zeiss touit 12mm fuji gebraucht

zeiss touit 12mm fuji gebraucht

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Although it is only compatible with the Fujifilm X-mount APS-C mirrorless cameras, it works seamlessly with the camera's functions, such as exposure control and autofocus. Ein sehr tiefgründiges, tragisches Thema. Deshalb schrieb ich mein sechstes Buch über Suizid. VAT). I almost instantly ruled out the Samyang 12mm, as I owned the Sony version (review here), and much prefer autofocus lenses for candid shots of my son and dogs. Ống kính - Lens Zeiss Touit 12mm F2.8 for Fujifilm. Zeiss used a Distagon optical design for this lens. The center and edge sharpness of the Touit 12mm wide open really helps me capture scenes this way, and has made it a solid performer when called upon. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 lens is a wide-angle prime lens that is suitable for APS-C-sized image sensors and offers a 35mm-equivalent focal length of 18mm. Shipping instructions: USPS Priority. While I wouldn’t really describe it was creamy, I would aim more for the words, “ethereal” and “dreamy.”. Touit is pronounced like the English "do it" and is the name of a small and . A sophisticated Distagon optical design includes two aspherical elements and three low dispersion elements, which help to control a variety of aberrations, distortion, and color fringing in . Zeiss Touit 2.8/12 Has the minimum and maximum focal lengths 12 mm . Instead what we found is some very excellent color and contrast when the X Pro 1 was set to Velvia mode. Zeiss Touit 32mm F1.8 vs. Fuji XF 35mm F1.4 R Lens Comparison: The Fuji XF 35mm F1.4 R lens is one of the most popular lenses for the Fuji X Series. Here's a fascinating look at the exacting manufacturing process by which Carl Zeiss' new Touit lenses are made for Sony NEX and . We shot a wedding with this lens, and we can highly recommend to you that you don’t place people or someone’s head near the edges lest they look like they’re being sucked into a time warp. Might make for a nice addition in 2021. Fuji X-E1 with Zeiss Touit 12mm lens, f/8.0 - 1.7 sec. Affording an especially broad, 18mm equivalent field of view, the FUJIFILM X-mount Touit 12mm f/2.8 from ZEISS is a prime wide-angle lens well-suited for landscape, architecture, and interior shooting. Minimum Focus Distance:7.09″ / 18 cm How good is it? While I found the lens to be optically solid, I simply could not justify paying $1,250 for a wide-angle APS-C lens, when Fuji’s superb 14mm f/2.8 R was $350 cheaper. Seit 2008 ist die Online-Fotokunst-Galerie seen.by ein zentraler Anlaufpunkt für Fotografen. Über 5000 Kreative haben seitdem mehr als 60.000 Bilder in über 30 Genres online gestellt, davon werden über 13.000 zum Kauf angeboten. Im Buch gefundenFigure 53:The Zeiss Touit 1.8/32 isan interesting alternativeto Fuji's standard XF35mmFl.4 R primelens. ... It's worth mentioning that theTouit's 12mm focal length istoo wideforthe optical viewfinder ofthe XPro1(so you willhave touse ... At the time of the announcement, I was very excited to see Zeiss join the list of third-party lens manufacturers for Fuji, since Zeiss lenses have always been known for their excellent performance and high-quality build. Als Fitnesstraining werden freizeitsportliche Aktivit ten bezeichnet, die dazu dienen, die k rperliche Leistungsf higkeit (Fitness) und damit auch die Gesundheit verbessern oder zu erhalten. To get a good test of my compliment vs distraction evaluation, I’ve taken a few sample photos with busy backgrounds. Quality. We almost never wanted to stop it down beyond f2.8 but in many sunny situations we needed to. Even more amazingly, I shot part of a wedding with this lens on the beach and despite how hard the wind was blowing, it suffered from no sand damage. If you’re in the market for a super wide angle lens with autofocus, a second hand Touit 12mm makes for a great option. Given the brand name and combined with the rather extreme focal length you may expect something completely unaffordable (see e.g. Lens Mount Carl Zeiss Touit 1.8/32 is compatible with cameras that have Fujifilm X lens mount. Buy on BH to help support the site: Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 Lens (Fujifilm X-Mount) Or Amazon is always a good choice: Zeiss 12mm f/2.8 Touit Series for Fujifilm X Series Cameras Rental costs come out of my pocket, so if you want to donate to your lens buying obsession and help me rent lenses please consider donating, it is about $50 a lens to rent. For Fuji users, it's hard to recommend the Touit over the 14mm f/2.8 unless you absolutely need the extra width offered by the Zeiss. General image quality can’t be complained about with this lens, but there are some areas on which it lacks. Chris Gampat is the Editor in Chief, Founder, and Publisher of the Phoblographer. The Fuji has similar color and contrast, faster autofocus, better manual focus, is slightly sharper, costs $350 less and is smaller to boot. Im Buch gefunden – Seite 28It took Zeiss about half a year longer than Fuji to offer PDAF support, and there is still no LMO support. There's also no indication that Zeiss wants to continue with the Touit line of lenses. Fig. 33: Zeiss Touit 1.8/32mm and 2.8/12mm ... I actually had to take the Touit 12mm out for a quick photoshoot to grab a few bokeh samples for the small handful of readers that will care. In most of the photos that we shot, the focusing was very accurate but obviously became more accurate when the focusing reticule was made smaller. Fujifilm XE-1, Zeiss Touit 12mm, ISO 1600, f/2.8, 1/50. I'd like to own both, but since I could only afford one I chose the wider lens. Zeiss Touit 32mm f/1.8 in Fuji X-Mount with hood. For years, Zeiss has been a company that puts image quality first and have been designing lenses for many years. At the other end of the aperture ring is f2.8: and it stops with a hard click. Jun 24, 2014 Trying to decide if the Zeiss is any better optically. balanced color rendering, contrast, sharpness, and resolution on the Touit 12mm, but isn’t on the level of other Zeiss lenses like the Sony 55mm f/1.8 (review here). BTSEphoto 8: misty butter (deleted) 7 years ago In this review, I’ll be covering everything that I love about the Touit 12mm f/2.8, as well as a few things that I’ve grown to dislike. Hi, I haven't got any personal experience of either lens but I think it would be fair to say the Fujifilm 10-24 would be a more flexible lens, although the Fuji is an F4 compared to F2.8 for the Zeiss, the Fuji does have image stabilisation so you could probably shoot at slower shutter speed to compensate for that quite easily. There is a minor amount of barrel distortion that is easily corrected in post, and vignetting is minor at f/2.8 to f/4. Fujifilm X-T4 3.3% Fujifilm X-T3 2.4% Canon EOS R6 2.3% Canon EOS M50 Mark II (EOS Kiss M2) . I’m looking forward to picking up an X-T4 for this reason. For my personal use, I tend to keep portraits with wide angle lenses on the environmental side of things, where my intended subject is part of the story in a larger background. The Zeiss 12mm f2.8 earns the highest marks for nearly everything in our eyes. The Zeiss 12mm is similar in size to the Fuji 18-55mm zoom, though there is a flare at the top of the lens to a much wider front element. Harga: ZEISS TOUIT 32mm f1.8 FUJIFILMRp6.000.000: Harga: ZEISS Touit 32mm f/1.8 Lens for FUJIFILM X / ZEISS Touit 32mmRp9.374.000: Harga: Lensa ZEISS Touit 32mm f1.8 Lens for FUJIFILM X Mount - Lensa APSCRp9.374.000: Harga: Lensa ZEISS Touit 32mm f1.8 Lens for Sony E Mount - Lensa APSCRp9.374.000: Harga: Lensa Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 for Sony E . Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 wide-angle lens is engineered for extreme precision and a long working life. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; The reconstructed Berliner Schloss in the heart of the German capital is both a monument of Baroque architecture and a vital new cultural building in the city. I love using my XF 35mm f2 (review here) and 50mm f/2 (review here) while traveling and have captured some amazing photos with them. -Prof. Dr. med. Martin Götz, Leiter der Interdisziplinären Endoskopie, Innere Medizin 1, Universitätsklinikum Tübingen; Univ.-Professor Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Carl Zeiss Touit Distagon T* 12mm f/2.8 Lens Review Gary Wolstenholme reviews the new Carl Zeiss Touit Distagon T* 12mm f/2.8 lens, designed for the Fuji X-Series and Sony NEX mirrorless cameras. Martin C. Wald zeichnet die lange Zeit unversöhnlicher und auch später oft nur übertünchter Grundsatzkontroverse zwischen Katholiken und Protestanten vom nachnapoleonischen Deutschland bis zur Moderne nach. 12mm 32mm carl zeiss e-mount fuji fujifilm lens nex sony touit x-mount zeiss. When we first had the chance to play with the lens, we were extremely impressed by the extreme wide angle performance for what is essentially an 18mm f2.8 equivalent on the Fujifilm X series 1.5x crop sensors. It's available in two versions for either the Sony NEX or Fujifilm X-mounts, and when fitted to either system, the lens delivers an 18mm equivalent field of view, making it the widest prime lens available for either format. In that time, the Zeiss Batis 18mm f/2.8 (review here) rarely came off of my camera. Focal Length: 12mm APS-C / 18mm Full Frame To evaluate the real-life performance of the Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 lens, I shot this landscape scene at every aperture setting using a Fujifilm X-Pro1 mounted on a tripod.ÂThe Fujifilm X-Pro1 was set to 200 ISO and the lens focused on the center of the composition. #chinohillsstatepark. Als Fitnesstraining werden freizeitsportliche Aktivit ten bezeichnet, die dazu dienen, die k rperliche Leistungsf higkeit (Fitness) und damit auch die Gesundheit verbessern oder zu erhalten. Sony E 10-18mm F4 OSS. Given the brand name and combined with the rather extreme focal length you may expect something completely unaffordable (see e.g. The second widest autofocus lens for the Fuji system is the XF 14mm F2.8, which gives you approximately a 21mm equivalent view. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 Lens (for Fuji) is a wide-angle prime lens designed specifically for use on APS-C-sized image sensors, and as such provides a 35mm-equivalent focal length of 18mm. With a super wide rectilinear 99° field of view, this lens is perfect for travel, landscape, and architecture. Here's a fascinating look at the exacting manufacturing process by which Carl Zeiss' new Touit lenses are made for Sony NEX and Fuji-X-series cameras . If anything, it might have bene created by adding an extra contrast boost in post-production. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 is a well built metal lens that has the same high quality and durable build of my Fuji lenses. I will try 35mm/1.8 if I have chance to own one. Zeiss uses the same type of rubber design on its Batis, Milvus, and Otus lines of lenses. When it comes to manually focusing this lens, Zeiss would have been much better off with adding in a depth of field focusing scale. Zeiss Touit 12mm f2.8 review in progress. I wish they were textured a little for better grip and feel. Fotograaf Chris Gampat test voor het weblog de nieuwe Zeiss Touit 12mm/2.8 onder zware omstandigheden in de praktijk (o.a. From what we know, the church was built in 1882. I’ve seen that lens pop up online, but haven’t had a chance to try it out. Zeiss Touit 12mm/2.8 wide angle lens (18mm full-frame equivalent) has a U.S. street price $1,250 and 99 degree angle of view. For the price you pay for this lens, I really wish Zeiss weather sealed it. The minimum focusing distance is around 7.09 inches or 18cm, which is really nice for getting shots of things close up like food. Dieses coole blanko Notizbuch oder Heft zeigt das tolle Design Basketball Spieler. However, Fujifilm cameras have a Macro mode for every lens that allows the user to focus even closer. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; The Zeiss 12mm f2.8 Touit lens is currently the widest autofocusing lens for the Fujifilm X series interchangeable lens camera system. The Touit 12mm f/2.8 has a metal bayonet that is just as solid and sturdy as the rest of the all metal lens. The Carl Zeiss Touit Distagon 2.8/12mm T* is a new ultra wide-angle autofocus lens for Fujifilm XF and Sony NEX compact system cameras. at Amazon. [CDATA[ The lens was subjected to a bump on a turnstile in the NYC subway system and suffered no damage. Detailed specifications for the lens, along with MTF charts and other useful data can be found on the Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 page of our lens database. By comparison, this is shorter than the Fuji 14mm lens which is equivalent to a 21mm lens with an 89° angle of view. A childhood memory for my wife. The combination of its unique T* multi-coating, large f2.8 aperture, robust metal exterior and lightweight design makes this lens not only extremely portable, but also ensures maximum . Sch nes Geschenk f r Medizinstudenten und zuk nftige rzte Produktinformationen: sehr gute Papierqualit: 90g/m2 edle Farbgestaltung der Seiten in Creme 6 x 9 Zoll, 120 Seiten, Erfolgsjournal zum Selbstausf llen Beschreibung: Du ... This is one heck of a sharp lens. The second type includes devices with a smaller matrix. Zeiss debuts Touit lenses for Sony, Fuji mirrorless cameras. I shot in RAW mode and processed the files in Adobe Camera RAW using . While Fujifilm and Sony both have some beautiful and very high end looking lenses, they can’t quite totally compare to the offerings from Zeiss. Key features include: Wide-Angle X-Mount Lens. Filter Thread: 67mm I own both touit 12mm/2.8 and ZA 24mm/1.8. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Zeiss Touit Distagon 12mm 2.8 T* Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8. Even when shooting in harsh directional sunlight, this lens hood gets the job done. enlarge. Keeping the birthday tradition alive at sunrise. Given my use, I still prefer the autofocus of the Touit over the one stop of speed gained on the Samyang. With metal comprising of most of the lens’s exterior, Zeiss chose to go with rubber for the focusing and aperture ring–citing complaints that the rings would be too cold to touch in freezing weather. Murakamis Rekordbestseller – ein Epos um Freundschaft, Einsamkeit und Schuld Der junge Tsukuru Tazaki ist Teil einer Clique von fünf Freunden, deren Mitglieder alle eine Farbe im Namen tragen. I'm thinking price,IQ, size,weight. Zeiss Touit 2.8/50M is an Auto Focus (AF) Standard Prime lens with APS-C / DX max sensor coverage and it is designed to be used with Fujifilm X mount cameras. At first, I thought that it might be vignetting, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I wish Zeiss had continued to offer other lenses in the Touit line for Fuji. Wide angle lenses with a 12mm (18mm full frame) focal length are not usually used for portraits, since they capture so much of the background and require a photographer to get really close to a subject. The front element is also quite large–and it needs to be since this is also one of Zeiss’s widest angle lenses. The Zeiss Touit 32mm f/1.8 is a great little lens for everyday photography. When paired with the IBIS of the new X-T4, the XF 16mm f/2.8 will gain upwards of 6.5 stops. Zeiss used a Distagon optical design for this lens. ZEISS Touit 12mm f/2.8 Lens; Front Lens Cap; Rear Lens Cap; Lens Hood; Features. Its sweet spot is around f4 or f5.6. That’s the only way that I was able to get the detail in the shadows near the bottom of the image. With a 35mm-equivalent focal length of 18mm, the Touit 12mm is a great option for landscape and architectural photography. Was: Previous Price C $1,307.20 . My biggest source of support is when you use any of these links, especially these links to the Sony version and the Fuji version, when you get anything, regardless of the country in which you live. Travel, Architecture, and Landscape Photography. He is such a special boy and such a joy to be around. Not a huge issue for me, as I don’t shoot much video, but could be an issue for some. Comparisons aside, the Touit 12mm has gotten the job done in low light when I need it to, but it has often left me wanting something faster. Fuji-X-Secrets macht viele exklusive Inhalte der populären Fuji-XSecrets Camera- und RAW-Workshops von Rico Pfirstinger in Buchform zugänglich und liefert dabei in verständlicher Form eine Fülle nützlicher Tipps und Tricks für alle ... The focus ring on the Touit 12mm is smooth and well dampened, but its rubbery surface is a bit of a dust magnet. By the time Zeiss adjusted its pricing to a more affordable level of $999 a few years later, I was already shooting with the excellent XF 10-24mm f/4 R lens, which I found to be much more practical for my photography needs. I just wish that the Touit 12mm had the same blue weather sealing gasket as the one found on the Batis lineup of lenses. The lens for Fujifilm has an aperture ring but the lenses for Sony don’t. . Holding the lens in hands, one can appreciate the high-quality metal, plastic, and rubber components that were used as part of the lens design. The focusing system of the Touit lenses is des The rubber attracts quite a bit of dust overtime which was a bit annoying to clean up when traveling. In een zeer uitvoerig verslag met talloze voorbeeldfoto's geeft hij zijn mening over deze ultra groothoek van Zeiss voor de Fujifilm X camera's. "Autofocusing with the 12mm f2.8 Touit on the X Pro 1 was… Out of the camera with the Velvia setting, the 12mm f2.8 has some wonderful colors. the Sony E 10-18mm f/4 OSS. The rings are made from rubber and have been cited by Zeiss as being better for focusing and turning in colder weather without having your finger tips freezing. I tested it in various situations and environments and it survived basically everything with no issues at all. Their speed and versatility make for great options when capturing life on the street. I had a chance to test both Sony E and Fujifilm X mount versions of this lens shortly after they were released, but my review is primarily based on the X-mount version. Read more about me…. Drew Robinson | June 19, 2020 | Camera and Lens Reviews. Discusses forced labor of the Jewish population in all German-occupied countries, beyond the system of concentration camps, during World War II. Before the war 20,000 Jews worked at forced labor under discriminatory conditions. It was a tough call between the Fuji 14mm and Touit 12mm, so I ended up buying both second hand to compare. Obviously there can be a lot of crossover in these categories, but I will address each one separately below. Released back in May 2013, the Touit 12mm f/2.8 is a bit of a dinosaur in the lineup of X-mount lenses. I picked mine up for $500, which is a much more appropriate price. On top of that, the lens is not weather-sealed, so you have to be careful when using it in wet and humid environments. The hiker, traveler, and gearhead behind Trail to Peak. The Carl Zeiss 12mm F2.8 lens boasts an angle-of-view range similar to that of an 18mm lens in a 35mm system. While their DSLR lenses often have that little bit of micro-contrast added to make your images pop, we didn’t find that with the Touit lenses–especially not the 12mm f2.8. It’s a nice option for a wide angle if you shoot wide often. Carl Zeiss's Touit lenses are available in two variants to suit Fujifilm X-series and Sony NEX cameras respectively. First of all, the lens has a pretty old and fairly noisy motor. Dimensions: 3.46″ x 2.68″ Shooting wide open at f/2.8, the corners are already pretty sharp, and by f/4, the corners are near perfect. © 2014-2021 - Trailtopeak.com - All Rights Reserved. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; Hier ist dein bersichtlicher Wochen- und Terminplaner mit liebevoll gestaltetem Innenleben in s/w f r die Zeit von September 2019 bis Dezember 2020. amzn_assoc_linkid = "adf3268454f41de8afc78cfd7ac2c66d"; Anna Auerbach vermittelt in diesem Buch die Grundlagen der Hundefotografie und gibt viele nützliche Tipps, von denen selbst erfahrene Fotografen profitieren. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. Saint Joseph Catholic Church - In Batu Gajah, my wife's birthplace. As far as the eye can seeThe 12mm focal length of this ZEISS Touit 2.8/12 lens has a super-wide-angle diagonal field of view of an impressive 99 degrees. ZEISS Camera Lenses 1: ChubbyLens 6 years ago First thoughts of owning the Touit 12mm. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. – The lens hood is made from plastic and doesn’t feel very Zeiss-like at all. "The Zeiss 50mm f2.8 Touit has excellent sharpness, creamy bokeh in the right situations, super punchy and vivid color rendition that takes full advantage of the Fujifilm X Trans Sensor, and . Buy on BH to help support the site: Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 Lens (Fujifilm X-Mount) Or Amazon is always a good choice: Zeiss 12mm f/2.8 Touit Series for Fujifilm X Series Cameras Rental costs come out of my pocket, so if you want to donate to your lens buying obsession and help me rent lenses please consider donating, it is about $50 a lens to rent. The 14mm f2.8 is a lens that we reviewed, and it is surely worth it to note that the similar 12mm f2.8 Zeiss focused faster. Für die 2. Auflage wurde der Band aktualisiert und um ein Nachwort von Siegfried J. Schmidt ergänzt. Der Inhalt Vorläufer und Bezugstheorien.- Grundlagen und Konzepte. This prime can focus down to 18cm from the imaging plane which gives it a maximum magnification of 0.11X. Aperture: f/2.8 – f/22 Zeiss lenses tend to have saturated and contrasty colors, and because of that we recommend overexposing your images by a stop to find a native balance. Zeiss has made it clear that they are not working with Cosina on this one. I cannot agree more that the 12mm is suitable for the landscape. Wide-angle prime is designed for APS-C-format Sony E-mount Or Fujifilm X-Mount mirrorless cameras and provides an 18mm equivalent focal length. op het strand). This is to be expected from such a lens, and probably won’t sway anyone’s purchasing decision given the intended use of a wide angle. Zeiss 12mm f/2.8 Touit Series for Sony E-mount NEX Cameras Features. On the negative side of things, the aperture ring could use a little more resistance, and the bulbous size of this lens makes it a pain to travel with. enlarge. In these photos and others, I find that the out-of-focus area is busy and pretty distracting. Wide angle focal lengths can also lead to some distorted facial features that can be distracting and unflattering. Similar to other high-end Zeiss lenses, the Touit 12mm f/2.8 is coated with the ZEISS T* anti-reflective coating to minimize the effects of ghosting and flare. The Zeiss Touit X 12mm f/2.8 is a high-quality wide-angle lens designed for Fuji X-mount cameras. 1/640″ . You'll get the latest gear reviews, hiking guides, and trip guides as soon as I publish them. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 (Fuji X Mount) in the background compared to the Fuji XF18-55mm zoom in the foreground. From this standpoint, the Fuji X and Sony E lenses are much more reliable – they provide quicker and more accurate autofocus capabilities. The recommended retail price for the Touit 2.8/12 will be €920 / US$1,250 (excl. The Touit 12mm f/2.8 is a wide angle APS-C autofocus lens made by Zeiss for Fujifilm X-mount cameras (and Sony e-mount). I was finally able to obtain a sample copy of the Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 in the summer of 2013, and after testing the lens out for a few months, I decided to return it. In these situations, slightly slow autofocus still beats out manual focus. Hi, I’m Drew. Landscape, architecture, and travel photography is the sweet spot for the Touit 12mm f/2.8, and is the category I use this lens for most often. I have shot the Touit 12mm in a light drizzle without issue, but don’t feel as confident on dusty trails as I do with my Fuji XF 16mm f/2.8 (review here). Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Zeiss 32mm f/1.8 Touit Series for Fujifilm X Series Cameras, Black, Model: 000000-2030-679 at Amazon.com. Autofocusing with the 12mm f2.8 Touit on the X Pro 1 was surprisingly speedy as the system isn’t exactly known for its fast focusing abilities. [CDATA[ You can see exactly how these lenses are made in this post. Out of the camera, you won’t really notice any color fringing: we didn’t! ISO 200. He also likes pizza. It weighs in at 9.17oz (260g) with a minimum focus distance of 7.09" (18cm), a 67mm filter size, and apertures of f/2.8-22. The aperture ring moves a little too easy, and I have had a few moments where I pull it out of my bag to find that it has moved a few clicks over. With a super wide rectilinear 99° field of view, this lens is perfect for travel, landscape, and architecture. When I made the full time switch to Fuji, I really wanted to find a lens that could fill that massive void in my lens lineup. by Mike Tomkins. This really shows with its autofocus performance. This anti-reflective coating minimizes flares and other aberrations. Color: Black Additionally, messing with the Upright mode in Lightroom 5 totally messes with the image in ways that make it not even usable. Sony has always had a close connection with Zeiss and Fujifilm is another company that has years of experience in the photo industry, and we can’t see any reason as to why most users would not want to have this lens in their camera bag. First off, note that this lens and all modern Zeiss lenses are made in Japan. And you’ll see this branding on the bottom. This is only an ounce heavier than the Fuji XF 14mm, but the bulbous front end makes it almost an inch wider on the front end. The lens (and lens hood) performed very well, with no notable flare or loss of contrast. I’m thinking about this model. At the moment of publishing this review, Adobe doesn’t have a fix for it in Lightroom. It is sharp, has great build quality and can render beautiful images with pleasing bokeh. The Zeiss Touit 12mm f/2.8 was released together with the 32mm f/1.8 lens, while the third 50mm f/2.8 Macro came out a bit later in January of 2014. 14 product ratings - Carl Zeiss Touit 12mm F2.8 Lens for Fujifilm X Ship with Tracking Number. The downside of the build on the Touit 12mm is that it has the same bulbous front end design found on the Batis 18mm. It offers a generously wide focusing ring, and on the Fujifilm XF version a very welcome aperture ring which makes it quick, easy and precise to set this key element of exposure.

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