for an in-text citation using MHRA Footnote Style are: 3 Katherine Shonfield, Walls Have Feelings – Architecture, Film and the City (London: Routledge, 2000), p. 3. Louise Maude and Aylmer Maude, intro. In a long quotation, which is indented in a separate paragraph and not enclosed in quotation marks, the lines of a verse should be reproduced with exact lineage of the original, e.g. Referencing with the MHRA style; How to cite sources in your text; How to reference sources in your footnotes. 32 Dianne Harris and David L. Hays, ‘On the Use and Misuse of Historical Landscape Views’, in Representing Landscape Architecture, ed. Chapter author Surname, Forename, ‘Chapter Title’, in Name of book, ed. 11-12. The problem with this view is that the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the role of preparation seems to play.2, Below is an unacceptable summary of the above quote because it follows the original too closely, Success seems to depend on a combination of talent and preparation. For full guidance, please consult the MHRA Style Book – shelved in the Library at Z253 (Level 1 West). 54 The University of Sheffield, ‘Our campus, seen from St. George's Terrace. iPlayer, Netflix). Try not to over-rely on quotations, as this may show your lack of understanding of the information. Page | 2 Quick Guide to Referencing: MHRA Reference type How to reference (footnotes) Reference notes How to cite Edited book Globalisation and Europeanisation in Education, ed. If this is the case, you would place the editor’s name(s) at the start of the reference before the title when citing in your bibliography. by. For more information about footnotes, referencing multiple authors, and creating a bibliography, see Citing in the text, footnotes and bibliography and click on the relevant section. For online articles, do not infer page, line or paragraph numbers unless they are marked on the article, as these may differ depending on browser or device used. If a journal article does not have a DOI (See Journal Article with a DOI for a description), you should use this guidance. Author Surname, Forename, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, Volume.Issue (Year), page range, Emmerich, Steven J. and Andrew K Persily, ‘Analysis of U.S. Commercial Building Envelope Air Leakage Database to Support Sustainable Building Design’, International Journal of Ventilation, 12 (2014), 331-43, Scragg, Andrew, ‘Rudyard Kipling's "The Records of Badalia Herodsfoot": Reassessing Its Significance’, English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 61 (2018), 172-88. %%EOF Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, Volume.Issue (Year), page range (pages used). 69 Poetry Archive, The Poetry Archive, 2016 [accessed 22 January 2018]. Editor Surname, Forename, ed., Title of book, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), Nixon, Taryn, ed., Preserving Archaeological Remains in Situ? Chapter author Surname, Forename, ‘Chapter Title’, in Name of book, ed. Required Information. The Guide. 1-38. Title of Exhibition, date of exhibition, holding institution, place of holding institution [Date accessed], Beatles to Bowie: The 60s Exposed, 15 October 2009 - 24 January 2010, National Portrait Gallery, London [accessed 31 January 2018]. 62 La La Land, dir. Author Surname, Forename, Title of book, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication) Supplier/Platform/file ebook, McCarthy, Patrick, Albert Camus: The Stranger, 2nd edn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004) Ebook Central ebook, Weilacher, Udo, Syntax of Landscape: The Landscape Architecture of Peter Latz and Partners, English edn (Basel: Birkhäueser, 2008) VLeBooks ebook. Note number. The page numbers of the reference must follow this. The edition should be included if it any edition other than the first, e.g. when quoting the URL in a reference. 23 Nick Ripatrazone, ‘W.H. These note reference numbers should always be placed after any punctuation (including a parenthesis), and at the end of a direct quotation. 1 Wayne C. Booth and others, The Craft of Research, 4th edn (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016) pp. When a page range falls within the thousands and the last three numbers are within the same hundred, you should write the page range as follows: pp. Quotations should always be the same as the piece of information you are referring to. 1225-1301, When a page range falls within the thousands, and the last three numbers are within the same hundred you should write the page range as follows: pp. Ambrosi, Christian and Ariette Ambrosi, La France de 1870 à Nos Jours 7th edition (Paris: Colin, 1997). by translator Forename Surname, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (if applicable) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), Euripides, Hippolytus, trans. h��T[hU����:�L���&��&mćIw'��!�ɒUYظ�n�Mݭ��5�TR�0�:֥��P�(y���PzA��t�Xh��l/�Ђ�C}�}k�?g��P|w����������p @��[� �߀“����o���DU)��BUfp�V������l��i9 � ������ܺ���RV0�G#/N�qG�t^��[�������KM/;�~�=�dZ�YC>����{��ྟ��6J�]�!����e�;u�)�y��ŷS��ʁ��"[�Z��Sտ?p����#��iԼ�h by Editor Forename Surname, Series/Edition/Volume statement (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of publication). 63 A Hard Day's Night, dir. The MHRA referencing style is mainly used in arts and humanities publications. for a chapter of a book, journal article etc. Name of Series (Distributor, Year) [Date accessed], Stranger Things 2 (Netflix, 2017) [accessed 27 October 2017], The IT Crowd (Channel 4 Television Corporation, 2006) [accessed 12 January 2018]. (Note the full stop at the end). (London: Printed for C. Bathurst, W. and A. Strathan, J.F. Footnote Number Author or designer Forename Surname, Name of app (Year), Platform app is available from. The names of up to three authors should be given in full; for works with more than three authors, only the first name should be given, followed by ’and others‘. 80 James Stevens Curl, ‘Viaduct’, in Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, 2nd edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), p. 819. The bibliography is given at the end of the assignment. for a page range or a selection of pages, e.g. If any detail of publication cannot be found then the following abbreviations should be used: If the date is an approximate date, circa should be used. 91 Ana M. Lucia-Casademunt, Deybbi Cuéllar-Molina, and Antonia M.. Garcia-Cabrera, ‘The Role of Human Resource Practices and Managers in the Development of Well-being: Cultural Differences in the Changing Workplace’, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, Advance online publication (2018) . by Roger Dale and Susan L. Robertson (Oxford: Symposium Books, 2009), p. 264. by Taryn Nixon, (London: Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2004). 58 Hamlet, dir. This refers readers to the corresponding footnote at the bottom of the page, or endnote at the end of your assignment. 60-79. If you do need to refer to an issue of a journal, it would be given as, for example, 3.3. With a website, the first footnote should include the following: n. Author Name, Page Title (Year Published/Last Updated) [Accessed Date]. 22-41. If the electronic version is a stable document, i.e. In the bibliography, it would be cited as: Will K Kellogg ‘Eating Disorders in Literature’, Journal of Cereal Sciences, 5 (1980), p.2-10, cited in Will K Kellogg, Cereal in Literature (Battle Creek: Toasted Cornflake Company, 1987). You will need the written consent of anyone who was involved in the communications that have taken place even if you were the recipient of the message, and you may not name the individuals in your work. pp. If you refer to more than one episode of a series, each will need a separate entry in the bibliography detailing the episode details and title (if necessary) in quotation marks. 2 of 15 would refer to the second paragraph of 15. When quoting a piece of text over 40 words it is advisable to use a long dash, known as an em dash (—), to introduce the quote in, for example, French or Russian. Footnote Number Author/editor Forename Surname OR Corporate Author, Title of report, Report number (if available) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), pages used (if available) [Date accessed] (Location of cited materials). Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of work, trans. Supplier/Platform/file ebook. 2 vols. For a full list of items see Alphabetical list of items. (Note the full stop at the end). This refers to Volume 3 Part 3 of a journal, The volume number should be given in Arabic numerals even if the journal which you are citing prefers the use of Roman numerals, e.g. & J. Robinson, T. Davies, T. Bowles, R. Baldwin, H.L. The title of the chapter should be given as it appears on the contents page, If a particular page within a chapter or article is to be indicated, a full page span should still be given in the first full citation and a reference to the particular page should be added in rounded brackets, e.g. The name of the composer(s) should be given as it appears on the title page or section. 10 Andrew Scragg, ‘Rudyard Kipling's "The Records of Badalia Herodsfoot": Reassessing Its Significance’, English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 61 (2018), 172-88 (p. 173). Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of work, the date of work (if known), medium of composition, dimensions (in cm), Holding institution, town of holding institution. ACM Digital Library ebook. : Proceedings of the 2nd Conference 12-14 September 2001, ed. 198-201. The page range in a journal article is not preceded with pp. Written by William Shakspeare, with the additions set to muſic by Mr. Locke and Dr. Arne. Author Surname, Forename ‘Title of Article’ Title of Journal, Volume.Issue (Year), page range , Aaslestad, Katherine B., ‘Serious Work for a New Europe: The Congress of Vienna After Two Hundred Years’, Central European History, 48 (2015), 225-37 , Miller, Rebecca S. ‘Hucklebucking at the Tea Dances: Irish Showbands in Britain 1959-1969’, Popular Music History, 9 (2014), 225-47 . 68 Michael Rosen, ‘Michael Rosen Biography’, Michael Rosen, [n.d.] [accessed 22 January 2018]. No official guidance available for referencing social media in footnotes and the bibliography. by Translator Forename Surname (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), pages used. %PDF-1.6 %���� This refers to Volume 3 Part 3 of a journal. 1, 10, 13. You do not put a full stop at the end of the reference in the bibliography. After that, references can be provided in an abbreviated form. Kennedy, Michael, and Joyce Bourne Kennedy, ‘Grunge’, in The Oxford Dictionary of Music, ed. For scenes, cantos, and chapters use Arabic numerals. 15 Michael Rosen, ‘Michael Rosen Biography’, Michael Rosen, [n.d.] [accessed 22 January 2018]. The journal title, or title of a book (if it is an edited book), and publisher's name all need to be given in roman script, but do not need to be translated. on CD, on Vinyl]. Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of item, trans. 33 Robynn J. Stilwell, ‘The Sound is "Out There": Score, Sound Design and Exoticism in The X Files’, in Analyzing Popular Music, ed. The examples given in this tutorial are based on the University Library's interpretation of the MHRA Style Guide: Third edition 2013. Name of TV programme (Distribution Company, Year) [Date accessed], Anjelica Huston on James Joyce: A Shout in the Street (BBC; Arte; RTE, 2017) [accessed 22 January 2018]. by translator Forename Surname, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (if applicable) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page range used. UOS MHRA. Quotations in languages which are not English should be quoted in the same way as a quote in English, this means using standard quotation marks for MHRA footnote style, e.g. Many people use these terms interchangeably so, if you are unsure about whether you need to include a bibliography as well as a reference list, ask your tutor. You will usually give these numbers at the end of a sentence: We put footnotes after final punctuation, like this.1 You will then need to provide full publication information for the source in … by Editor Forename Surname, series statement/Edition statement/Volume statement (Place of publication: publisher, Year). 86 Preserving Archaeological Remains in Situ? If you are citing materials produced in a language other than English, but in roman script, you may need to place a translated title in square brackets after the original title, depending on who the intended audience for your work will be and the language the work is to be written in. Footnote Number Title of book, ed. Footnote number Title of film, Director Forename Surname (Distributor, Year) [on DVD or on Blu-Ray]. : Proceedings of the 2nd Conference 12-14 September 2001, (London: Museum of London Archaeological Service, 2004). 119-32. [London]. Author Surname, Forename, Title of book ed. Books; Articles; Online sources; Images/visual mediums; Other source types; Key things to remember. If the item is a translated item, you would place the name of the translator after the title and use the abbreviation trans. This should be presented on a separate paragraph, which is indented from the body of the text, and is not enclosed in quotation marks. If two consecutive footnotes refer to the same work, instead of writing the same details again you can use ‘Ibid.’ which means ‘in the same place’. The same set of rules should be followed every time you reference, including the layout and punctuation. 57 Star Wars: The Last Jedi, dir. If the quotation is preceded by punctuation and forms a full sentence the full stop should be included before the quotation mark. Box of Broadcasts). In the bibliography, list the first author by Surname, Forename. by translator Forename Surname, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (if applicable) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page range used. For details that are not certain, include a question mark in the square brackets, e.g. 2nd edn, rev. Thanks to the amazing divers at @esa who keep us safe.’ (tweet, @astro_timpeake, 5 December 2017). E. V. Rieu (London: GuildPublishers, 1987). Footnote Number Chapter author Forename Surname, ‘Chapter Title’, in Name of book, ed. 79 William Shakespeare, Macbeth: A Tragedy. 11 Steven J. Emmerich and Andrew K Persily, ‘Analysis of U.S. Commercial Building Envelope Air Leakage Database to Support Sustainable Building Design’, International Journal of Ventilation, 12 (2014), 331-43 (pp. Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Author Forename Surname and Author Forename Surname, Title of book, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), pages used. Footnote number Title of film, Director Forename Surname (Distributor, Year) [Date accessed]. 85 Frank Loesser, ‘I've Never Been In Love Before’, in The Black Book: 50 Showstoppers, comp. by Translator Forename Surname (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), Tolstoy, Leo, Anna Karenina, trans. pp. Referencing correctly will help to distinguish your work from others, give credit to the original author and allow anyone to identify the source. (Basel: Birkhäuser; Munich: Edition Detail). Footnote Number Title of Exhibition, date of exhibition, holding institution, place of holding institution [Date accessed]. A series statement needs to be included if the item is part of a numbered series. In footnotes, indicate the exact page or pages from which you quote (these will not appear in the bibliography at the end of the essay). Mexican Cooking Kit, Cute Names For Little Cats, Form 1139 Cares Act, Pokemon Trainer Outfits, Oilers Trade Deadline 2021, Nothing Even Matters, Stock Car Racing Apk, Did you find apk for android? You can find new Free Android Games and apps." />


mhra referencing footnotes

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ACM Digital Library ebook. by. 119-32. Scene (in Arabic numbers). If the item is not a stable document, but the item has numbered sections or numbered paragraphs, you will be able to use these to direct the reader to the information used in your work, e.g. (EMI Records, CDP 7464392, 1965) [on CD]. However, it may be omitted if it is an unnumbered series and the title does not provide important information. With a website, the first footnote should include the following: n. Author Name, Page Title (Year Published/Last Updated) [Accessed Date]. by Tim Rutherford-Johnson, 6th edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press). 12-13. Author Surname, Forename ‘Title of dissertation’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, Name of University, Year) in Database of Name of Database [Date accessed], Sayuti, Zullhamzi, ‘Montane South African Grasslands as a New Planting Design Form in Urban Greenspace’ (unpublished doctoral thesis, University of Sheffield, 2013) in Database of White Rose eThesis Online [accessed 2 February 2018]. by Editor Forename Surname, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year), pages of chapter. 83 Michael Kennedy, and Joyce Bourne Kennedy, The Oxford Dictionary of Music, ed. Book a study space. Use this online guide to find out how the style works and what your footnotes and bibliography should look like. (Basel: Birkhäuser; Munich: Edition Detail). 13 Katherine B. Aaslestad ‘Serious Work for a New Europe: The Congress of Vienna After Two Hundred Years’, Central European History, 48 (2015), 225-37 . Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, ‘Title of article’, Title of Newspaper, Date of article (Day Month Year) [Date accessed]. Article 9. This includes non-public postings such as: Do not use URL shorteners such as bitly, tinyurl, etc. Place of publication for reprint: Publisher of reprint, Year of reprint). For more information, see section 2.4 in The MHRA Style Guide. Surname, p.xx. Sometimes the author of a web page will be a corporate author, place the name of the corporation in the place of author Forename Surname. ACM Digital Library ebook. 1061-92. by Max Mühlhäuser and Cornelia Zehbold (New York: Association for Computing Machinery: 2017). For more information about footnotes, referencing multiple authors, and creating a bibliography, see Citing in the text, footnotes and bibliography and click on the relevant section. The footnote number preferably should be placed at the end of a sentence, e.g. In his poem Maud, Tennyson wrote the following passage: ‘The fault was mine’ –Why am I sitting here so stunned and still,Plucking the harmless wild-flower on the hill? Stage directions should be italicised and separated from speech by a space. by Ben Shaw (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), Homer, The Odyssey, trans. If you do need to refer to an issue of a journal, it would be given as, for example, 3.3. pp. Anonymous works are listed under their title, you should ignore any initial definite or indefinite article when placing in alphabetical order. Ebook Central ebook. The MHRA Style Guide Online. Author Surname, Forename ‘Title of thesis’ (unpublished master's thesis, Name of University, Year), Bobcombe, Paul, ‘An Historical Study of the Development of the Adult Education Unit of the Ministry of Education in Trinidad and Tobago for the Period 1944-2004’ (unpublished master's thesis, University of Sheffield, 2005). When a page range falls within the thousands and the last three numbers are not within the same hundred, you should write the page range as follows: pp. Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of video, Type of source, Title of website, Date of publication, [Date accessed]. Each time you introduce an idea, thought or theory in your work that belongs to another person, a footnote number must be added. Title of Exhibition, date of exhibition, holding institution, place of holding institution, Beatles to Bowie: The 60s Exposed, 15 October 2009 - 24 January 2010, National Portrait Gallery, London. should be given in roman script using the standard conventions for that language. 119-32. ... As well as footnotes or endnotes, ... An external website that offers guidance on a number of different referencing systems, including MHRA. Referencing Guide : The MHRA (Modern Humanities Research Association) Style Prepared by J Harper, Templeman Library This document will give you basic guidelines on how to reference material according to the MHRA style. Louise Maude and Aylmer Maude, intro. The forms of the following letters are normalised into modern use: The superior (superscript) letters in contractions, To reference a specific part of a play in the footnotes - see. 14 Met Office, ‘Urban Climate Impacts’, Met Office, 2014 [accessed 22 January 2018]. 101-23, or pp. by. Line numbers. 12-13. Footnotes and Endnotes In the MHRA system, references to sources used in your work are set out in full in notes, either at the bottom of each page (footnotes) or at the end of the piece of work (endnotes). Terao, M. Denai kugi wa suterareru [The nail that does not stick up may be thrown away] (Tokyo: Fusosha, 1998). Ebook Central ebook. The title of the book should be given as it appears on the title page of the item. Simple references, such as line numbers to a book already cited in full, can usually be incorporated in the text, normally in parentheses after quotations. Law, C. Dilly, T. Cadell, T. Payne & Son, J. Robson, G.G.J. Supplier/Platform/File ebook. Author Surname, Forename Title of image, Type of source, Title of Website, day month year of publication, [Date accessed], Bridges, Derek, Man Cat, digital photograph, Flickr, 22 December 2008 [accessed 18 January 2008]. REFERENCING ACCORDING TO THE MHRA STYLE: A BRIEF GUIDE Whenever you refer to another person’s work in your essay, dissertation or other piece of academic writing it, give the bibliographic details in a footnote at the foot of the page and also in the bibliography at the end. by Louise Maude and Aylmer Maude, intro. 2775 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<398AA5E4963688439DC58CDC08E6A996>]/Index[2757 27]/Info 2756 0 R/Length 94/Prev 565188/Root 2758 0 R/Size 2784/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream by Nicholas Brooke (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990), IV. 131-33. This should be used sparingly to avoid any possible confusion with another reference. by H. Wiley Hitchcock and Stanley Sadie, 4 vols (London: Macmillan, 1986). Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of image, Type of source, Title of Website, day month year of publication, [Date accessed]. by Marc Treib (Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, 2008), pp. The month should always be cited in English even if you are referencing a foreign language newspaper. Author Surname, Forename OR Corporate Author, Title of report, Report number (if available) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), pages used (if available) [Date accessed] (Location of cited materials), National Trust, Impact Review 2017/18 (Wiltshire: National Trust, 2018), p.7 [Accessed 20 September 2018]. The initials of the author(s) should also be given in roman script. If a post is a retweet, make sure to find the original post rather than reference the retweet. The name of the artist, title, date and method of composition should be given as a minimum when referring to a work of art. Footnote Number Composer Forename Surname, Title of score, Forename Surname of editor/translator [if needed], Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), act/scene number/pages used. by Max Mühlhäuser and Cornelia Zehbold (New York: Association for Computing Machinery: 2017). edn, If the work is more than one volume, the number of volumes should be given in your footnote/reference, e.g. Do not use URL shorteners such as bitly, tinyurl, etc. by Allan F. Moore (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 1 Anne Barton, ‘As You Like It and Twelfth Night: Shakespeare's "Sense of an Ending"’, in Essays, Mainly Shakespearean, ed. In the MHRA Footnotes style, references are listed at the end of your work, and are organised alphabetically by the surname of the author. by Name of Editor, edition number (Place of publication: Publisher, Date), book number in roman numerals (if a multi-volume work). Cambridge MA would show that it is Cambridge in Massachusetts rather than Cambridge in the UK. by Neil Christie and Paul Stamper (Oxford: Windgather Press, 2012), pp. 1 Will K Kellogg ‘Eating Disorders in Literature’, Journal of Cereal Sciences, 5 (1980), p.4, cited in Will K Kellogg, Cereal in Literature (Battle Creek: Toasted Cornflake Company, 1987), p.87. 3 Booth and others The Craft of Research pp. by Christopher Ricks, 2nd edn, 3 volumes (London: Longman, 1987), II, pp. 1. Verdi, Giuseppe, Requiem in Full Score, ed. Skip to main content. Some possible variations: The MHRA guide (like others) is prescriptive about certain details that may at times In practice, then, the first footnote for a webpage would look like this: 1. –It is this guilty hand? 67 Met Office, ‘Urban Climate Impacts’, Met Office, 2014 [accessed 22 January 2018]. Early English Books Online ebook. Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of book, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), pages used. Place of publication for reprint: Publisher of reprint, Year of reprint), When a page range falls within the same hundred, you should write the page range as follows: pp. The general rules for an in-text citation using MHRA Footnote Style are: 3 Katherine Shonfield, Walls Have Feelings – Architecture, Film and the City (London: Routledge, 2000), p. 3. Louise Maude and Aylmer Maude, intro. In a long quotation, which is indented in a separate paragraph and not enclosed in quotation marks, the lines of a verse should be reproduced with exact lineage of the original, e.g. Referencing with the MHRA style; How to cite sources in your text; How to reference sources in your footnotes. 32 Dianne Harris and David L. Hays, ‘On the Use and Misuse of Historical Landscape Views’, in Representing Landscape Architecture, ed. Chapter author Surname, Forename, ‘Chapter Title’, in Name of book, ed. 11-12. The problem with this view is that the closer psychologists look at the careers of the gifted, the smaller the role innate talent seems to play and the bigger the role of preparation seems to play.2, Below is an unacceptable summary of the above quote because it follows the original too closely, Success seems to depend on a combination of talent and preparation. For full guidance, please consult the MHRA Style Book – shelved in the Library at Z253 (Level 1 West). 54 The University of Sheffield, ‘Our campus, seen from St. George's Terrace. iPlayer, Netflix). Try not to over-rely on quotations, as this may show your lack of understanding of the information. Page | 2 Quick Guide to Referencing: MHRA Reference type How to reference (footnotes) Reference notes How to cite Edited book Globalisation and Europeanisation in Education, ed. If this is the case, you would place the editor’s name(s) at the start of the reference before the title when citing in your bibliography. by. For more information about footnotes, referencing multiple authors, and creating a bibliography, see Citing in the text, footnotes and bibliography and click on the relevant section. For online articles, do not infer page, line or paragraph numbers unless they are marked on the article, as these may differ depending on browser or device used. If a journal article does not have a DOI (See Journal Article with a DOI for a description), you should use this guidance. Author Surname, Forename, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, Volume.Issue (Year), page range, Emmerich, Steven J. and Andrew K Persily, ‘Analysis of U.S. Commercial Building Envelope Air Leakage Database to Support Sustainable Building Design’, International Journal of Ventilation, 12 (2014), 331-43, Scragg, Andrew, ‘Rudyard Kipling's "The Records of Badalia Herodsfoot": Reassessing Its Significance’, English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 61 (2018), 172-88. %%EOF Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, ‘Title of article’, Title of Journal, Volume.Issue (Year), page range (pages used). 69 Poetry Archive, The Poetry Archive, 2016 [accessed 22 January 2018]. Editor Surname, Forename, ed., Title of book, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), Nixon, Taryn, ed., Preserving Archaeological Remains in Situ? Chapter author Surname, Forename, ‘Chapter Title’, in Name of book, ed. Required Information. The Guide. 1-38. Title of Exhibition, date of exhibition, holding institution, place of holding institution [Date accessed], Beatles to Bowie: The 60s Exposed, 15 October 2009 - 24 January 2010, National Portrait Gallery, London [accessed 31 January 2018]. 62 La La Land, dir. Author Surname, Forename, Title of book, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication) Supplier/Platform/file ebook, McCarthy, Patrick, Albert Camus: The Stranger, 2nd edn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004) Ebook Central ebook, Weilacher, Udo, Syntax of Landscape: The Landscape Architecture of Peter Latz and Partners, English edn (Basel: Birkhäueser, 2008) VLeBooks ebook. Note number. The page numbers of the reference must follow this. The edition should be included if it any edition other than the first, e.g. when quoting the URL in a reference. 23 Nick Ripatrazone, ‘W.H. These note reference numbers should always be placed after any punctuation (including a parenthesis), and at the end of a direct quotation. 1 Wayne C. Booth and others, The Craft of Research, 4th edn (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016) pp. When a page range falls within the thousands and the last three numbers are within the same hundred, you should write the page range as follows: pp. Quotations should always be the same as the piece of information you are referring to. 1225-1301, When a page range falls within the thousands, and the last three numbers are within the same hundred you should write the page range as follows: pp. Ambrosi, Christian and Ariette Ambrosi, La France de 1870 à Nos Jours 7th edition (Paris: Colin, 1997). by translator Forename Surname, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (if applicable) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), Euripides, Hippolytus, trans. h��T[hU����:�L���&��&mćIw'��!�ɒUYظ�n�Mݭ��5�TR�0�:֥��P�(y���PzA��t�Xh��l/�Ђ�C}�}k�?g��P|w����������p @��[� �߀“����o���DU)��BUfp�V������l��i9 � ������ܺ���RV0�G#/N�qG�t^��[�������KM/;�~�=�dZ�YC>����{��ྟ��6J�]�!����e�;u�)�y��ŷS��ʁ��"[�Z��Sտ?p����#��iԼ�h by Editor Forename Surname, Series/Edition/Volume statement (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of publication). 63 A Hard Day's Night, dir. The MHRA referencing style is mainly used in arts and humanities publications. for a chapter of a book, journal article etc. Name of Series (Distributor, Year) [Date accessed], Stranger Things 2 (Netflix, 2017) [accessed 27 October 2017], The IT Crowd (Channel 4 Television Corporation, 2006) [accessed 12 January 2018]. (Note the full stop at the end). (London: Printed for C. Bathurst, W. and A. Strathan, J.F. Footnote Number Author or designer Forename Surname, Name of app (Year), Platform app is available from. The names of up to three authors should be given in full; for works with more than three authors, only the first name should be given, followed by ’and others‘. 80 James Stevens Curl, ‘Viaduct’, in Dictionary of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, 2nd edn (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), p. 819. The bibliography is given at the end of the assignment. for a page range or a selection of pages, e.g. If any detail of publication cannot be found then the following abbreviations should be used: If the date is an approximate date, circa should be used. 91 Ana M. Lucia-Casademunt, Deybbi Cuéllar-Molina, and Antonia M.. Garcia-Cabrera, ‘The Role of Human Resource Practices and Managers in the Development of Well-being: Cultural Differences in the Changing Workplace’, Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, Advance online publication (2018) . by Roger Dale and Susan L. Robertson (Oxford: Symposium Books, 2009), p. 264. by Taryn Nixon, (London: Museum of London Archaeology Service, 2004). 58 Hamlet, dir. This refers readers to the corresponding footnote at the bottom of the page, or endnote at the end of your assignment. 60-79. If you do need to refer to an issue of a journal, it would be given as, for example, 3.3. With a website, the first footnote should include the following: n. Author Name, Page Title (Year Published/Last Updated) [Accessed Date]. 22-41. If the electronic version is a stable document, i.e. In the bibliography, it would be cited as: Will K Kellogg ‘Eating Disorders in Literature’, Journal of Cereal Sciences, 5 (1980), p.2-10, cited in Will K Kellogg, Cereal in Literature (Battle Creek: Toasted Cornflake Company, 1987). You will need the written consent of anyone who was involved in the communications that have taken place even if you were the recipient of the message, and you may not name the individuals in your work. pp. If you refer to more than one episode of a series, each will need a separate entry in the bibliography detailing the episode details and title (if necessary) in quotation marks. 2 of 15 would refer to the second paragraph of 15. When quoting a piece of text over 40 words it is advisable to use a long dash, known as an em dash (—), to introduce the quote in, for example, French or Russian. Footnote Number Author/editor Forename Surname OR Corporate Author, Title of report, Report number (if available) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), pages used (if available) [Date accessed] (Location of cited materials). Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of work, trans. Supplier/Platform/file ebook. 2 vols. For a full list of items see Alphabetical list of items. (Note the full stop at the end). This refers to Volume 3 Part 3 of a journal, The volume number should be given in Arabic numerals even if the journal which you are citing prefers the use of Roman numerals, e.g. & J. Robinson, T. Davies, T. Bowles, R. Baldwin, H.L. The title of the chapter should be given as it appears on the contents page, If a particular page within a chapter or article is to be indicated, a full page span should still be given in the first full citation and a reference to the particular page should be added in rounded brackets, e.g. The name of the composer(s) should be given as it appears on the title page or section. 10 Andrew Scragg, ‘Rudyard Kipling's "The Records of Badalia Herodsfoot": Reassessing Its Significance’, English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 61 (2018), 172-88 (p. 173). Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of work, the date of work (if known), medium of composition, dimensions (in cm), Holding institution, town of holding institution. ACM Digital Library ebook. : Proceedings of the 2nd Conference 12-14 September 2001, ed. 198-201. The page range in a journal article is not preceded with pp. Written by William Shakspeare, with the additions set to muſic by Mr. Locke and Dr. Arne. Author Surname, Forename ‘Title of Article’ Title of Journal, Volume.Issue (Year), page range , Aaslestad, Katherine B., ‘Serious Work for a New Europe: The Congress of Vienna After Two Hundred Years’, Central European History, 48 (2015), 225-37 , Miller, Rebecca S. ‘Hucklebucking at the Tea Dances: Irish Showbands in Britain 1959-1969’, Popular Music History, 9 (2014), 225-47 . 68 Michael Rosen, ‘Michael Rosen Biography’, Michael Rosen, [n.d.] [accessed 22 January 2018]. No official guidance available for referencing social media in footnotes and the bibliography. by Translator Forename Surname (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), pages used. %PDF-1.6 %���� This refers to Volume 3 Part 3 of a journal. 1, 10, 13. You do not put a full stop at the end of the reference in the bibliography. After that, references can be provided in an abbreviated form. Kennedy, Michael, and Joyce Bourne Kennedy, ‘Grunge’, in The Oxford Dictionary of Music, ed. For scenes, cantos, and chapters use Arabic numerals. 15 Michael Rosen, ‘Michael Rosen Biography’, Michael Rosen, [n.d.] [accessed 22 January 2018]. The journal title, or title of a book (if it is an edited book), and publisher's name all need to be given in roman script, but do not need to be translated. on CD, on Vinyl]. Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Title of item, trans. 33 Robynn J. Stilwell, ‘The Sound is "Out There": Score, Sound Design and Exoticism in The X Files’, in Analyzing Popular Music, ed. The examples given in this tutorial are based on the University Library's interpretation of the MHRA Style Guide: Third edition 2013. Name of TV programme (Distribution Company, Year) [Date accessed], Anjelica Huston on James Joyce: A Shout in the Street (BBC; Arte; RTE, 2017) [accessed 22 January 2018]. by translator Forename Surname, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (if applicable) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page range used. UOS MHRA. Quotations in languages which are not English should be quoted in the same way as a quote in English, this means using standard quotation marks for MHRA footnote style, e.g. Many people use these terms interchangeably so, if you are unsure about whether you need to include a bibliography as well as a reference list, ask your tutor. You will usually give these numbers at the end of a sentence: We put footnotes after final punctuation, like this.1 You will then need to provide full publication information for the source in … by Editor Forename Surname, series statement/Edition statement/Volume statement (Place of publication: publisher, Year). 86 Preserving Archaeological Remains in Situ? If you are citing materials produced in a language other than English, but in roman script, you may need to place a translated title in square brackets after the original title, depending on who the intended audience for your work will be and the language the work is to be written in. Footnote Number Title of book, ed. Footnote number Title of film, Director Forename Surname (Distributor, Year) [on DVD or on Blu-Ray]. : Proceedings of the 2nd Conference 12-14 September 2001, (London: Museum of London Archaeological Service, 2004). 119-32. [London]. Author Surname, Forename, Title of book ed. Books; Articles; Online sources; Images/visual mediums; Other source types; Key things to remember. If the item is a translated item, you would place the name of the translator after the title and use the abbreviation trans. This should be presented on a separate paragraph, which is indented from the body of the text, and is not enclosed in quotation marks. If two consecutive footnotes refer to the same work, instead of writing the same details again you can use ‘Ibid.’ which means ‘in the same place’. The same set of rules should be followed every time you reference, including the layout and punctuation. 57 Star Wars: The Last Jedi, dir. If the quotation is preceded by punctuation and forms a full sentence the full stop should be included before the quotation mark. Box of Broadcasts). In the bibliography, list the first author by Surname, Forename. by translator Forename Surname, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (if applicable) (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page range used. For details that are not certain, include a question mark in the square brackets, e.g. 2nd edn, rev. Thanks to the amazing divers at @esa who keep us safe.’ (tweet, @astro_timpeake, 5 December 2017). E. V. Rieu (London: GuildPublishers, 1987). Footnote Number Chapter author Forename Surname, ‘Chapter Title’, in Name of book, ed. 79 William Shakespeare, Macbeth: A Tragedy. 11 Steven J. Emmerich and Andrew K Persily, ‘Analysis of U.S. Commercial Building Envelope Air Leakage Database to Support Sustainable Building Design’, International Journal of Ventilation, 12 (2014), 331-43 (pp. Footnote Number Author Forename Surname, Author Forename Surname and Author Forename Surname, Title of book, Series Statement/Edition Statement/Volume Statement (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), pages used. Footnote number Title of film, Director Forename Surname (Distributor, Year) [Date accessed]. 85 Frank Loesser, ‘I've Never Been In Love Before’, in The Black Book: 50 Showstoppers, comp. by Translator Forename Surname (Place of publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), Tolstoy, Leo, Anna Karenina, trans. pp. Referencing correctly will help to distinguish your work from others, give credit to the original author and allow anyone to identify the source. (Basel: Birkhäuser; Munich: Edition Detail). Footnote Number Title of Exhibition, date of exhibition, holding institution, place of holding institution [Date accessed]. A series statement needs to be included if the item is part of a numbered series. In footnotes, indicate the exact page or pages from which you quote (these will not appear in the bibliography at the end of the essay).

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