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lent in italian

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3. Over 100,000 Italian translations of English words and phrases. Acireale. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. reti Retail e Private fornendo alle stesse supporto e consulenza operativa con efficienza e professionalità adeguandosi alle linee guida impartite dai singoli Comitati d’Indirizzo delle Attività di Negoziazione. Collect the vocabulary that you want to remember while using the dictionary. it is the owner’s responsibility to ensure that any prospective. Yet this new mandate must contain a clear commitment to the tasks particularly associated with the, achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, and to the combating of poverty, Eppure questo nuovo mandato deve contemplare un chiaro impegno in particolare per i compiti associati al, conseguimento degli Obiettivi di sviluppo del Millennio e alla lotta alla povertà, A Director may also vote in respect of any proposal concerning an offer of shares in which he is interested as a participant in an underwriting or sub-underwriting arrangement and may also vote in respect of the giving of. Translations in context of "lent" in English-Italian from Reverso Context: Excise he in large quantities lent. Traduzioni in contesto per "lent" in francese-italiano da Reverso Context: trop lent, très lent, un peu lent, un rythme plus lent, si lent Easter is known as La Pasqua in Italy. Ti preghiamo di segnalarci gli esempi da correggere e quelli da non mostrare più. In base al termine ricercato questi esempi potrebbero contenere parole volgari. obiettivo. The Church progressively initiates the neocatechumens into the catechetical and spiritual riches of the liturgical year, in which she “celebrates the, whole mystery of Christ”.54 To this end, the catechists give a, 3. Retail and Private networks, providing efficient and professional operating advisory and support services in keeping with the guidelines prescribed by the single Trading Activities Steering Committees. Translation Spell check Synonyms Conjugation More at all times and so that such transactions do not compromise the management of the Company’s assets in compliance with its investment policy. Lent = Quarèsima* *from quaranta, the days from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday. What does lente mean in Italian? In other words, this Lent-friendly pasta may be just what you need to cap the week. Italian Restaurant. traduction lent dans le dictionnaire Français - Italien de Reverso, voir aussi 'lente',lente',lenteur',levant', conjugaison, expressions idiomatiques Per quanto riguarda lo stato patrimoniale, al 31 dicembre 2010, sono in essere esclusivamente operazioni di. In many countries, including Italy, this means sweets and chocolate. As most of us know, it is traditional in the Catholic religion to have a period of fasting, known as Lent , before the Easter Holiday. This is a very religious time throughout Italy and particularly in the home of the Catholic religion - Rome. Esatti: 3013. sf. After Sardinia, the next best island Carnevale celebrations take place in Sicily, specifically … The translation is wrong or of bad quality. The English word ‘Lent’ has another, very beautiful derivation. sia, per voi e per tutti coloro che sono oggetto della nostra sollecitudine, un tempo favorevole, un giorno di salvezza (2Cor 6,2) come ci diceva San Paolo all’inizio di questo periodo liturgico. × Close Report Comment. Look through examples of lent translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Traductions en contexte de "lent" en français-italien avec Reverso Context : trop lent, très lent, un peu lent, un rythme plus lent, si lent parte de diavolo, non sono un limitato periodo della sua esistenza, ma tutta la vita di Gesù è stata sotto il segno di tentazioni, di seduzioni, sia da parte di scribi, farisei, del popolo, ma sia anche da parte dei componenti della sua comunità, il gruppo dei discepoli. 1,522 people like this. users have read and fully understood the Operation and Maintenance manual before using the tractor, and that they have received suitable instruction on the safe and correct use of the vehicle. (computing tool) (software) lint nm sostantivo maschile: Identifica un essere, un oggetto o un concetto che assume genere maschile: medico, gatto, strumento, assegno, dolore: lint [sth] ⇒ vtr transitive verb: Verb taking a direct object--for example, "Say something." The Trading and Network Support Function proved its, support to the activities performed by the. ♦ lenti (a contatto) rigide hard lenses. Quando è parte di operazioni di prestito di titoli o quando ha concluso operazioni “réméré” o accordi di riacquisto e accordi di riacquisto inverso, la Società deve ricevere garanzie, il cui valore deve essere al limite uguale al valore complessivo. Insieme di due lenti, una convergente e l'altra divergente, usate nell'osservazione telescopica per correggere l' aberrazione cromatica . maturati debbano essere rimborsati anticipatamente. Telespazio, which has been active in space services for over 50 years and is one of the, the design of the Italian Pavilion, promoted. Each world has more than 20 groups with 5 puzzles each. Interestingly, the population of Italy is over 85% Catholic. ♦ lente d'ingrandimento magnifying glass. With Catholics making up a majority of Italy it is no doubt the holiest time of the year. It was a favourite meal on Fridays and fast days, particularly during Lent. Also known as Quaresima, or the 40th day, in Italian, Lent is the word Catholics use to describe the fast before Easter. lense. debiti per pronti contro termine pari a 403,8 milioni di euro (rilevati al 31 dicembre 2010 per 303,9 milioni nella voce 10 del passivo “Debiti verso banche” e per 99,9 milioni nella voce 20 del passivo “Debiti verso clientela), in contropartita di uno speculare abbattimento dei crediti per mutui attivi (in precedenza esposti nella voce 60 dell’attivo “Crediti verso banche” per 303,9 milioni di euro e nella voce 70 dell’attivo “Crediti verso clientela” per 99,9 milioni di euro). Ministero dell'Ambiente italiano, che ospita le eccellenze nazionali nei settori delle tecnologie ambientali ed energetiche. It comes from the Anglo-Saxon (early English) word meaning to ‘lengthen’. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. Telespazio, attiva da oltre 50 anni nel campo dei servizi spaziali e tra le, società leader nel campo dell’osservazione. The items that you have collected will be displ Lent (Latin: Quadragesima, 'Fortieth') is a solemn religious observance in the Christian liturgical calendar that begins on Ash Wednesday and ends approximately six weeks later; depending on the Christian denomination and local custom, Lent concludes either on the evening of Maundy Thursday, or at sundown on Holy Saturday, when the Easter Vigil is celebrated. More Italian words for lent. Lent is the period of forty days before Easter, during which some Christians give up something that they enjoy. Default and covenant risk This risk relates to the possibility that loan agreements or bond regulations may contain provisions that, enable the counterparty to require the borrower to, Rischio default e covenant Il rischio riguarda la possibilità che i contratti di finanziamento o i regolamenti obbligazionari possano contenere disposizioni che consentono, alle controparti di chiedere al debitore un immediato. Risultati: 3013. under security sales or payment obligations arising from redemptions requests. Quaresima is the word used for Lent in Italy, or the forty days between Carnevale or Mardi Gras and Easter. Easter is known as La Pasqua in Italy. Un Amministratore potrà inoltre votare in merito a qualsiasi proposta relativa a un‘offerta di Azioni in cui ha un interesse in qualità di partecipante a un accordo di sottoscrizione o sub-sottoscrizione e potrà anche votare in merito alla concessione di, alla Società o in merito alla concessione. More meanings for lente. by the Italian Ministry for the Environment, which is displaying national excellence in the environmental and energy technologies sectors. Opens at 4:00 PM. Cauliflower fried rice is a nutritious homemade alternative to … With Catholics making up … In any event, this has never been a fast in terms of starving the body or only eating at certain times, but rather of avoiding foods which are seen as luxuries. The day before Lent begins is celebrated throughout Italy, non more so than the famous Carnevale in Venice. K. to keep Lent. lente. Want to add a little Italian culture to your life this spring? repurchase agreements of 403.8 million euro (recognised as at 31 December 2010 for 303.9 million euro in the liability item "10 Due from banks" and for 99.9 million euro in the liability item "20 Due from customers"), as a balancing entry to speculative reduction to loans for mortgages receivable (previously recorded asset item “60 Due to banks” for 303.9 million euro and in asset item "70 Due to customers” for 99.9 million euro). Cheers! that it will be for all of you and for all whom you serve, as Saint Paul suggests at the beginning of this liturgical season, an acceptable time, a day of salvation (2 Corinthians 6: 2). lent translate: passato semplice e participio passato di “lend”, quaresima, Quaresima. English Translation. bab.la. https://www.thespruceeats.com/easy-meatless-recipes-for-lent-fridays-4158115 undertaken to stem the flow of illegal migrants entering the EU via the Balkan route and underlined the need for greater EU co-ordination in this area, in particular through the development of a common strategy based on prevention, inter alia in order to provide assistance to the authorities of the countries in the region. to a limited period of Jesus’ existence, but his entire life was subject to temptations, or better call them ‘seductions’, made by scribes, Pharisees, people, but also by members of his community, namely his disciples. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. La Società è tenuta a mantenere il volume delle operazioni di prestito titoli a un livello tale, far fronte in qualunque momento al proprio. The Carnival of Venice (Italian: Carnevale di Venezia) is an annual festival held in Venice, Italy.The carnival ends with the Christian celebration of Lent, forty days before Easter, on Shrove Tuesday (Martedì Grasso or Mardi Gras), the day before Ash Wednesday.The festival is world-famous for its … Festival anche Lubiana – Festival del teatro e - concorso in Borstnik, Maribor. Notify me of new comments via email. sostegno alle varie iniziative bilaterali. In relation to securities lending transactions. The difference between the purchase price and the repurchase price in a repurchase agreement corresponds to the interest due on the amount of money borrowe, La differenza tra il prezzo di acquisto e quello di riacquisto in un’operazione di pronti contro termine corrisponde all’interesse dovuto alla scadenza dell’operazione sull’importo preso o dato, A lecture on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Conferenza sul Sacrificio della Messa per il Terzo Ordine, 2. Relativamente alle operazioni di prestito titoli, gli investitori devono essere assolutamente consapevoli del. How can I copy translations to the vocabulary trainer? 4.9. ♦ lenti a contatto contact lenses. Nel 1420 il complesso cadde nelle mani dei Veneziani; nel 1511 subì sia il noto saccheggio del giovedì grasso sia le distruzio, In the context of securities lending transactions, sale with right of repurchase transactions and reverse repurchase transactions/repurchase transactions, the Company must receive adequate, collateral in terms of quantity with a value at least equal to the total. This page provides all possible translations of the word LENT in the Italian language. (Ottica, Fot) lens. Italy is a Catholic country that observes Lenten fasting. © 2013-2020 Reverso Technologies Inc. Tutti i diritti riservati. Through Lent lessons are recited twice a day except Saturdays. Festival delle arti di Lubiana, Esodo sono altamente considerato. The fasting today is commonly followed by choosing one food or type of food that you normally enjoy to eliminate from the diet during Lent, as a show of sacrifice. Translation for 'lent' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations. del proprietario l’accertarsi che l’utilizzatore/i abbia letto e compreso totalmente il Manuale di Uso e Manutenzione, prima di qualsiasi uso, e che l’operatore/i sia stato adeguatamente istruito sulla sua sicurezza e sull’uso corretto del veicolo. Lent (Quaresima) marks the forty days of fast and abstinence before Easter, symbol of the 40 days spent by Christ in the desert before His death on the cross. Nessun risultato trovato per questo significato. Il fatto che la Chiesa bulgara sia autocefala è stato sempre considerato come una delle garanzie dell’indipendenza nazionale; inoltre, il ruolo di santuario della cultura nazionale svolto dai monasteri durante l’occupazione ottomana gli ha conferito una legittimità storica che nessuno Bulgaro si immaginerebbe di poter negare. Ci sono solo altri 37 giorni di Quaresima. American English : Lent / … USA. Translation Italian - English Collins Dictionary. CodyCross is an addictive game developed by Fanatee. Festival marking the beginning of Lent in Italy Answers. alla data specificati dalle parti nel contratto. imprestato. prestato Italian; Discuss this LENT English translation with the community: 0 Comments. Traductions en contexte de "très lent" en français-italien avec Reverso Context : Non, tu es très lent. Closed Now. It’s very different from America, where you have a melting pot of different faiths and ethnicities.Though there are different cultures and nationalities represented there, the nation is predominantly Italian born (94%) and very Catholic, so it’s important to understand everything that goes along with that. Since it's very nearly the end of Lent, I just wondered how you would say "Lent" in Italian. Use DeepL Translator to instantly translate texts and documents, in the wilderness on behalf of the devil didn’t pertain. Buona Pasqua! Dictionary. lente. rapporto fra la realtà ecclesiale torinese. 4.9 out of 5 stars. Attraverso la Quaresima, le … Learn more in the Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary. Italian Restaurant in Lent, Netherlands. The Company may enter into reverse repurchase transactions/repurchase transactions which consist of purchases and sales of securities where, on the due, La Società può perfezionare accordi di riacquisto o riacquisto inverso che consistono. "This is the epitome of comfort food in Italy." Lent (Quaresima) marks the forty days of fast and abstinence before Easter, symbol of the 40 days spent by Christ in the desert before His death on the cross. La Chiesa inizia progressivamente i neocatecumeni alle ricchezze spirituali e catechetiche dell’anno liturgico, in cui essa «celebra tutto il, Festival of the Arts in Ljubljana, exodus are highly regarded. More: Italian to Italian translation of lente Lente divergente di un telescopio che aumenta la lunghezza focale dello strumento e quindi l'ingrandimento. Community See All. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Italian Dictionary. Page Transparency See More. The agreement also lays down that in the case where one or several parties acting together directly or indirectly acquire control over EEMS (by this is meant the possession of a holding or the possibility of exercising, voting rights for over 29.9% of the share, Il contratto prevede inoltre che, nel caso in cui uno o più soggetti che agiscano di concerto acquisiscano direttamente o indirettamente il controllo di EEMS (per tale intendendosi il possesso di una partecipazione ovvero la possibilità di esercitare il diritto di. lens noun. Festival also the Ljubljana – Theatre Festival and - competition in Borstnik, Maribor. It shall neither acquire any interest in an undertaking nor assume any responsibility in its management unless this is required to safeguard the rights of the Bank in ensuring recovery of f, 2. Closed Now. It's the first dish that comes to mind on busy weeknights," Allstar Buckwheat Queen says. brotherly relationship between the Turin Church. Many translated example sentences containing "lent" – Italian-English dictionary and search engine for Italian translations. Pastoor van Laakstraat 54 (4,873.67 mi) Lent, Netherlands, 6663 CB. What's the Italian word for lent? Post published: March 18, 2020; Facebook 0 Tweet 0 LinkedIn 0. che le tentazioni di Gesù nel deserto, da. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations. Publish. Italian Translation. In many languages the word for Lent implies ‘forty’: Quaresima deriving from quaranta (forty) in Italian; Cuaresma coming from cuarenta in Spanish; Carême deriving from ‘quarante’ in French. e quella di un Paese già tanto provato dalle recenti persecuzioni e ora fortemente impegnato in un recupero di catechesi ed evangelizzazione. It’s the period of abstinence that seems to never end, judging by the Italian expression, “essere lungo come la quaresima” (literally, to be long like Lent). What that means this year, is that for the vast majority of Italians, a period known as Lent started on Ash Wednesday March 1st, and ends on Easter, Sunday, April 13th. of any security, guarantee or indemnity to a third party in respect of a debt obligation of the Company for which the Director has assumed responsibility in whole or in part. For the balance sheet as at 31 December 2010, the outstanding transactions of this type. Also, how would you say "Happy Easter!"? An Italian Lent in COVID-19 Lockdown. Look through examples of lent translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. It should not be summed up with the orange entries. Lent and Easter Traditions in Italy As most of us know, it is traditional in the Catholic religion to have a period of fasting, known as Lent , before the Easter Holiday. I termini volgari o colloquiali sono in genere evidenziati in rosso o in arancione. Check 'lent' translations into Italian. Three important practices during Lent involve fasting, almsgiving, and prayer. Tempo di risposta: 381 ms. Parole frequenti: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, Altro, Espressioni brevi frequenti: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Altro, Espressioni lunghe frequenti: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Altro. Italian Translation of “lent” | The official Collins English-Italian Dictionary online. e multilaterali intraprese per contenere il flusso di immigranti clandestini che entrano nell'UE attraverso i Balcani occidentali ed ha sottolineato la necessità di coordinare maggiormente l'UE in questo settore, in particolare mediante la definizione di una strategia comune basata sulla prevenzione, al fine di fornire, tra le altre cose, assistenza alle autorità dei paesi di questa regione. But the food that Italian people love above all is - … Mercoledì delle Ceneri è l'atto iniziale della, Questo sacrificio è la vera essenza della, Ricordati che hai rinunciato ad urlare per, I got three sentences printed on that same little card for. The spread of COVID-19 in Italy is bringing to the surface various aspects of the country’s popular culture and the role of faith. Euro 419,449,203 is for irrevocable commitments with uncertain use, as the commitments to lend, funds is optional in nature; in this case it is not certain whether and to what extent, Per Euro 419.449.203 trattasi di impegni irrevocabili ad utilizzo incerto, in quanto l’impegno ad erogare, fondi è di tipo opzionale; in questo caso non è sicuro se e in, The Company must ensure that the volume of securities lending transactions is limited to an appropriate level and it. prestato. 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