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tank shell types

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A 120cm/48in tank with a dozen or more of these shellies is a tremendous sight. If you are curious as to how armor works and how effective armor values are calculated hop over to the “How Armor Works” page linked below. You should only use APCR when you encounter an enemy that your AP or HE shell cannot handle since it is very expensive. The shell velocity of APCR is higher than AP which makes hitting moving targets much easier as well. Which Swedish Tank Line is Right for You? High explosive rounds (HE) as distinct from High Explosive Armour Piercing rounds rely more on blast and are usually detonated on impact or with a timed or chemical fuse. AP shells do lose some penetration at medium to long ranges but when compared to APCR shells they lose less penetration at range. There are many different types of shells. APCR shells have more penetration when compared to their AP counterpart on a gun which makes them more effective at dealing with tougher tanks. A typical external floating roof tank consists of an open-topped cylindrical steel shell equipped with a roof that floats on the surface of the stored liquid, rising and falling with the liquid level. We reworked the parameters of standard shells, after which the demand for special ones also changed. Armour-piercing discarding sabot (APDS) is a type of kinetic energy projectile fired from a gun to attack armoured targets. If you purchase a product after clicking an affiliate link, I receive a small percentage of the sale for referring you, at no extra cost to you. For a tank with a fixed roof and internal floating roof, but without a gas blanket: • For normal venting, API 650 (G.8.3 and H.6.2) specifies vents in the fixed roof, tank shell and internal floating roof. 0-12 One Child accompanied       free shell of the tank. A situation to use HE would be resetting an enemy capturing your flag since you only need to do 1 HP’s worth of damage and HE will not bounce off. Which Chinese Tank Line is Right for You? And finally if you are encountering an enemy with a very weak piece of armor you can use HE even though it has lower penetration than AP to deal with weak enemies. Also, keep in mind that shooting at highly angled armor will mean that with only 2°  of normalization it will be tougher sometimes than using AP with 5°  of normalization. HE shells unlike AP shells do not normalize, do not over match, and do not ricochet. Kunze-Panzer & K-91-PT Back-to-Back Ace Tanker Battles | World of Tanks. HE shells are the other “standard round” in World of Tanks since they are cheaper than premium shells and are good for the job they are designed for. Some tanks have additional spaced armor plates primarily on the sides of the tank that can make shooting at those areas deceiving. All types of shells explained and basic principles reviewed. Rest in Peace Levi “Rocket” Menz a.k.a My Little Buddy | Plus Other Happenings in WoT, WoT’s New!? Since the 43.M tank gun was a licence built tank gun variant of the German 7.5 cm PaK 40 anti-tank gun (and NOT the KwK 40 tank gun) the shell itself was a licence built version of the German Panzergranate 39. In World of Tanks you have several different types of shells to choose from and each provides its own positive and negative attributes you need to take into account while using them. In the two previous iterations of Sandbox, we tested changes in the mechanics of the two main types of shells in our game — standard and special. This happens when a shell’s path comes into contact with an enemy crew member or module on the tank. Some tanks do have different ammo set ups and you can find that APCR(tier 10 mediums) could be a standard round in some cases. There are 5 types of ammo in World of Tanks Blitz, 2 types are non-premium, while 3 types are premium rounds being purchased using gold, or credits for a high price than the normal shells. These shells are cheap and do the job well enough that you should stick to these for most of your engagements. Regardless, when a HE shell detonates it will emit “rays” that are drawn in a 45°  arc in the direction of the armor the HE shell has hit. HESH rounds stand a greater chance of destroying conventional armour at longer distances than AP and other rounds that rely on kinetic energy to punch their way through, they are, however ineffective against tanks fitted with spaced armour. World of Tanks Shell Types and Mechanics Guide Wrong.. HE, when fired, is visualized by a bright yellow streak in flight. Charles E. Munroe discovered this effect in 1888 and an experiment he carried out was to tie sticks of Dynamite 91/2 lbs (4.3 kg) in weight around an empty tin can and place the assembly, open end down, onto a 41/2” (114.3 mm) thick steel plate. Size: To 5.8cm/2.3in. Process Plant 1.1. WoT’s New?! Since they cost higher you should use them sparingly in key moments if you cannot afford to use them more often. Armour piecing rounds were developed in the 1860s to defeat armoured plate and were originally... High explosive round. Each layer of spaced armor the AP/APCR shells will normalize(but not change their shell path) and thus making penetrating these areas difficult. For example, the US 37mm casing used in WWII era tank and antitank guns is a 37 x 223R, where R stands for rimmed. LIVING HISTORY GROUPS, AIR SOFT DISPLAY TEAM, CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE HANGAR DANCE TICKETS, © 2021 Norfolk Tank Museum — Powered by WordPress, APDSFS (Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot Fin Stabilized). Actual effects and benefits may vary according to vehicle type, driving conditions and driving style. WoT’s New!? If we conveniently ignore wind loading, the tensile stress on any point of the shell (at least above the bottom few inches where it meets the bottom annular plate) is an almost pure example of hoop stress. Since spaced armor causes the detonation to occur before the shell reaches the hull armor the damage causes to the enemy will either be zero(depending on the splash radius) or very low. Class 2. HEAT shells ricochet at 80° and HE/HESH shells never ricochet. This allows them to use their higher damage potential more effectively since their penetration is closer to an AP shell’s penetration value. A full bore sized round was found to be too heavy to accelerate to sufficient velocity so to get around this problem a smaller projectile was encased in a lightweight full diameter, discardable carrier shell called a Sabot, the projectile was about half the weight and diameter and the Sabot made up the difference needed to fit the bore exactly. After penetrating the first layer it will “bleed” massive amounts of penetration for any additional distance it covers until it hits the next layer of armor. AP shells ricochet off at a 70° angle and anything above that(unless it can be over matched) will simply bounce any shots that hit it. The shaped charge relies on the “Munroe” effect which is the focusing of blast energy by a conical void at the front of the blasting charge. WoT’s New!?! This is one of the more unique-looking species on our list. G assault howitzer … Black Devil Snails are … AP shells are the base or norm of all the shell types since it is your primary round on most tanks and does many things well. Another would be to use it against an enemy you cannot damage with AP if it is a higher tier or if there are no weak spots showing. HE, HESH, and HEAT shells do not normalize. The “standard shells” in World of Tanks are usually armor piercing(AP) and high explosive(HE) shells that will make up most of your load out when you head into battle. Armor Piercing(AP) shells will most likely be your most used shell unless you play almost all SPGs or use all howitzer guns that work better with high explosive. The detonation punched a hole 3” (75mm) in diameter. AP shells also do less damage per shell when compared against HE and HESH shells but are more reliable since when they penetrate a tank’s armor they will do the average damage of the shell with a + or – 25% variable added in. Floating roof decks are constructed of welded steel plates and are of three general types: AP Shells also “over match” which is when a shell’s caliber with three times or more the armor thickness it is hitting it will simply penetrate regardless of the angle. You also have to factor in whether or not you can hit that piece of armor without hitting any type of spaced armor. The earliest and most simple anti-tank shell was the basic armor piercing, or AP, shell. Obj 140, E-50M, 121 BUFFS | Equipment Tips | WoT 10 Year Anniversary, WoT’s New?! This means... AP shells overmatch.. AP shells do not splash. As time progressed, technology improved and rounds also improved in terms of lethality, accuracy and ballistic performance. Range is limited but howitzers are … HE shells when they come into contact with armor simply go through a penetration test(without normalization) to decide whether it will penetrate or detonate. Another situation would be when you need to reset an enemy with HE/HESH since it has a good chance at doing 1 HP or more damage without bouncing off. If any changes occur in future updates this page will be updated to reflect them. This means that you will need to hit enemy tanks in spots that your AP shell has enough penetration to go through. See shell.co.uk/vpower for more information. For example, 115 / 180 / 75. Temperature: 23–26°C/73–79°F. This page will outline the differences of all the shells in World of Tanks and when it is best to use each type of shell. HESH rounds are a high explosive round encased in a thin outer shell with a soft plastic tip and a delayed- action fuse in the base. 10 Year Anniversary Event Possibilities & SuperTest Update, Armor Piercing(AP) shells will most likely be your most used shell unless you play almost all SPGs or use all howitzer guns that work better with high explosive. On impact with armour the plastic tip squashes onto to the armour forming a disc and preventing the warhead from skidding off and, owing to its relatively large and direct contact area with the armour, when detonation occurs, milliseconds later, a shock wave travels through the armour causing fragments to break off with high energy on the inside with a devastating effect. Registered Charity No. Some links on WoT Guru are affiliate links. | Supertest News. New Equipment Ideas + Whats Going On? T-Code instructions apply to dangerous goods in classes 1 and 3 through 9. Premium Armor Piercing (AP) Premium High Explosive (HE), How Video Games Helped Me Overcome Severe Anxiety. The normalization of AP shells is 5° and it will take 5° off of any armor angle it hits and will be taken into account before a shell could ricochet off. The IMO classifications for ISO Tank Containers has been replaced by the ‘T’ code system. Armour piecing rounds were developed in the 1860s to defeat armoured plate and were originally used by the Navy. Since this reduces the armor’s angle it also helps by preventing a shell from ricocheting off of a piece of highly angled armor in some cases. Zrínyi I) tank-hunter. Since HEAT is expensive and has the huge spaced armor downside you will only want to use it against very strong armor that your AP shell would not be able to handle. Like HE/HESH HEAT also does not lose any penetration at range which is a nice positive when you are fighting at long range. My Thoughts on Object 274A | New Maps + Supertest News, WoT’s New!? These shells function the same as their standard shell types as far as mechanics go. Main shell types: AP = deals damage to tanks; APHE = AP but deals more damage to tanks; APC = AP but has less chance to ricochet; APCBC = AP but better; APCR = doesn't deal a lot of damage but can kill the crew inside of it if you aim well Armor plate penetration is achieved by the kinetic energy of the shell. HE is useful but typically you will only need a few per game unless you are playing artillery or are using a howitzer gun. Module damage refers to damage that occurs to a tank’s module or crew. When HE/HESH hits spaced armor it will penetrate if it has enough penetration or explode without penetrating. Starting off you need to learn a few basic shell mechanics in World of Tanks and the terms that relate to them. Compared to the other types of ammunition, AP shells don't have many inherent disadvantages, except being usually inferior to both APCR and HEAT. Twitch Drops | E-220 Weekend | T77 Mini-Review | Huge Problem With Italian Heavy Tanks? WoT’s New!?! HEAT also does not ricochet at 70°  but rather at 80°  which means it can penetrate some highly angled armor that AP/APCR cannot. Generally HEAT shells will lose 5% of their penetration value for every 10cm it travels after hitting a piece of spaced armor. In all higher muzzle velocity imparted more kinetic energy and therefore greater penetration, enabling the destruction of thicker armoured vehicles at greater distances. This shell will simply penetrate regardless of the angle. Spaced Armor. Once HE/HESH detonates it will spew out “rays” in the direction of the explosion that will find the weakest point of armor and then do damage. Premium rounds are available for both gold and credits but due to the extremely high cost per shell when compared to standard shells you should only use them when facing opponents that are to strong for your standard rounds. The need to be able to penetrate the thicker armour that was continually being developed was needed, and one way to achieve this was to increase the impact velocity of the warhead. WoT’s New!?!? Even it if penetrates it will detonate before penetrating a second layer of armor thus lowering its damage potential. Normalization also does not change the shell’s path and the shell if it penetrates spaced armor or any part of a tank will continue on its original path in World of Tanks. 105mm APDS Armoured Piercing Discarding Sabot. Petrochemicals 1.3. Purchasing through affiliate links is an easy, painless way to help out your favorite bloggers. HEAT also can penetrate multiple layers of spaced armor like AP/APCR but has heavy penalties for the distance at which it travels after penetrating the first layer of armor. Weak Spot Guide: Object 263 - World of Tanks Guru, Weak Spot Guide: LTP | World of Tanks Guru. Due to the large surface area for the gases to impinge upon the lighter projectile a far higher average acceleration within the gun barrel was achieved, in turn imparting a higher muzzle velocity. WoT’s New!?! Adult’s                                           £8.00 Why Mirny-13 Will Lead to WoT’s Downfall & The Captured King Tiger Fiasco Update. The floating roof is comprised of a deck, fittings, and rim seal system. The T-Code system specifies the test pressure of each type of tank container, its shell thickness, the pressure relief set-up and the bottom and top outlet arrangement. Types When tanks were first introduced there were basically 2 types of shells; a solid shot used on other tanks and fortifications and a high explosive shot used on infantry and light cover. For most tanks you will not need many HE shells since most tank’s guns work best with AP shells. Pages in category "Ammunition" The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total. Since there are multiple rays compared to a single path in AP/APCR/HEAT shells they can hit multiple modules/crew. When this occurs a shell will lessen the angle at which the armor is angled at and thus lowering its effective armor value(making it easier to penetrate). Hopefully this World of Tanks shell mechanics guide has helped you understand the differences between shells in World of Tanks. For every 10cm a HEAT shell travels after the initial armor layer it will loose roughly 5% of its penetration value. Laundry Room Edition | Gamescom | Steel Hunter Favorite Tank, WoT’s New!?! Armour piecing rounds contain no explosive; instead they rely solely on the massive amount of kinetic energy delivered by the explosive propellant and gun barrel design, to penetrate the armour. (A). A shell casing may have several different styles of bases (heads). Plus Supertest News! The shaped charge, by comparison, is light, cheap, easily portable and requires little sophisticated apparatus to deliver it to its target. Howitzers are one of two primary types of field artillery. And basic principles reviewed Sandbox News & much more armor it will loose 5... Help out your favorite bloggers not penetrate multiple layers of armor regardless of the tank that can shooting! | Huge Problem with Italian heavy Tanks have additional spaced armor when it comes to the gun mantlet armor. 10Cm a HEAT shell travels after the initial armor layer it will detonate before penetrating a second layer of regardless. Edition | Gamescom | steel Hunter favorite tank, WoT ’ s value. 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