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why are horses slaughtered

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Horse slaughter is NOT humane euthanasia. A 1998 USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service survey to determine welfare problems during equine transport to slaughter found severe problems in 7.7 percent of the transported horses; most arose from owner neglect or abuse, rather than transportation. ch. [37] S. 1915 was read twice, referred to committee and not voted on. The blow (or shot) is intended to kill the horse instantly or stun it,[6] with exsanguination (bleeding out) conducted immediately afterwards to ensure death. Appalling footage has prompted many to ask how horses that have earned so much money for their breeders and owners end up being slaughtered at abattoirs or knackeries – and why … The two Texas horse-slaughter plants were ordered closed in 2007, after protracted battles with local municipalities who objected to their financial drain on the municipalities (no tax revenue), ditches of blood, dismembered foals and noxious odors in residential neighborhoods. [38] Both bills died at the end of the 109th Congress, and were reintroduced in the 110th Congress on January 17, 2007 as H.R. Horse slaughter is the way by which irresponsible people get rid of their unwanted horses quickly and for a profit. [citation needed]. Before the advent of motorized warfare, campaigns usually resulted in tens of thousands of equine deaths; troops and civilians ate the carcasses, since troop logistics were often unreliable. No horse owner can easily stomach the thought of their equine companions being shipped off towards a horrifying end. As a result, horses often endure repeated blows and sometimes remain conscious during dismemberment—this is rarely a quick, painless death. Horses, unlike traditional food animals in the United States, are not raised (or medicated) with the intent of becoming human food. Every horse is a pet, riding companion, race horse, show pony or work partner. Without horse slaughter, horses will be kept longer, placed in new homes and careers and horse industry organizations would be required to advocate for more responsible breeding programs. The horse slaughter industry is a somber, secretive one. [40] The bills were not reintroduced in the 111th Congress. The 2007 ban has been renewed through the years and is still in effect today. [44] On February 22, 2007, Representative Robert Molaro introduced HB1711 to the Illinois General Assembly to prohibit the transport of horses into the state for the sole purpose of slaughter for human consumption. Each may be a single patient to any number of vets, transferred by any number of owners, and has a unique life story. Despite the closure of the US-based horse slaughter plants in 2007, tens of thousands of American horses are brutally killed to be sold top-dollar overseas. At a time when Congress is focused on fiscal responsibility and the budget of the USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service is already stretched thin, the USDA should not extend funding for a new program to slaughter horses—a practice that 80 percent of Americans oppose. Two-thirds of horses set to slaughter are quarter horses, and many are castoffs from the rodeo or racing industries. Privacy Policy and The numbers peaked in 2012, but significantly decreased the following year due to stricter regulations put in place after the 2013 horse meat scandal in Europe.[22]. Terms of Service apply. During November and December 2010 inspections of EU-regulated plants in Mexico which slaughtered horses for human consumption, the European Commission Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) uncovered violations. 503 was passed by the House on September 7, 2006, by a recorded vote of 263–146. Because American horses are not intended for the human food chain, they often receive medications banned by the Food and Drug Administration for use in food animals. Text STOP to opt out, HELP for info. [1] Equine domestication is believed to have begun to raise horses for human consumption. This is a long article began in 2012 and edited multiple times. Horses are shipped for more than 24 hours at a time without food, water or rest in crowded trucks. Horses that "are severely lame or disabled are not accepted at the plants". US Department of Agriculture regulations govern the transportation of horses,[45] but the USDA has said that it does not have the resources for enforcement. [41], Although the Department of Transportation has officers at enforcement points to ensure the proper transportation of horses, it has no jurisdiction beyond transportation. Horse slaughter, whether in U.S. or foreign plants, was never and cannot be humane because of the nature of the industry and the unique biology of horses. Slaughter is a for profit business driven by a demand for horsemeat in foreign countries. The HSUS's tax identification number is 53-0225390. Nearly all equine medications and treatments are labeled, "Not for horses intended for human consumption." Once you learn the cruel truth, you'll understand why we must fight to ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and end the export of horses for slaughter abroad. Learn why horse slaughter returning to the U.S. is NOT a viable option: The Myth Behind the Return of Horse Slaughter to the U.S. To find out more about the internal operations of kill buyers and kill pens, you can review our detailed report " The Secret Empire of Mike McBarron Exposed ." The intention of this piece is to break through some of the confusion on jurisdictions as it applied… There are several ways to reduce the number of homeless or at-risk horses. Canadians: Act Now to Ban Horse Slaughter! Clearly, any increase in neglect or abandonment—as well as any downturn in the horse market—is related to the economic downturn that began the same year that the last slaughter plant closed and continues today. 311. These plants pollute local water, decrease property values, permeate the air with a foul stench, drain local economies and damage the environment. The Humane Society of the United States is registered as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. There are countries that consume dogs, cats and other pets as food, but we do not allow our dogs and cats to be exported for food purposes, even though there is a well-documented overpopulation issue to contend with for those animals. Supporters of horse slaughter put forth many arguments to support their position. [7] Saleable meat is removed from the carcass, with the remains rendered for other commercial uses. [31], In March 2012, Wyoming state Representative Sue Wallis proposed a new horse-meat processing plant in Missouri or Arkansas. Learn how we're fighting horse slaughter in the EU. Truth – Of the 6,900,000 estimated horse population in the U.S. less than 1% of horses are slaughtered … According to Wallis, she had six million dollars to invest and support from Belgian horse-meat buyers. Horses are shipped for more than 24 hours at a time without food, water or rest in crowded trucks. The idea of slaughtering companion animals is unacceptable to the American people and will never be embraced. The last three horse slaughter plants in the U.S. offered only a few low-income, dangerous jobs that did nothing to bolster local economies. But if you look at the facts, you'll see the truth: The slaughter of horses for meat is not only unnecessary and inhumane, it is also harmful in many ways. Horses purchased for slaughter … Over 100,000 horses are sent to slaughter each year, and the vast majority would be rehomed; not every horse going to slaughter needs to go to rescue. U.S. horsemeat is dangerous to humans because of the unregulated administration of numerous toxic substances to horses before slaughter. Auctions enable horses to be sold without owner consent, by theft[17] or misappropriation. Relying on random-sample testing of horsemeat is inadequate and dangerous. Horses are gathered from random sources at various stages in their life, and there is no system in the U.S. to track medications and veterinary treatments given to horses to ensure that their meat is safe for human consumption. Horses in the United States are not bred or raised for meat. (iNews) No … [43] A 2007–2015 investigation by Animals' Angels found overcrowded pens, aggression, rough handling, transport with no rest, untreated injuries and no water or food for more than the 28 hours required by law. Here’s why: Abolition of horse slaughter in the United States for human consumptionhas eliminated one of the management tools needed to provide horses with good welfare. Because horse slaughter is driven by a demand for horse meat in some foreign countries where it is a delicacy, horse slaughterers look for the healthiest horses, not abandoned, abused or neglected horses. According to livestock-slaughter expert Temple Grandin, horse slaughter can be humane with proper facility design and management. Humans have long consumed horse meat; the oldest known cave art, the 30,000-year-old paintings in France's Chauvet Cave, depict horses with other wild animals hunted by humans. The latter was introduced on July 9, 2011 by Senators Mary Landrieu (D-LA) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) to amend the Horse Protection Act of 1970 (15 U.S.C. According to a 2012 UK MORI survey, 50 percent of respondents in France as well as 51 percent in Belgium and 58 percent in Italy thought it acceptable to eat horses. Meat from American horses raises a number of potential health concerns, primarily due to the routine use of medications banned in food animals and a lack of tracking of such use. Two bills were introduced in the 112th Congress: H.R. ban horse slaughter in the U.S. and end the export of horses for slaughter abroad. 2966 and S. 1176, the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act of 2011. Horses in the United States are not bred or raised for meat. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, "Chauvet Cave (ca. Typically, a penetrating captive bolt gun or gunshot is used to render the animal unconscious. Rather, the continued availability of horse slaughter has only enabled and perpetuated overbreeding, neglect and irresponsibility. The Origins of Horse Slaughter in the US. Meat from American horses raises a number of potential health concerns, primarily due to the routine use of medications banned in food animals and a lack of tracking of such use. The report recommended fining individuals who transport horses unfit for travel. Yes. 1094, was introduced in the House of Representatives by Representatives Patrick Meehan (R-PA) and Jan Schakowsky (D-IL). Until this practice is banned and Congress passes a law against slaughter here in the U.S., no horse is safe. ANSWER: Horse Slaughter Is Not Euthanasia. I never understood why is it suddenly inhumane to slaughter a horse, but not other mammalian livestock such as a pig, cow, or sheep. 503 and S. Horses are skittish by nature (owing to their heightened fight-or-flight response), which makes accurate pre-slaughter stunning difficult. 2 The number of horses slaughtered in Canada also dropped from 113, 334 in 2008 (when the US defunded meat inspectors at horse slaughter plants) to 54,100 in 2016. Before 2007, three major equine slaughterhouses operated in the United States: Dallas Crown in Kaufman, Texas; Beltex Corporation in Fort Worth, and Cavel International in DeKalb, Illinois. "People are surprised to learn that horses are being slaughtered in Canada [for human consumption]. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans overturned a lower court's 2006 ruling that a 1949 Texas law banning horse slaughter for the purpose of selling the meat for food was invalid because it had been repealed by another statute and was preempted by federal law. They are often seriously injured or killed in transit. ", "Congress Reinstates Annual Ban on Horse Slaughter", "National Animal Welfare Groups, Veterinarians and Horse Owners Applaud Federal Efforts to Protect Horses and the Public", "Federal Court of Appeals Affirms Ruling Declaring Horse Slaughter Illegal in Texas", "Cameron tells supermarkets: horsemeat burger scandal unacceptable",, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 February 2021, at 18:17. Our horses go through a minimum 45-day quarantine once we bring them to Swingin' D. Not only does the break allow us to ensure any infectious illness has passed through their systems, it also gives the horse a chance to decompress and recover from their traumatic experience in the slaughter pipeline. H.R. [33] In 2013 the Obama Administration proposed the removal of funding for USDA inspection of horse-slaughter plants in the 2014 fiscal year, which would prevent horse slaughter. Unlike livestock raised for food (where all potential medications are tested for withdrawal times and vigilantly tracked), there is no way to guarantee which medications have been used in a particular horse. No. [53] The issue came to light on January 15, 2013, when it was reported that equine DNA had been discovered in frozen beefburgers sold at several Irish and British supermarkets. In 2013, 32,841 horses were slaughtered in Italy; of these, 32,316 were transported from other EU states. Horse meat was a traditional protein source during food shortages, such as the early-20th-century World Wars. Horse slaughter is not a “solution” for so-called “unwanted” horses. Yes. No. French horsemeat butcher’s shop. Subsidizing horse slaughter cruelty will divert precious financial resources away from American products and food safety. [35] On September 8, 2006, the House of Representatives passed a bill which would have made killing or selling American horses for human consumption illegal in the United States; however, it was not passed by the Senate. [11], In some countries, horses are perceived as gods or as deserving of humane consideration because of their roles as working animals and for sport. Extreme brutality is used in slaughtering horses in Mexico – in particular the Market of San Bernabe. Horses – former pet horses – young, old, sick, healthy, stolen, pregnant mares…none are sacred!  Most people do not know the torture inflicted upon these intelligent creatures. It is the ultimate betrayal to those which so trust and love us. [47] However, it was reestablished by Congress on January 14, 2014 with the passage of the Fiscal Year 2014 Omnibus Appropriations Act. Horse Slaughter: Why Both Sides Are Wrong About Horse Slaughtering. During World War II, the less-motorized Axis troops lost thousands of horses in combat and during the unusually-cold Russian winters. They are often seriously injured or killed in transit. The answer is not to return to subjecting our horses to abuse and unacceptable conditions at plants in the U.S. but to ban both horse slaughter and the export of horses for slaughter altogether and to provide our horses with decent lives and, when necessary, humane deaths. 503 in the House and S. 1915 in the Senate, were introduced in the 109th Congress to prevent the slaughter of horses for human consumption. The SAFE Act also prohibits the knowing sale or transport of equines (or equine parts) in interstate or foreign commerce for human consumption. The problem, however, is that a majority of horses don’t get these kinds of opportunities. As long as slaughter is an outlet for breeders to sell excess horses, they will be rewarded—and continue their irresponsible behavior. [36], Two bills, H.R. [42] However, despite those recommendations, in an April 2011 report on equine transport violations, of 458 violators and 280 cases reported since February 1, 2002, 51 violators were fined a total of $781,350. Right now, animals like me are suffering in puppy mills, research labs and factory farms. The USDA has no system in place to track horses’ lifetime medical histories, and the reputation of the entire U.S. meat industry is at risk. Although the House of Representatives voted overwhelmingly to end horse slaughter in 2006, the bill never came to a vote before the Senate. Unlike animals raised for food, horses do not spend their lives being prepared for the food chain. Before the last domestic plant closed in 2007, the USDA documented in the slaughter pipeline rampant cruelty violations and severe injuries to horses, including broken bones protruding from their bodies, eyeballs hanging by a thread of skin, and gaping wounds. We can curb overbreeding, educate owners about other rehoming options and expand adoption work. It makes no sense for the federal government to spend millions of taxpayer dollars to oversee new horse slaughter plants. [34], Efforts have been made to create a federal law ending the slaughter of American horses for human consumption. [46] In 2009, a bill which would have prohibited the interstate transport of live horses in double-deck horse trailers passed out of committee in the House of Representatives and was placed on the Union Calendar. Few topics are as polarizing in the equine world as that of horse slaughter, and for good reason. 44) to prohibit the shipping, transporting, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of horses and other equines to be slaughtered for human consumption. [24] Concern also exists that horse meat will be mixed with ground-beef products[25] and sold improperly labeled in the US, as occurred during the European 2013 horse meat scandal. In the U.S., horses are raised and treated as companion animals, not as food-producing animals. The horse slaughter industry may promote itself as a humane solution, but that’s a lie, says Pringle. . It can also increase a community’s income because of the revenue such business brings in. In his 1840s book, London Labour and the London Poor, Henry Mayhew wrote that horse meat was priced differently in Paris and London. Any minimal financial contributions of horse slaughter facilities are vastly outweighed by the enormous economic and development-suppressing burden they present. Slaughter is a brutal and terrifying end for horses, and it is not humane. 30,000 B.C. According to equine-welfare advocates, the physiology of the equine cranium is such that neither the penetrating captive bolt gun nor gunshots are reliable means of killing (or stunning) a horse; the animal may be only paralyzed. Horses are still being sent to slaughter, across our borders into Canada and Mexico, and the number of American horses sent to slaughter has not decreased since domestic plants closed in 2007. Travel to slaughterhouses may take days without food or water, followed by an often painful and slow death by captive bolt or.22 rifle. [citation needed], Stolen horses have been sold to auctions, where they are bought by "kill buyers" and shipped to slaughter. The slaughterhouses exported about $42 million in horse meat annually, with most going overseas. [46] The bill died at the end of the 111th Congress. Last year, 81,573 horses made the trip. [32] In May Wallis sought local investors in Wyoming to help finance the plant, which she said could cost between two and six million dollars and would process up to 200 horses a day for sale abroad and to ethnic markets in the US. All were Belgian-owned, with Multimeat also having French and Dutch ownership; Velda owned Cavel, Multimeat owned Beltex and Chevideco owned Dallas Crown. One reason opponents give is that horses are "pampered", and are used to being treated as pets. Horse neglect and abandonment cannot logically be attributed to the closure of U.S slaughter plants. Horses are not killed to make glue. [16] Included in animal-agriculture groups supporting horse slaughter are organizations representing the interests of traditional food-animal industries such as cattle, sheep and pigs, who are concerned that banning any animal for slaughter will lead to outlawing all meat production. This is the real question, in my eyes. The USDA documented that 92.3 percent of horses sent to slaughter are in good condition and are able to live out a productive life. [27], The director of equine protection of the Humane Society of the United States reported seizing large numbers of horses, and equine-rescue facilities were taking in more horses than ever despite a record number of horses shipped to Canada and Mexico for slaughter. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google The SAFE Act amends the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to deem equine (horses and other members of the family Equidae) parts an unsafe food additive or animal drug. Horses that may have been someone's pet." [23] Most American horses destined for slaughter are transported to EU-regulated plants in Mexico and Canada. [12], Several equine and animal-welfare organizations oppose slaughter or support a ban on horse slaughter,[13][14][15] but other animal organizations and animal-agriculture groups support the practice. Last year, approximately 80,000 American horses were trucked over our borders to be slaughtered for human consumption. “Euthanasia means a gentle, painless death, but with slaughter, there’s terror and pain and suffering.” Some owners sell their horse to slaughter because they think that euthanasia is too expensive. It’s against U.S. law to sell horses to be commercially slaughtered for any purpose. Takeaway: Horse meat, when it is properly slaughtered from a horse that has been able to feed from the pasture and have high quality nutritious food supplements, is a high quality animal protein. Every year, ten of thousands of equines from the United States are slaughtered for human consumption to satisfy the taste for horse meat in Europe and Japan where it is considered a delicacy. [19][20], One concern about the welfare of horses destined for slaughter is the long distances the horses are sometimes transported to a slaughterhouse. Horse slaughter plants have proven to be economic and environmental nightmares for the communities that host them. Horse slaughter is the practice of slaughtering horses to produce meat for consumption. In the European 2013 horse meat scandal, foods advertised as containing beef were found to contain undeclared or improperly declared horse meat—100 percent of the meat content, in some cases. U.S. offered only a few low-income, dangerous jobs that did nothing to bolster local economies War,! And development-suppressing burden they present taken up for a vote processed in industrial abattoirs similarly cattle. Slaughter of American horses destined for slaughter abroad homeless or at-risk horses and... Horses in the EU [ for human consumption. of opportunities died at the plants '' bill never came a... S income because of the revenue such why are horses slaughtered brings in “ unwanted ” horses horrifying end quick painless... 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