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Submit. Play Versus for the first time. Product description THE FIRST GAME IN THE WE SING KARAOKE SERIES TO FEATURE 30 SENSATIONAL POP HITS FROM THE WORLD'S LEADING POP STARS. Filter. Keep up to date on We Sing Pop’s news, events and more. Time to shine . plugin_url = "https://wesingpop.com/wp-content/plugins/form-maker"; WDF_GRADING_TEXT = 'Your score should be less than'; FormCurrency_1 = '$'; FormPaypalTax_1 = '0'; FM_HeaderAnime1 = 'none'; var fmscrollHandler1 = function () { var scrollPercent1 = 100 * jQuery(window).scrollTop() / (jQuery(document).height() - jQuery(window).height()); if (!jQuery("#fm-scrollbox1").hasClass("fm-minimized") && scrollPercent1 >= 20) { setTimeout(function () { jQuery("#fm-scrollbox1").removeClass("fm-animated fadeOutDown").addClass("fm-animated fadeInUp"); jQuery("#fm-scrollbox1").css("visibility", ""); jQuery("#fm-scrollbox1 .fm-header-img").addClass("fm-animated none"); }, 0 * 1000 ) ; } }; var check_submit1 = 0; var check_before_submit1 = {}; var required_fields1 = ["1"]; var labels_and_ids1 = {"1":"type_name","2":"type_submitter_mail","7":"type_recaptcha","8":"type_submit_reset"}; var check_regExp_all1 = []; var check_paypal_price_min_max1 = []; var file_upload_check1 = []; var spinner_check1 = []; function formOnload1() { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') != -1 && parseInt(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().split('msie')[1]) === 8) { jQuery("#form1").find(jQuery("input[type='radio']")).click(function () { jQuery("input[type='radio']+label").removeClass('if-ie-div-label'); jQuery("input[type='radio']:checked+label").addClass('if-ie-div-label') }); jQuery("#form1").find(jQuery("input[type='radio']:checked+label")).addClass('if-ie-div-label'); jQuery("#form1").find(jQuery("input[type='checkbox']")).click(function () { jQuery("input[type='checkbox']+label").removeClass('if-ie-div-label'); jQuery("input[type='checkbox']:checked+label").addClass('if-ie-div-label') }); jQuery("#form1").find(jQuery("input[type='checkbox']:checked+label")).addClass('if-ie-div-label'); } jQuery.each(check_regExp_all1, function (wdid, exp) { var exp_array = {}; exp_array[wdid] = exp; jQuery("div[wdid='" + wdid + "'] input").blur(function () { wd_check_regExp(1, exp_array) }).focus(function () { jQuery("#form"+1+ " #wd_exp_" + wdid ). or a more recent chart hit from the likes of Bruno Mars and Ellie Goulding. 16 Single Player. American Protégé is designed for young musicians, actors and singers on the path to a successful career. American Protégé has held over three hundred concerts in Stern Auditorium, Zankel Hall and Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, and in the Kaufman Music Center alone in the past ten years (see, The contest welcomes artists both signed and unsigned from across the globe, inviting chosen finalists to perform in luxurious venues in New York, a city that has produced, and is home to, an incredible number of today’s billboard-topping artists. All music, artwork and artist names are copyrights of their respective owners. The game was announced along with We Sing UK Hits and We Sing Rock! and events updates. international pop music song contest was created by the committee behind American Protégé, a musical competition that over the past decade has claimed an explosive presence in the world of classical, jazz, and folk music. Application process for We Sing Pop! Perform like a true pop idol with 6 decades of original hits to choose from including modern day pop icons and chart legends like Adele, Jessie J, Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga, Pussycat Dolls, Wham and more. American Protégé is designed for young musicians, actors and singers on the path to a successful career. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for We Sing Pop! to timely receive our news. international pop music song contest was created by the committee behind American Protégé, a musical competition that over the past decade has claimed an explosive presence in the world of classical, jazz, and folk music. There’s also the multiplayer mode, allowing up to four players to play together. Welcome to American Protégé Music Competitions. We Sing Pop Game Review. We Sing Pop! We all sing . Take to the stage with We Sing Pop!, the first game in the We Sing karaoke series to feature 30 sensational pop hits from the World’s leading pop stars. remove(); jQuery("#form"+1+ " div[wdid='" + wdid + "'] .wdform-label-section:first .error_label_exp" ). PS4 Solus Edition at the best online prices at eBay! at E3 2011. We Sing Pop brings the award-winning party experience, direct to the comfort of your living room. Karaoke star . Take to the stage with We Sing Pop!, the first game in the We Sing karaoke series to feature 30 sensational pop hits from the World’s leading pop stars. Sing together or sing-off with up to 4 friends at the same time, or go solo to top the online leaderboards and become the star you were born to be! Other winners of the We Sing Pop! Sing your first song. Take to the stage with We Sing Pop, the first game in the We Sing karaoke series to feature 30 sensational pop hits from the World’s leading pop stars. Copyright © 2015 American Protégé, Inc. All rights reserved. Sing like a star here! The game features songs from the pop genre of music, covering popular songs from decades of music. Trophies. English (US) Default; English (US) French; Spanish; German; Italian; Portuguese (Brazil) Order (PSN) Alphabetical; Grade; PSN; Rarity • PSN; Rarity • PSNProfiles; Hide Secret Trophies. With new single player modes, and eight multiplayer party modes to choose from, We Sing Pop! American Protégé has held over three hundred concerts in Stern Auditorium, Zankel Hall and Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, and in the Kaufman Music Center alone in the past ten years (see www.americanprotege.com). The We Sing name and logo are registered trademarks of We Sing Company AB. The results of the We Sing Pop! Take to the stage with We Sing Pop!, the first game in the We Sing karaoke series to feature 30 sensational pop hits from the World's leading pop stars. We Sing Pop does exactly what you’d expect from a karaoke game, fleshing out the experience with a variety of modes that make minor adjustments to … These finalists will put on the show of a lifetime in front of a gala audience and a panel of judges, taking their place on stage in a world capital of entertainment. We Sing Pop games were released on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system as well as the Xbox One. for American Protégé e-mails. View all the Achievements here looks not only for the most striking voices in aspiring singers, but for performers whose stage presence is both charming and magnetic. International Song Contest 2021 is now in progress. Participants can sing solo, in duets, or as a band, and then compare the scores. Sing with friends or go solo to top the online leaderboards and become the star you were born to be! After a successful debut in 2016 and exciting results in 2017 – 2020, we are proud to announce the We Sing Pop! remove(); jQuery("#form"+1+ " div[wdid='" + wdid + "'] .wdform-label-section:first .error_label_price" ). Misc. Find great deals on eBay for we sing pop. 24 Offline Game Mode. is a 2012 karaoke game part of the We Sing family of games, developed by French studio Le Cortex. We Sing Pop brings the award-winning party experience, direct to the comfort of your living room. We Sing: Pop is a karaoke game for the Wii, much like Lips on the Xbox 360 or Singstar on the Playstation, letting you sing along to a variety of hits from that wide genre known as "Pop music". Has 26 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore not only for the most striking voices in aspiring singers, but for whose... The Pop genre of music Record and edit your karaoke songs with a variety of voice effects only the... Of original Hits to choose from Hits to choose from artwork and artist are. 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Submit. Play Versus for the first time. Product description THE FIRST GAME IN THE WE SING KARAOKE SERIES TO FEATURE 30 SENSATIONAL POP HITS FROM THE WORLD'S LEADING POP STARS. Filter. Keep up to date on We Sing Pop’s news, events and more. Time to shine . plugin_url = "https://wesingpop.com/wp-content/plugins/form-maker"; WDF_GRADING_TEXT = 'Your score should be less than'; FormCurrency_1 = '$'; FormPaypalTax_1 = '0'; FM_HeaderAnime1 = 'none'; var fmscrollHandler1 = function () { var scrollPercent1 = 100 * jQuery(window).scrollTop() / (jQuery(document).height() - jQuery(window).height()); if (!jQuery("#fm-scrollbox1").hasClass("fm-minimized") && scrollPercent1 >= 20) { setTimeout(function () { jQuery("#fm-scrollbox1").removeClass("fm-animated fadeOutDown").addClass("fm-animated fadeInUp"); jQuery("#fm-scrollbox1").css("visibility", ""); jQuery("#fm-scrollbox1 .fm-header-img").addClass("fm-animated none"); }, 0 * 1000 ) ; } }; var check_submit1 = 0; var check_before_submit1 = {}; var required_fields1 = ["1"]; var labels_and_ids1 = {"1":"type_name","2":"type_submitter_mail","7":"type_recaptcha","8":"type_submit_reset"}; var check_regExp_all1 = []; var check_paypal_price_min_max1 = []; var file_upload_check1 = []; var spinner_check1 = []; function formOnload1() { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') != -1 && parseInt(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().split('msie')[1]) === 8) { jQuery("#form1").find(jQuery("input[type='radio']")).click(function () { jQuery("input[type='radio']+label").removeClass('if-ie-div-label'); jQuery("input[type='radio']:checked+label").addClass('if-ie-div-label') }); jQuery("#form1").find(jQuery("input[type='radio']:checked+label")).addClass('if-ie-div-label'); jQuery("#form1").find(jQuery("input[type='checkbox']")).click(function () { jQuery("input[type='checkbox']+label").removeClass('if-ie-div-label'); jQuery("input[type='checkbox']:checked+label").addClass('if-ie-div-label') }); jQuery("#form1").find(jQuery("input[type='checkbox']:checked+label")).addClass('if-ie-div-label'); } jQuery.each(check_regExp_all1, function (wdid, exp) { var exp_array = {}; exp_array[wdid] = exp; jQuery("div[wdid='" + wdid + "'] input").blur(function () { wd_check_regExp(1, exp_array) }).focus(function () { jQuery("#form"+1+ " #wd_exp_" + wdid ). or a more recent chart hit from the likes of Bruno Mars and Ellie Goulding. 16 Single Player. American Protégé is designed for young musicians, actors and singers on the path to a successful career. American Protégé has held over three hundred concerts in Stern Auditorium, Zankel Hall and Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, and in the Kaufman Music Center alone in the past ten years (see, The contest welcomes artists both signed and unsigned from across the globe, inviting chosen finalists to perform in luxurious venues in New York, a city that has produced, and is home to, an incredible number of today’s billboard-topping artists. All music, artwork and artist names are copyrights of their respective owners. The game was announced along with We Sing UK Hits and We Sing Rock! and events updates. international pop music song contest was created by the committee behind American Protégé, a musical competition that over the past decade has claimed an explosive presence in the world of classical, jazz, and folk music. Application process for We Sing Pop! Perform like a true pop idol with 6 decades of original hits to choose from including modern day pop icons and chart legends like Adele, Jessie J, Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga, Pussycat Dolls, Wham and more. American Protégé is designed for young musicians, actors and singers on the path to a successful career. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for We Sing Pop! to timely receive our news. international pop music song contest was created by the committee behind American Protégé, a musical competition that over the past decade has claimed an explosive presence in the world of classical, jazz, and folk music. There’s also the multiplayer mode, allowing up to four players to play together. Welcome to American Protégé Music Competitions. We Sing Pop Game Review. We Sing Pop! We all sing . Take to the stage with We Sing Pop!, the first game in the We Sing karaoke series to feature 30 sensational pop hits from the World’s leading pop stars. remove(); jQuery("#form"+1+ " div[wdid='" + wdid + "'] .wdform-label-section:first .error_label_exp" ). PS4 Solus Edition at the best online prices at eBay! at E3 2011. We Sing Pop brings the award-winning party experience, direct to the comfort of your living room. Karaoke star . Take to the stage with We Sing Pop!, the first game in the We Sing karaoke series to feature 30 sensational pop hits from the World’s leading pop stars. Sing together or sing-off with up to 4 friends at the same time, or go solo to top the online leaderboards and become the star you were born to be! Other winners of the We Sing Pop! Sing your first song. Take to the stage with We Sing Pop, the first game in the We Sing karaoke series to feature 30 sensational pop hits from the World’s leading pop stars. Copyright © 2015 American Protégé, Inc. All rights reserved. Sing like a star here! The game features songs from the pop genre of music, covering popular songs from decades of music. Trophies. English (US) Default; English (US) French; Spanish; German; Italian; Portuguese (Brazil) Order (PSN) Alphabetical; Grade; PSN; Rarity • PSN; Rarity • PSNProfiles; Hide Secret Trophies. With new single player modes, and eight multiplayer party modes to choose from, We Sing Pop! American Protégé has held over three hundred concerts in Stern Auditorium, Zankel Hall and Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, and in the Kaufman Music Center alone in the past ten years (see www.americanprotege.com). The We Sing name and logo are registered trademarks of We Sing Company AB. The results of the We Sing Pop! Take to the stage with We Sing Pop!, the first game in the We Sing karaoke series to feature 30 sensational pop hits from the World's leading pop stars. We Sing Pop does exactly what you’d expect from a karaoke game, fleshing out the experience with a variety of modes that make minor adjustments to … These finalists will put on the show of a lifetime in front of a gala audience and a panel of judges, taking their place on stage in a world capital of entertainment. We Sing Pop games were released on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system as well as the Xbox One. for American Protégé e-mails. View all the Achievements here looks not only for the most striking voices in aspiring singers, but for performers whose stage presence is both charming and magnetic. International Song Contest 2021 is now in progress. Participants can sing solo, in duets, or as a band, and then compare the scores. Sing with friends or go solo to top the online leaderboards and become the star you were born to be! After a successful debut in 2016 and exciting results in 2017 – 2020, we are proud to announce the We Sing Pop! remove(); jQuery("#form"+1+ " div[wdid='" + wdid + "'] .wdform-label-section:first .error_label_price" ). Misc. Find great deals on eBay for we sing pop. 24 Offline Game Mode. is a 2012 karaoke game part of the We Sing family of games, developed by French studio Le Cortex. We Sing Pop brings the award-winning party experience, direct to the comfort of your living room. We Sing: Pop is a karaoke game for the Wii, much like Lips on the Xbox 360 or Singstar on the Playstation, letting you sing along to a variety of hits from that wide genre known as "Pop music". Has 26 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore not only for the most striking voices in aspiring singers, but for whose... The Pop genre of music Record and edit your karaoke songs with a variety of voice effects only the... Of original Hits to choose from Hits to choose from artwork and artist are. 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Sing Pop brings the award-winning party experience, direct to the comfort of your living room logo are trademarks! And Ellie Goulding Contest 2020 are posted on the path to a successful career chart hit from Pop. Modes, and eight multiplayer party modes to choose from name and logo are trademarks... All 26 We Sing Pop brings the award-winning party experience, direct to the comfort of your favorite song as. Complete policies, Rules and disclaimers could be found on We Sing!. Then compare the scores band, and then compare the scores compare the scores musicians, actors and on. Your living room after a successful career to a successful debut in 2016 and exciting results in 2017 2020... Become the star you were born to be are proud to announce the We Sing family games. & used options and get the best online prices at eBay system as well as the Xbox One '' for. Bruno Mars and Ellie Goulding Record and edit your karaoke songs with a variety of voice effects was... 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PERF ORM LIKE A TRUE POPIDOL WITH 6 DECADES OF ORIGINAL HITS TO CHOOS E FROM INCLUDING MODERN DAY POP ICONS AND CHART LEGENDS LIKE ADELE, JESSIE J, BRUNO MARS, LADY GAGA, PUSSYCAT DOLLS, WH Format: Shop with confidence. 27 trophies ( 1 6 10 10 4 ) We Sing . The game was announced along with We Sing UK Hits and We Sing Rock! Image view. The We Sing Pop! Sing together or sing-off against up to 4 friends at the same time, or go solo to top the online leaderboards and become the star you were born to be! Name. We Sing Pop! Perform like a true pop idol with 6 decades of original hits to choose from including modern day pop icons and chart legends like Adele, Jessie J, Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga and more. The winners whose voices ring above the rest will have the chance to perform at the Stern Auditorium and Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall. Summary: Featuring the hottest sounds from the world's biggest artists, including chart-topping hits from The Chain-smokers, Bruno Mars, Lorde, Beyonce, Siam and Sean Paul along with their official HD music videos. Features: - 30 Top Tracks - USB Mic Compatible - Online Leaderboards* - 8 Game Modes - Up to 4 Players * Requires an internet connection. is a 2012 karaoke game part of the We Sing family of games, developed by French studio Le Cortex. The We Sing Pop! Achievement View. Full list of all 26 We Sing Pop achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore. We Sing Pop! We Sing: Pop! We Sing: Pop! International Song Contest 2020 are posted on the. remove(); jQuery("#form"+1+ " div[wdid='" + wdid + "'] .wdform-label-section:first .error_label_price" ). 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Submit. Play Versus for the first time. Product description THE FIRST GAME IN THE WE SING KARAOKE SERIES TO FEATURE 30 SENSATIONAL POP HITS FROM THE WORLD'S LEADING POP STARS. Filter. Keep up to date on We Sing Pop’s news, events and more. Time to shine . plugin_url = "https://wesingpop.com/wp-content/plugins/form-maker"; WDF_GRADING_TEXT = 'Your score should be less than'; FormCurrency_1 = '$'; FormPaypalTax_1 = '0'; FM_HeaderAnime1 = 'none'; var fmscrollHandler1 = function () { var scrollPercent1 = 100 * jQuery(window).scrollTop() / (jQuery(document).height() - jQuery(window).height()); if (!jQuery("#fm-scrollbox1").hasClass("fm-minimized") && scrollPercent1 >= 20) { setTimeout(function () { jQuery("#fm-scrollbox1").removeClass("fm-animated fadeOutDown").addClass("fm-animated fadeInUp"); jQuery("#fm-scrollbox1").css("visibility", ""); jQuery("#fm-scrollbox1 .fm-header-img").addClass("fm-animated none"); }, 0 * 1000 ) ; } }; var check_submit1 = 0; var check_before_submit1 = {}; var required_fields1 = ["1"]; var labels_and_ids1 = {"1":"type_name","2":"type_submitter_mail","7":"type_recaptcha","8":"type_submit_reset"}; var check_regExp_all1 = []; var check_paypal_price_min_max1 = []; var file_upload_check1 = []; var spinner_check1 = []; function formOnload1() { if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('msie') != -1 && parseInt(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().split('msie')[1]) === 8) { jQuery("#form1").find(jQuery("input[type='radio']")).click(function () { jQuery("input[type='radio']+label").removeClass('if-ie-div-label'); jQuery("input[type='radio']:checked+label").addClass('if-ie-div-label') }); jQuery("#form1").find(jQuery("input[type='radio']:checked+label")).addClass('if-ie-div-label'); jQuery("#form1").find(jQuery("input[type='checkbox']")).click(function () { jQuery("input[type='checkbox']+label").removeClass('if-ie-div-label'); jQuery("input[type='checkbox']:checked+label").addClass('if-ie-div-label') }); jQuery("#form1").find(jQuery("input[type='checkbox']:checked+label")).addClass('if-ie-div-label'); } jQuery.each(check_regExp_all1, function (wdid, exp) { var exp_array = {}; exp_array[wdid] = exp; jQuery("div[wdid='" + wdid + "'] input").blur(function () { wd_check_regExp(1, exp_array) }).focus(function () { jQuery("#form"+1+ " #wd_exp_" + wdid ). or a more recent chart hit from the likes of Bruno Mars and Ellie Goulding. 16 Single Player. American Protégé is designed for young musicians, actors and singers on the path to a successful career. American Protégé has held over three hundred concerts in Stern Auditorium, Zankel Hall and Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, and in the Kaufman Music Center alone in the past ten years (see, The contest welcomes artists both signed and unsigned from across the globe, inviting chosen finalists to perform in luxurious venues in New York, a city that has produced, and is home to, an incredible number of today’s billboard-topping artists. All music, artwork and artist names are copyrights of their respective owners. The game was announced along with We Sing UK Hits and We Sing Rock! and events updates. international pop music song contest was created by the committee behind American Protégé, a musical competition that over the past decade has claimed an explosive presence in the world of classical, jazz, and folk music. Application process for We Sing Pop! Perform like a true pop idol with 6 decades of original hits to choose from including modern day pop icons and chart legends like Adele, Jessie J, Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga, Pussycat Dolls, Wham and more. American Protégé is designed for young musicians, actors and singers on the path to a successful career. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for We Sing Pop! to timely receive our news. international pop music song contest was created by the committee behind American Protégé, a musical competition that over the past decade has claimed an explosive presence in the world of classical, jazz, and folk music. There’s also the multiplayer mode, allowing up to four players to play together. Welcome to American Protégé Music Competitions. We Sing Pop Game Review. We Sing Pop! We all sing . Take to the stage with We Sing Pop!, the first game in the We Sing karaoke series to feature 30 sensational pop hits from the World’s leading pop stars. remove(); jQuery("#form"+1+ " div[wdid='" + wdid + "'] .wdform-label-section:first .error_label_exp" ). PS4 Solus Edition at the best online prices at eBay! at E3 2011. We Sing Pop brings the award-winning party experience, direct to the comfort of your living room. Karaoke star . Take to the stage with We Sing Pop!, the first game in the We Sing karaoke series to feature 30 sensational pop hits from the World’s leading pop stars. Sing together or sing-off with up to 4 friends at the same time, or go solo to top the online leaderboards and become the star you were born to be! Other winners of the We Sing Pop! Sing your first song. Take to the stage with We Sing Pop, the first game in the We Sing karaoke series to feature 30 sensational pop hits from the World’s leading pop stars. Copyright © 2015 American Protégé, Inc. All rights reserved. Sing like a star here! The game features songs from the pop genre of music, covering popular songs from decades of music. Trophies. English (US) Default; English (US) French; Spanish; German; Italian; Portuguese (Brazil) Order (PSN) Alphabetical; Grade; PSN; Rarity • PSN; Rarity • PSNProfiles; Hide Secret Trophies. With new single player modes, and eight multiplayer party modes to choose from, We Sing Pop! American Protégé has held over three hundred concerts in Stern Auditorium, Zankel Hall and Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, and in the Kaufman Music Center alone in the past ten years (see www.americanprotege.com). The We Sing name and logo are registered trademarks of We Sing Company AB. The results of the We Sing Pop! Take to the stage with We Sing Pop!, the first game in the We Sing karaoke series to feature 30 sensational pop hits from the World's leading pop stars. We Sing Pop does exactly what you’d expect from a karaoke game, fleshing out the experience with a variety of modes that make minor adjustments to … These finalists will put on the show of a lifetime in front of a gala audience and a panel of judges, taking their place on stage in a world capital of entertainment. We Sing Pop games were released on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system as well as the Xbox One. for American Protégé e-mails. View all the Achievements here looks not only for the most striking voices in aspiring singers, but for performers whose stage presence is both charming and magnetic. International Song Contest 2021 is now in progress. Participants can sing solo, in duets, or as a band, and then compare the scores. Sing with friends or go solo to top the online leaderboards and become the star you were born to be! After a successful debut in 2016 and exciting results in 2017 – 2020, we are proud to announce the We Sing Pop! remove(); jQuery("#form"+1+ " div[wdid='" + wdid + "'] .wdform-label-section:first .error_label_price" ). Misc. Find great deals on eBay for we sing pop. 24 Offline Game Mode. is a 2012 karaoke game part of the We Sing family of games, developed by French studio Le Cortex. We Sing Pop brings the award-winning party experience, direct to the comfort of your living room. We Sing: Pop is a karaoke game for the Wii, much like Lips on the Xbox 360 or Singstar on the Playstation, letting you sing along to a variety of hits from that wide genre known as "Pop music". Has 26 achievements worth 1,000 gamerscore not only for the most striking voices in aspiring singers, but for whose... The Pop genre of music Record and edit your karaoke songs with a variety of voice effects only the... Of original Hits to choose from Hits to choose from artwork and artist are. 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