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how did the disciples turned the world upside down

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Let’s discover some basic characteristics of the Jerusalem movement, led by Peter and the earliest apostles. The result was that the number of believers increased to about 5,000 men, just like Jesus (Acts 4:4). But the disciples turned the world upside down in another way. What Shifts Addition into Multiplication Growth? They’re working hard to be righteous and earn reconciliation with God, and meanwhile God has taken the initiative and come to do the reconciling himself. First generation disciples turned the world upside down for Christ (Acts 17:6b). Matthias was added to the eleven (Acts 1:15-26). In his beloved. We have double standards and moral compromise and little to no power. How many people would be hearing the gospel? Jesus turned their world upside down because he challenged their understanding of who God is and how God works. Never! It meant the world as they knew it – the world that reinforced their power – was being turned upside down. They were ordinary people whom God enabled to do extraordinary things. They were trying to spread the gospel for sure, and Paul had a particular assignment to do that very thing (Acts 9:15-16; 1 Cor. King James Bible. The Great Commission became a reality as the apostles made disciples who made disciples (Matt 28:18-20). We will look more closely at baptism in a future article. (Acts 2:41). The Roman church was formed long before Paul got there, perhaps by visitors from Rome at Pentecost (Acts 2:10). They were confident in … And therefore the wise seldom love it. Yet let's be content, and the times lament, you see the world turn'd upside down. Just saying “I repent” was not enough. The town was turned upside down. In this lesson we will look at how Jesus calls all of His followers to be game-changers in This is what Jesus did. The apostles followed Jesus’ example and did not own a single place of worship of their own, nor did they desire one. In his beloved lyrical style, Martin illuminates key moments from Scripture and shares stories from his … From Antioch many third-generation churches were started by Barnabas and Paul. Conclusion: It is amazing that we know so little about the men who “turned the world upside down.” Jesus had prepared them and God used them in a powerful way to alert the world to His good news that Jesus Christ had come into the world to save sinners. Rather, as I demonstrate more fully in The Fate of the Apostles, his upside down state symbolizes that fallen humanity has now been restored through the cross. In Acts, we observe the Jerusalem church (meaning the disciples who gathered in and around Jerusalem) growing generationally to regions beyond. The persecution by Herod, and the martyrdom of James, brother of John, did not stop the growth and multiplication either (Acts 12:1-5; 12:24). The World Turned Upside Down (To the Tune of, When the King enioys his own again.) The disciples met and were taught in private homes (Acts 2:46; 5:42). In the Temple, they met at Solomon’s Portico in the Gentile court (Acts 3:11; 5:12). The world has been turned upside down by sin, and so Peter can see the upside-down nature of the world clearly while hanging with his head downward on the cross. In Acts 17:6, an angry mob claimed that the followers of Jesus were turning the world upside down. The most important foundation of all we do in DMMs should be what Jesus taught and did, not Peter or Paul. Those who performed “acts of service” were appointed as deacons. Philip was an evangelist (Acts 21:8). They should not be separated. As we approach the 17th chapter, the apostle Paul, along with his friend and co-missionary Silas, have just been released from jail in Philippi. From Pentecost onwards, those who believed were to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit also (Acts 2:38, 39). Then, Philip, Peter, and John played important roles in making second-generation churches in Samaria and Judea (Acts 8:5-13; 8:25; 8:26-39). After reflecting on Jesus’ ways of working, we can learn much from His disciples as well. For example, Peter and John healed the lame man at the temple gate called Beautiful (Acts 3:1). How Were the Disciples of Jesus Important to the New Testament Church? We are told too, in these times, that it is good to a man to heap unto himself abundant wealth, and make himself rich, but Jesus Christ turned the world upside down, for he said, there was a certain rich man who was clothed in scarlet, and fared sumptuously every day, and so on, and his fields brought forth abundantly; and he said, "I will pull down my barns, and build greater;" but the Lord says, "Thou fool!" The church is made up of people like us. As with Jesus, “People of Peace” played important roles in seeing the spread of the Gospel, Cornelius is an example (Acts 10:23-48). Christianity has, and always will, cause a commotion. The kind of believer who lives with that same world-changing faith today. Peter and John’s healing opened the door to proclaim Jesus (Acts 3:12-18). There wasn’t a long time between repentance and baptism. That is rapid growth of disciples! The apostles discipled Barnabas, who discipled Saul, who discipled Timothy and so on. For certain people – people with power – in the time of the Apostles, followers of Jesus represented a real threat. the disciples in the aftermath of the Resurrection and as they spread the message of the Gospel. We turn a child's world upside down when we help ensure that he or she is born and loved and cherished. and “turn the world upside down”, leading up to Paul’s ministry in Thessonalica. Were Paul and Silas attempting to turn the world upside down? Could what happened in Acts happen again? These Jews did not like the challenge to their religion and finally figured out a way to make this challenge political by claiming that the disciples preached about loyalty to a different king, King Jesus. Theme by. Jerusalem was the first generation. Because if Jesus was the Messiah, it meant their time of power was over. The people confessed their sins at baptism (Matt 3:6, Mark 1:4,5). In Acts, Christianity was a menace. This is the world turned upside down with a vengeance! All rights reserved. He shattered the jai At Pentecost, they grew by about 3,000 (Acts 2:41). Like John, Jesus also proclaimed repentance (Mark 1:15). The persecution by Herod, and the martyrdom of James, brother of John, When Gideon came, behold, a man was relating a dream to his friend. (iii) They would receive the gift of the promised Holy Spirit. This rapid growth was also true for the Apostles. Every problem the early church encountered, there was but one response -PRAYER. Jesus Christ turned the world upside down the first sermon He preached. They set the pattern for future assemblies (churches) in other places. We so often sit and think about ways to serve God, when what we need to do is obey God. By faithfully following where God led them. When Paul preached, he was usually driven out of town, but he left behind a changed people. It was the beginning of a movement that continues to this very day. Verse Concepts. One of the most obvious traits of those who turned the world upside down is that they refused to abandon the true word of God for church dogma, doctrines, and rituals. Turning the World Upside Down Acts 17:6 . Some might answer that the Church’s mission is racial reconciliation, the pursuit of social justice, or the alleviation of poverty. Does God Hold Us in the Palm of His Hand? In fact, in all too many instances, the world [system] is turning the 21st… And that, by the way, was offered as a criticism, not as a compliment (see Acts 17:6). What a great thing to have said about you—that you managed to turn the world upside town. We’ll look at seven characteristics that affected the apostle’s fruitfulness.These reflect the idea that Peter and the apostles were disciples of Jesus, and followed what He taught and did. But when they did not find them, they dragged Jason and some brethren to the rulers of the city, crying out, “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too. A massive inversion of their reality, exactly what He had predicted, His bodily resurrection, was another shock, but this time...indescribable joy, wonder, and phenomenal relief; and a restoration of meaning, purpose, and vision which carried them the rest of … As the Movement grew, the number and type of leaders also grew. They weren’t deacons serving the communion table. These Christians have shown their true allegiance and that is to the Lord Jesus Christ and not to the feelings of a bunch of hell bound sinners who do not like to hear the truth. Yet within a period of about 30 years, this original group of 120 and their converts came to be known as those who turned their world upside down. Prophets such as Agabus arose (Acts 11:27). They turned the world upside down through the praying they practiced. This was a common meeting place for Jewish Rabbis to teach their disciples. Jesus discipled in public places (including synagogues and the Temple), and in homes. If you wish to see the world turned upside down to perfection just turn to the fifth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew–here you have a whole summary of the world reversed. In his second non-fiction work, walk through the lives of the disciples in the aftermath of the Resurrection and as they spread the message of the Gospel and “turn the world upside down”, leading up to Paul’s ministry in Thessonalica. If you genuinely want to make a difference in this world like the first-century church, then we, as God’s 21st-century disciples, need to allow the Holy Spirit to control our lives fully. The Book of Acts tells the story of a handful of men and women who, by the power of the Holy Spirit, did not leave their world the same way they found it. The Ethiopian Eunuch took the Gospel to Ethiopia. Actually, God did the releasing. May God enable us to earn more "criticisms" like this, because it seems today the opposite is happening in the church. First, we looked at what could kill a church and saw that persecution, false doctrine, and indifference can kill a local church. What kind of a prayer life would the church have? At first, Jesus himself was baptizing (John 3:22), and later His disciples were baptizing (John 4:1-2). Through generational growth of churches, the Gospel spread far and wide. … They simply believed in the power of the gospel to change lives and the Holy Spirit working through them. Today’s reading showed us the Holy Spirit guiding Paul. In Acts we see that “many wonders and signs were done through the apostles” (Acts 2:43). What action will you take to see your disciple making efforts more like the model in the New Testament? Old Christmas is kickt out of Town. It caused great disturbances. When we see their fearless preaching and their expectant prayer and willingness to obey, these Christians almost seem radical. And we can make a radical difference. 120 Disciples Turned the World Upside-Down And in those days Peter stood up in the midst of the disciples, and said, (the number of names together were about an hundred and twenty,) –Acts 1:15 Our church just started a study in the book of Acts. Let’s look at four important things about the growth of disciples. 1 John 13:1-15 “Jesus: Turning the World Upside-Down” Scripture: John 13:1-15 Memory Verse: Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Lesson Focus: This chapter of John we see how Jesus completely turns things upside- down from what is normal in our fallen world. And he said, “Behold, I had a dream; a loaf of barley bread was tumbling into the camp of Midian, and it came to the tent and struck it so that it fell, and turned it upside down so that the tent lay flat.”. Everywhere they went, they were ridiculed and opposed and persecuted and physically assaulted for their beliefs. As the movement grew beyond Jerusalem, others such as Barnabas and Paul were appointed apostles (Acts 14:14). is a member of the Salem Web Network of sites including: Copyright © 2021, No. On the Day of Pentecost, about 120 believers were gathered together when the Holy Spirit was poured out. Persecution came at different levels at different times. Their growth and multiplication were not tied to owning buildings. Let me ask you this: What if everyone in the church behaved just as you do? In the first century, believer didn’t just mean someone who heard and agreed with Jesus; it meant someone who acted on that belief. Experiencing God As He Prepares For A DMM Around You, Key #3 DMM Breakthrough Growth: Train Don’t Teach. Taken from "A Radical Difference" by Harvest Ministries (used by permission). When sin upset the world in the Garden, several things were lost, including innocence, fellowship with God, and peace with God. Some were even put to death. Read: Acts 17:1-9. We are living a watered-down version of the Christian life. An Investment in Heaven- My Tribute to A Kenyan Movement Leader, How to Cooperate With God and Release Miracles. As deep and depressing as their shock was, Yeshua's disciples had only to wait three days for the restoration of their vision, hope, and joy. And it’s our commitment to Jesus Christ, King of Kings, that continues to turn the world upside down today, just as Paul and Silas did in Acts. Elders, like James, brother of Jesus, were appointed (Acts 11:30; 12:17; 15:12-29). They led a compassion ministry in the church. Is Suffering and Pain Part of the Path to Movements? California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Since the beginning, the world has been turned upside down by sin. In the first century, believer didn’t just mean someone who heard and agreed with Jesus; it meant someone who acted on that belief. Your email address will not be published. He tells us to pray for our enemies. And when the outside world saw the faith of these new believers, they declared “they turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). That same year their numbers grew to 5,000 men, not including the women and children (Acts 4:4). … But the truth is, the apostles and other believers were doing the opposite! What Does it Mean to ‘Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord’? Some were even put to death. This was the mark of raising up disciples of Jesus – they followed the teachings and practices of Jesus. When Matthias was chosen to replace Judas, there were about 120 disciples (Acts 1:15). Yet within a period of about 30 years, this original group of 120 and their converts came to be known as those who turned their world upside down. SEE Acts 19:24-41 There were also prophets and teachers (Acts 13:1). At Pentecost, when the people were cut to the heart and asked what they must do, Peter answered they should: (ii) Be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins. It would surely seem that way from the outside, wouldn’t it? Your email address will not be published. What kind of church would it be? But it isn’t that they were radical; it is just that we’re not radical enough. And when the outside world saw the faith of these new believers, they declared “they turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). Pursuing Disciple Making Movements in the Frontiers. Jesus had healed lame people at the temple before (Matt 21:14). As you read, you likely noticed differences between your practices and those of the New Testament movements. But the assignment did not and could not entail the planned and purposed cause of social disruption. Great numbers followed Jesus (Luke 6:17). Turning the world upside wasn’t a positive thing. Jesus had set the example of water and Spirit baptism coming together. How did the Disciples turn the world upside down? 9:15-18). In the first century, believer didn’t just mean someone who heard and agreed with Jesus; it meant someone who acted on that belief. Moffatt’s translation uses the phrase “These upsetters of the whole world.” Weymouth translates it as “these fellows, who have turned the world topsy-turvy.” They meant it as an accusation, but it is really a compliment. Share in the comments below or on the Dmms Frontier Missions Facebook Group. Listen to me and you shall hear, news hath not been this thousand year: Since Herod, Caesar, and many more, you never heard the like before. ENCOURAGEMENT AND INSIGHTS FOR DISCIPLE MAKERS. These signs showed that the Kingdom of God was real, and helped many people believe. And when the outside world saw the faith of these new believers, they declared “they turned the world upside down” (Acts 17:6). The largest recorded number being 5,000 men (Luke 9:14). In the first century, a small army of believers turned the world upside down in a matter of a few years without TV, radio, or mass media. It was a derogatory comment. : “We believe the church is sent into the world to witness to … Why? Jesus gave the apostles power and authority over all demons and to cure diseases (Luke 9:1-2). At the time I didn’t realize what was happening, but now I recognize that my world had been turned upside-down. However, it wasn’t only Paul and his companions who did this. Over the last couple of Sunday evenings, I have been bringing messages of challenge to us as a local church. Stephen and the seven oversaw the daily distribution for widows (Acts 6:1-6). as a disciple. Though these are all wonderful parts of the Church’s ministry, they are not it’s primaryministry. The Apostles would come into a town and literally turn it upside down with their teachings, preaching, signs, wonders, miracles, and healings. Matthew 21:12. lyrical style, Martin illuminates key moments from Scripture and shares stories from his own life. How well would the church know the Bible? Required fields are marked *, All content on this site is protected by copyright laws and may not be used without the author and website developers permission. Jesus tells us to love our neighbor, even the ones who hate us. Could we see another great movement of the Holy Spirit? It starts with me. What we see in the Book of Acts is normal, New Testament Christianity. The answer is yes, we could. He tells us to turn … It was said of the early church that they turned the world upside down. Everywhere they went, they were ridiculed and opposed and persecuted and physically assaulted for their beliefs. Holy-dayes are despis'd, new fashions are devis'd. Article Images Copyright © 2021 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. The martyrdom of Stephen led to great persecution, but the assembly continued to multiply (Acts 8:1; 9:31). For now, it’s enough to highlight repentance and baptism in water and Spirit happened together for the new disciples after Pentecost. Saying “God, here is what I’m going to do for you today” is a recipe for disaster. The patterns that Jesus started, continued through the apostles and the Jerusalem church. It was not a mantra for a political agenda that drove these men across the globe, but the memory of Christ’s words they had ringing in their ears: Kevin DeYoung helpfully paraphrases this verse in his book, What is the Mission of the Church? They were baptized in water at the same time. This movement began after Jesus rose again. And they did it in the face of intense opposition. This is what John the Baptist practiced. The Apostles' preaching stirred either dedication or opposition. A few months ago, we looked at the characteristics of Jesus’ Movement. Current generation disciples (if the Biblical term “disciples” can be used to identify 21st century Christian believers) are, as a whole, falling short of turning the world upside down. We should remember that teaching and practice were integrated. If we are to turn things around, we must preach and live the unadulterated Gospel of Christ without fear of the opposition of the world. But it starts with you. In a future article, we will look more closely at the daily activities of the Jerusalem church. He tells us to forgive those who have hurt us. Antioch Syria was another second-generation church started by disciples from Jerusalem (Acts 11:19). And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also; New King James Version. 1 John 13:34-35 “Jesus: Turning Our World Upside-Down” Scripture: John 13:34-35 Memory Verse: John 13:35 “By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” Lesson Focus: This is our last week looking at how Jesus turns the world upside down. Christianity is a Challenge. … What Does Worship Look Like in Disciple Making Movements? S primaryministry with that same year their numbers grew to 5,000 men, not as a criticism, as! Were radical ; it is just that we ’ re not radical enough observe the church., how did the disciples turned the world upside down up to Paul ’ s ministry in Thessonalica fashions are devis 'd Prepares for a DMM you. Dmms should be what Jesus taught and did not own a single place of worship of their own nor... 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